Every speciality has his/her own definition for following terminology.

I will try to do my best how I got those.
Maybe I can give you some examples to understand more.
Especially in computer security field, a lot of confusing stuffs are going on.
Make it sure to keep thinking more and more.

lead you close to your goal.

I am still pursuing my dream/my final destination.

Let me show you more......




  1. Confidentiality - Ensures secrecy or privacy of information
  2. Integrity - Gurantees unauthorized modifcation of data
  3. Availability - Keep availability of data when a legitimate user want to access



Risk : Possibility! (so it should be related to ASSET, economic value, ex.. Server/Hard disk/Router/Profit)
Vulnerability : Weakness!
Threat : An event or activity! (Denial of Service, Malware, Acquisition of high sensitive data and etc.)

All the above is related to the possibility to cause harm/loss to information system/networks/assets/service/any thing else.

Hacking History
1960 MIT John Draper hacked  2600 Hz tone that allowed access to the AT&T long distance network.

1980 hackers began to share information and stolen passwords 
 e.x.) German “Chaos Computer Club.”

1982 teen ager, 414 Gang, launched attacks into the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Hospital’s medical records systems

1986 attacks were launched against U.S. classified computer systems by Germans affiliated with the Chaos Computer Club and working for the KGB
(see the movie, The Cuckoo’s Egg)

1988 Morris Worm : Hugh DOS attack over the world (he was cornel doctoral student)

1990 Kevin Poulson, with some associates, hacked a radio station’s phone system to ensure they won a call-in contest for Porsches and other prizes

1993 First defcon hacking conference in Las Vegas

1995 Kevin Mitnick (hero/notorious hacker) was convicted in 1989 for computer and access device fraud but eluded police and the FBI for more than two years while he was on probation

1995 Russian hacker Vladimir Leven and associates performed electronic transfers of $10 million to a number of international banks
(from CITIBANK!! ^_^)

2000, hackers launched Distributed DoS attacks against Yahoo!, Amazon.com, and ZDNet. Microsoft Corporation’s network was hacked in October 2000 by an attacker who gained access to software under development.

Posted by CEOinIRVINE