'Cheat'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2011.03.24 Value Changes (one of game cheating/hacking) by CEOinIRVINE
  2. 2009.05.09 Game Cheat 101 by CEOinIRVINE
  3. 2009.02.06 XSS Cheat Sheet by CEOinIRVINE

Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Game Cheat 101

Hacking 2009. 5. 9. 10:57

This guide will explain exactly what is necessary to begin cheat creation for generally any online computer game, including both fields to study, and tools to use.

Before this tutorial begins, it should be noted:

1) I'll make great use of footnotes to fill in anything the reader may not understand.
2) I'm going to assume the general audience is very technologically inept, especially pertaining to the forementioned fields.
3) This tutorial concerns mostly Windows games - there's not much of a market for cheating on other platforms.[23]

Fields of Study

When it comes to cheating in games, it will be heard that you must know either assembly, C++, or both, while in fact, neither are necessarily true. However, if you're going to work alone every step of the way, in almost every scenario, knowledge of Intel-syntax assembly will be necessary.


Assembly is considered the bottom of the barrel of programming languages - it's considered as low-level[24] as you can go with a programming language. But, as all executables must utilize assembly one way or other, this is also why it is considered very powerful when attempting to learn what is done in a specific executable. For example, if one program encrypts certain types of files, and you need to learn how the encryption algorithm[25] is done, then you would disassemble[26] the program. From there, assuming you know assembly, you may be capable of understanding what the program does (More importantly, what that algorithm is, which would allow you to write a decryption algorithm).

Assembly uses hexadecimal numbers, so it should be understood the number system is organized as follows:

0 = 0, 1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 4 = 4, 5 = 5, 6 = 6, 7 = 7, 8 = 8, 9 = 9
A = 10
B = 11
C = 12
D = 13
E = 14
F = 15

(The above shows numbers from base 16, the hexadecimal system, to base 10, the standard decimal system)

Firstly, assembly is entirely about data manipulation (In general, that's all programming is - manipulating data, effecting hardware to do what you want). To be put simply, usually three things are being modified:
1) The stack
2) Registers/Flags
3) The memory of a program

Now, to explain what the above:
1) The stack is a large stack of numbers, manipulated for handing off parameters[9] to functions[9], storing the registers, and storing other miscellaneous data.

2) Registers are used for completing varying operations (Comparing data, arithmetic functions[27], logical operations[18], etc). Usually, they'll store certain types of numbers/addresses[19], from as low as 4-bits, all the way up to 32-bits (It's possible to go higher than 32-bits, but, most users won't encounter situations where that will be necessary to know). Flags are used for marking registers for different purposes (e.g.: The overflow flag, or OF, will set itself to the number 1, from 0, if an operation[4] using that register is larger than the space that the register can handle; so if you're using a 4-bit register to handle 32-bit data, the OF flag would be set to 1).

3) Varying data in the program is constantly being modified, as the stack and registers can handle only so much data at once, in many cases, it's more efficient to leave some data modification in the program itself (Though it should be noted, this is only done in memory; meaning, if you were to modify the program to display a random popup every 15 minutes while it was running, the moment the program were exited, when you re-open it later, the popup would no longer appear).

Modifying the stack is done through a number of ways, the most common being using PUSH and POP instructions.

In assembly, each line is an instruction[4], limited to at most two parameters, and as little as none.

The PUSH instruction accepts one parameter, which is added to the top of the stack. For example:

The above would push the value 5 onto the stack, so that it would look like this:

Now, it should be mentioned, usually a stack base pointer (Another type of register, which will be explained further later on) is pushed onto the stack, to act as a reference point for modifying the stack. Therefore, in the beginning of most functions/programs, you'll find the following line:


Which simply causes the stack to start looking like this:

From there, if I can push my data onto the stack:

Or, I can save one of my registers by using POP:

(NOTE: EAX is an example of a 32-bit register - a full list of available registers and what each one is used for will be covered later).

