'gunz hack'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.06.09 Lolhackerstic.dll (godmode) by CEOinIRVINE
  2. 2009.01.01 Gunz Hacking: LOLTASTIC.RAR 12/30/08 by CEOinIRVINE
008788F8 |. /74 17 |je short lol!.00878911							; If the previous comparison was equal, go to 00878911
008788FA |. |6A 00 |push 0 ; /pThreadId = NULL							; pThreadId is declared as NULL as a parameter for CreateThread
008788FC |. |6A 00 |push 0 ; |CreationFlags = 0							; CreationFlags is declared as 0 as a parameter for CreateThread
008788FE |. |6A 00 |push 0 ; |pThreadParm = NULL						; pThreadParam declared as NULL as a parameter for CreateThread
00878900 |. |B8 7D588700 |mov eax, lol!.0087587D ; |						; Move the data stored at 0087587D to the EAX register
00878905 |. |50 |push eax ; |ThreadFunction => lol!.0087587D					; Push the EAX register as a parameter for CreateThread
00878906 |. |6A 00 |push 0 ; |StackSize = 0							; Declare the stack size as 0 as a parameter for CreateThread
00878908 |. |6A 00 |push 0 ; |pSecurity = NULL							; pSecurity is declared as NULL as a parameter for CreateThread
0087890A |. |2E:FF15 BC518>|call near dword ptr cs:[<&KERNEL32.CreateThread>] ; \CreateThread   ; Call to CreateThread
00878911 |> \E8 2CAAFFFF |call lol!.00873342							; Call to function at address 00873342
00878916 |. 6A 32 |push 32 ; /Timeout = 50. ms							; Push decimal value 50 as a parameter for SLEEP
00878918 |. 2E:FF15 64528>|call near dword ptr cs:[<&KERNEL32.Sleep>] ; \Sleep			; Call SLEEP function
0087891F |> BA 11748900 |mov edx, lol!.00897411 ; ASCII "@charge"				; Load the ASCII text "@charge" into the EDX register
00878924 |. E8 569FFFFF |call lol!.0087287F							; Call to function at address 0087287F
00878929 |. E8 92070100 |call lol!.008890C0							; Call to function at address 008890C0
0087892E |. 85C0 |test eax, eax									; AND operation - modifies flags as needed
00878930 |. 75 49 |jnz short lol!.0087897B							; Jump if return value is not zero to address 0087897B
00878932 |. 803D 61C48900>|cmp byte ptr ds:[89C461], 0						; Compare byte value 89C461 to zero
00878939 |. 75 06 |jnz short lol!.00878941							; Jump if return value is not zero to address 00878941
0087893B |. C645 80 01 |mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-80], 1						; Move the number 1 to 80 bytes below the stack base pointer
0087893F |. EB 04 |jmp short lol!.00878945							; Jump to address 00878945
00878941 |> C645 80 00 |mov byte ptr ss:[ebp-80], 0						; Move the number 0 to 80 bytes below the stack base pointer
00878945 |> 8A45 80 |mov al, byte ptr ss:[ebp-80]						; Move the byte value of EBP-80 to the register AL
00878948 |. A2 61C48900 |mov byte ptr ds:[89C461], al						; 
0087894D |. 803D 61C48900>|cmp byte ptr ds:[89C461], 0						; Compare the byte value 89C461 to 0
00878954 |. 74 17 |je short lol!.0087896D							; If the values are equal jump to address 0087896D
00878956 |. 6A 00 |push 0 ; /pThreadId = NULL							; pThreadId is declared as NULL as a parameter for CreateThread
00878958 |. 6A 00 |push 0 ; |CreationFlags = 0							; CreationFlags is declared as 0 as a parameter for CreateThread
0087895A |. 6A 00 |push 0 ; |pThreadParm = NULL							; pThreadParam declared as NULL as a parameter for CreateThread
0087895C |. B8 FE578700 |mov eax, lol!.008757FE ; |						; Move the data stored at 008757FE to the EAX register
00878961 |. 50 |push eax ; |ThreadFunction => lol!.008757FE					; Push the EAX register as a parameter for CreateThread
00878962 |. 6A 00 |push 0 ; |StackSize = 0							; Declare the stack size as 0 as a parameter for CreateThread
00878964 |. 6A 00 |push 0 ; |pSecurity = NULL							; pSecurity is declared as NULL as a parameter for CreateThread
00878966 |. 2E:FF15 BC518>|call near dword ptr cs:[<&KERNEL32.CreateThread>] ; \CreateThread	; Call to CreateThread
0087896D |> E8 D0A9FFFF |call lol!.00873342							; Call to function at address 00873342
00878972 |. 6A 32 |push 32 ; /Timeout = 50. ms							; Push decimal value 50 as a parameter for SLEEP
00878974 |. 2E:FF15 64528>|call near dword ptr cs:[<&KERNEL32.Sleep>] ; \Sleep			; Call to SLEEP
0087897B |> BA 19748900 |mov edx, lol!.00897419 ; ASCII "@godmode"				; Move ASCII text "@godmode" into EDX register

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Posted by CEOinIRVINE


IJJI Loltastic.dll
End Key = Activates Hotkeys.
Alt + M = Not-Insane-Massives toggle
Alt + G = Anti-Godmode toggle
Alt + B = Beep a song.

Not-Insane-Massives, are really shitty insane massives. A massive will spawn everytime you click. But it will go slow as hell.
Anti-Godmode, is me proving that I can bypass the patch ijji put on the previous godmode. Only, I reversed it. It will freeze your hp at 1. Making you pretty much as useful as a poop flavored lollypop.


If it says, "cannot access server," you need to delete gunzlauncher.ini from your gunz folder. Then you need to run gunz once to update it. Then, you can move these hacks back to your gunz folder and hack your heart out.

'Hacking' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by CEOinIRVINE