How To Bypass Linux Magazine Membership Check

Linux Magazine is one of my many email subscription where I read about Linux-related information.

At this time being, each of the Linux Magazine articles is available to public at zero cost, except that if you want hardcopy delivered to doorstep!

Although reading online is FOC, it requires one to register and login as member in order to read articles in full, posting comments, edit email subscription, download white-paper, etc.

If you just want to read the articles, not keen to register as member, forgot the login credential, etc, there are at least two ways to bypass the Linux Magazine membership restriction.

These tricks have been used to bypass Experts Exchange membership restriction as well, so as other premium content that requires membership login.

As long as these premium content allows Google crawlers to index their pages in full, you can pretend as a Googlebot to browse the membership-only content in full as well, i.e. counting on Googlebot membership privilege!

Using Google Cache

Ask Google to search for the URL and click to browse Google Cache version of the article. For example,

This original URL will display excerpt that require reader to register and login for full content.

This Google Cache version of the orginal URL allows reader to read the full article as what the Google Crawler can “see”, i.e. click the “Cached” (highlight in blue color) link.

Read the Google Cache version of Linux Magazine article without register and login as member.

Tweaking a web browser User Agent String

Purposely and manually change the default User Agent String of your favorite web browser, as this screenshot in Firefox

replace anything in “general.useragent.extra.firefox” to become

Googlebot/2.1 (+

in order to spoof the Firefox User Agent String as Googlebot!

Posted by CEOinIRVINE