Assuming the value of EAX was 7C90FFDD, the stack will look like:


That covers standard modification of the stack - we'll cover more later, such as how functions access certain portions of the stack for parameters being handed off, etc.

There are many varying types of registers, but to explain the bare basics, we'll start with the general purpose registers. It's necessary to note, the following are all prefixed with the same letter to represent that they are extended registers (32-bit). Therefore, the 16-bit register for EAX is AX:

EAX - Accumulator Register
EBX - Base Register
ECX - Counter Register (Used for looping[20])
EDX - Data Register (Used in multiplication and division)
ESI - Source (Used in memory operations)
EDI - Destination (Used in memory operations)

The above registers each have a sub 4-bit register; for EAX, as the 16-bit is AX, the 4-bit registers are AH and AL - therefore, for (E)BX the 4-bit registers are BH and BL, etc. When referencing pointers, it may be important to keep in mind the different registers.

Modifying registers is essential for loading data from/to the stack or from/to data in the program memory. The most used instruction for loading data into a register is the MOV instruction.

To load what's stored at the address[19] 01009000 into register EAX:

MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[01009000]
One new thing was introduced on top of the MOV instruction and the EAX register: DWORD PTR DS:[Address]

DWORD is a 32-bit value (e.g.: A number). PTR stands for "pointer", meaning that the data at address 01009000 is being loaded, not the number 01009000. DS stands for "data segment", meaning the loaded value is from the .data section.

To expand, there are four "segment registers", pointing to the segments in the executable:

CS - Code Segment (References anything in the .code section)
DS - Data Segment (References anything in the .data section)
SS - Stack Segment (References the stack)
ES - Extra Segment (Rarely used)

There are also three pointer registers (One of them earlier was already referenced, EBP):

EBP - Base Pointer
ESP - Stack Pointer (Offset to the EBP - "points" to the EBP)
EIP - Instruction Pointer (Points to the address of the next instruction)

Now, apart from the MOV instruction, there is also the LEA instruction. The LEA instruction (Load Effective Address) is slightly slower, and ends with slightly larger code. It's used in preparing the loading of pointers[29] into registers, allowing even math operations to be used (NOTE: Where as MOV can load data into memory, LEA is limited to only modifying registers).

The use is identical to MOV:


Note the use of the stack being referenced - [EBP-4] means to go to the stack pointer and access the line directly above it.

A better example of LEA would be:

LEA EAX, [EAX+EBX*4+256]
Note the use of multiplication via the asterisk, and even addition between registers.

Now, onto the easy math operations:

ADD destination, source - Adds the "destination" and "source", leaving the result on the "destination"
SUB destination, source - Subtracts the "destination" and "source", leaving the result on the "destination"

SAL destination, source - Shifts the destination to the left source times (e.g.: 15 shifted once to the left would turn into 5, but shifting once to the right, and the number would still be 5).

SAR destination, source - Shifts the destination to the right source times (e.g.: 15 shifted once to the left would turn into 1, but shifting once to the left, and the number would be 10).

INC destination - Increment the destination (Add one to the given value)
DEC destination - Decrement the destination (Subtract one to the given value)

The final important factor in the basics of assembly are conditional statements (If condition then statement, if not condition then statement, etc) and looping[20].

For comparing data, the CMP instruction is used:

Now, the comparison has to end up somewhere, and the possible outcomes are different types of jumps. If EAX is greater than (Or equal to), less than (Or equal to), and equal to (Or not) the number 1, then a jump to a specific address is made. If not, nothing is done.


JE 00401000
jge -Jump if they're greater or equal ; This will not work on negative registers
jg - Jump if they're greater than ; Neither will this
jle -Jump if they're less or equal ; ..this..
jl - Jump if they're less ; ...Or this
jne - Jump if they're not equal ; This conditional jump and all the following will work with both negative and positive numbers alike
je - Jump if they're equal
jne - Jump if they're not equal
jae - Jump if they're above/greater than or equal
ja - Jump if they're above/greater than
jbe - Jump if they're below/less than or equal
jb - Jump if they're below/less than

The other operation for comparing two numbers is the TEST instruction, which is identical to an AND[18], but rather than storing the result, the next instructions will check if the result of the AND was zero or one.

JZ - Jump if the result was zero
JNZ - Jump if the result was not zero (Meaning it was one)


Assume EAX is 00000001

JNZ 00401000
Since the value of EAX is 1 and the comparison value is 1, the jump will not occur.

Now, these tactics can also be used to repeat steps, for example:

0100739D   MOV EAX,0
010073A2   CMP EAX,5
010073A5   JE 010073B1
010073AB   INC EAX
010073AC   JMP 00401000
010073B1   RETN
The EAX register is set to zero, then EAX is compared to 5 - if EAX has the value 5, it jumps to the RETN instruction[21], to exit the function. Otherwise, the executing continues, and INC EAX is called, to add 1 to EAX repeatedly, until eventually, EAX is 5, and will jump to the RETN.

And that's the basics of assembly.

Debugging Applications

At this point, your skills of assembly can be put to the test. I recommend the following be downloaded:

Originally Posted by CFF Explorer
Homepage: http://www.ntcore.com/exsuite.php
Download: http://www.ntcore.com/Files/ExplorerSuite.exe
Instructions: Execute installer as administrator
Miscellaneous: Thanks to NTCore for releasing tools as great as CFF Explorer!
Originally Posted by IDA Free
Homepage: http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/idadownfreeware.htm
Instructions: Execute installer as administrator.
Miscellaneous: Thanks to Hex-Rays for the free release!
Originally Posted by OllyDBG
Homepage: http://www.ollydbg.de/
Download: http://www.ollydbg.de/odbg110.zip
Instructions: Extract the ZIP archive to a new folder
Miscellaneous: Thanks to the original author! Also, be sure to register if you plan on using OllyDBG on a regular basis http://www.ollydbg.de/download.htm to honor the author for his/her hard work.
Originally Posted by OllyDump
Homepage: Author not available; http://www.openrce.org/downloads/details/108/OllyDump
Download: http://www.openrce.org/downloads/download_file/108
- Extract ZIP archive to the same folder
Miscellaneous: Thanks to Gigapede for the awesome tool!
Originally Posted by OllyAdvanced
Homepage: Author not available; http://www.woodmann.com/collaborativ.../Olly_Advanced
Download: http://www.woodmann.com/collaborativ....26-beta12.zip
Instructions: Extract ZIP archive to the same folder
Miscellaneous: Thanks to the original author!
Originally Posted by PhantOm
Homepage: N/A
Download: http://securityblog.ws/work/phantom.plugin.1.54.zip
Instructions: Extract ZIP archive to the same folder
Miscellaneous: Thanks to the original author!
From here, you'll be dealing with WinAPI and DirectX functions. WinAPI is the Windows interface for dealing with applications (Starting/exiting of applications and most manipulation of applications is done by the WinAPI). DirectX is a standard collection of multimedia API's (DirectDraw/Direct3D for handling graphics, DirectMusic/DirectSound for sound, etc), which almost all Windows games utilize. But, for a beginner, only WinAPI will matter, so it's adjusted to keep http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...49(VS.85).aspx as a bookmark for explaining what WinAPI functions do what.

Understanding how to use debuggers is key to the creation of game cheats. Once you have mastered the basics of understanding what is being done in an executable, through a debugger, you'll be ready to start understanding how cheats can be made on poorly protected games (Protected meaning games with no anti-cheat, no anti-debugger techniques, etc). After the segment on using a debugger, the next step is working around the protection mechanisms put in place to prevent debugging, and at the core of it all, cheating.

The above is a picture of OllyDBG loaded with Notepad. If you notice the "C" button with the cyan background, between the "H" and "/" buttons, that's the "CPU" section. And to explain what is in the CPU section:

1) This is the disassembled output - anything look familar? ;)
2) This is the registers window - what is loaded into each register will be updated with this window
3) This is the current stack of the program
4) This is the assembled input of the program, or the "dump" of the program. You'll notice the ASCII column resembles what the program may look like if you were to open the program in a word editor.

A debugger allows you to manipulate how the executable is ran - you can modify the registers by double clicking on the value to the right of each register. You can modify the stack by right clicking in the stack window and PUSH/POP'ing values, or right clicking on a specific value and selecting "Edit" or "Modify". At this point, you can watch as Notepad is initialized by stepping (Executing instructions one at a time) through it (Select the "Debug" menu --> "Step into" or "Step over").

There are many other features of this particular debugger - you can view the sections of the program by clicking on the cyan "M" (Memory) button, which will bring up a list of all the varying sections (Some that haven't been explained yet, such as the .text and .rsrc sections). The status of each window can be viewed by clicking on the cyan "W" button. Open file handles[29] can be seen by clicking on the cyan "H" button. Threads[32] window, seen by clicking the "T" cyan button. The last window of importance would be the software breakpoints[33] window.

This next part of debugging is done using the version of Notepad released with Windows XP (Home/Professional). If you're using a new version of Windows, such as Windows 7, or even a newer release, where Notepad was either removed or dramatically changed, then you may just have to read through, following without physically using OllyDBG.

Now that you understand the importance of the varying explained windows, you can start debugging. Launch OLLYDBG.EXE, and if you receive a popup relating to "PSAPI.DLL" being outdated, I recommend selecting the "No" option. Click on the "File" menu, then "Open", and enter "%systemroot%\notepad.exe" in the "File name:" text area. Click the "Open" button.

To test out using the debugger, I recommend you do a "Step Into" or "Step Over" by navigating to the "Debug" menu (Or simply press F7 for "Step Into" and F8 for "Step Over"). If you notice, the stack window changed - now the value "70" is on top of the stack. If you step into/over again, a new value is on the stack now.

Now, you can test out setting a breakpoint. You can manually jump to the address that is about to be called by the "CALL 01007568" instruction, by pressing the box directly to the left of the "L" cyan button, and entering the address. Or, if the grey background is highlighted over the CALL instruction (As it should be, if you've stepped into/over twice), you can simply press enter.

If you did either of the two suggested, you should end up at something that looks similar to this:

PUSH <JMP.&msvcrt._except_handler3>
If so, then you've followed this guidance correctly (If not, you can reload the instance of Notepad but clicking the gray box with two arrows pointing to the left, which is the box to the right of the "Open" box). Now, you can set a breakpoint by right clicking on the prementioned instruction, navigating to "Breakpoint" and selecting "Toggle" (Or click your F2 key while the gray line is over the prementioned opcode). You can step into/over again, or attempt to execute the program by clicking the blue play button, fourth to the right of the first "Open" button (The F9 key can also be clicked to accomplish the same). Execution will pause at the this instruction due to the breakpoint - if you attempt to execute again, Notepad will be running, and the CPU window will no longer be up-to-date, due to the startup being completely done.

From here, you can try pause the execution by clicking on the "pause" button, directly to the right of the play button, which will land you at a "RETN" line, below a "SYSENTER" instruction. Setting a breakpoint on a call expected to be used can cause the program to pause in the CPU section again, giving you direct control over the flow of the program. For example, if you go to the "ExitProcess" function (Click the button directly left of the cyan "L" button and type in "ExitProcess") and set a breakpoint here, then when you run the program and attempt to exit, the window will disappear, but execution will pause at this function. This is an example of one way you can gain control over a program.

Another commonly checked area is the strings in an executable. Right click on the disassembled area, select "Search For" then select "All Referenced Text Strings". If you scroll down toward the end of the newly opened list, in the References window (Which can be opened by the "R" cyan button, for future reference), you may see something such as:

Text strings referenced in notepad:.text, item 248
 Disassembly=ASCII "GetLocaleInfoW",0
In Notepad, this is a list of functions that are being imported. Some executable will list other strings of interest. For example, if you're attempting to modify the attributes of a weapon in a loaded game, the weapon name may be listed in the strings window. You can check where that string is referenced (If it's referenced in a MOV/LEA or a PUSH, odds are, it's being used as a parameter for a function), set a breakpoint, then run the game again. Then the first time where the name of that weapon is used as a parameter is where the executable will be paused, which may lead you to functions you will be interested in.

One more instruction not mentioned in the assembly portion is "NOP" or "no-operation". While that isn't an actual Intel instruction, the actual opcode for NOP is "XCHG EAX, EAX" - many debuggers convert the line "XCHG EAX, EAX" to NOP. If you want to remove a line in a program while debugging it, you have to "NOP" it out - replace the bytes that line takes with nothing but NOP's, until the line is full. If you want to replace a line that takes up 4 bytes, and the replacement is only 2 bytes, you'll have to use NOP instructions to fill up the remaining space.

Lastly, to modify an instruction in OllyDBG, double click on the instruction in the CPU window, and replace to your heart desires.

Debugging is a very tricky game, filled with a fair bit of guessing and checking. Gradually, as you become more comfortable with your debugging environment, you'll become better, and eventually, you'll be very comfortable in navigating through executables.


IDA is an extremely powerful environment tool for analyzing executables, and with that power, comes complexity. I recommend it be used by you as your experience grows, but there is too much to be said about how to utilize all the capabilities of it in this single guide.

Anti-Debugging Techniques

Assuming you find yourself fully capably of working with executables, the next segment in the guide is going to cover protection schemes used to prevent debugging.

One very commonly used call to detect debuggers is the "IsDebuggerPresent" call. For example:

CALL IsDebuggerPresent

If a debugger is not being ran for the program calling IsDebuggerPresent, 0 is the value that ends up being given back (Or "returned") - otherwise, anything not equal to 0 is returned.

To bypass checks of these sort, navigate to the "Plugins" window, then "OllyAdvanced", and select "Anti-Debug 2". Check the "IsDebuggerPresent" box, and hit "Ok".

But, of course, there are many other anti-debugger features: many executables are made to exploit bugs in OllyDBG to make it crash if the program is loaded. I recommend opening the OllyAdvanced window and checking the three following bugfixes:

Kill %s%s bug (full fix in string-routine)
Kill NumOfRva Bug
Kill little Analysis-Crash-Bug
PhantOm also has powerful features: I recommend navigating to the PhantOm menu (Select "Plugins", "PhantOm", then "Options") and checking off the following:

hide from PEB
fix ODString, FPU, Import
custom handler exceptions
change Olly caption
patch NumOfRvaAndSizes

load driver
hide OllyDbg windows
hook RDTSC
However, do not go wild and check off every single anti-debugger option - in fact, some of those options can cause problems when debugging applications, resulting usually in a crash (Or worse).

Of course, these aren't the only things that are used to protect an application. One common scenario you may run in is when you see this popup dialog:

"Quick statistical test of module "notepad-" reports that its code section is either compressed, encrypted, or contains large amount of embedded data. Results of code analysis can be very unreliable or simply wrong. Do you want to continue analysis?"

This usually means the executable was packed, as means to prevent debugging, and analysis of what's in the executable. There are a number of methods used to unpack executables, but in most cases, if you let the program run, it will unpack itself entirely into memory, allowing you to pause the program, then navigate your way through, using previously mentioned tactics.

One extremely common packer, however, is UPX (http://upx.sourceforge.net/). UPX is intended to be used only for compression, not protection, but in more cases than others, UPX is used to protect an executable. There's a free unpacker tool distributed with UPX, that is also bundled with CFF Explorer. Therefore, if you open CFF Explorer, select "File", then "Open", you may navigate down to the "UPX Utility" and select the "Unpack" option. Select "File" then "Save" to save the unpacked copy, and enjoy.

However, if the executable is not using UPX, then the first step usually taken, is identifying what the executable is packed with. There are tools made to identify what some executables are packed with (Though, be warned - occasionally, these tools aren't entirely accurate, and may point to the wrong packer, or may even state an executable is packed, when in fact, it isn't).

CFF Explorer comes with a tool for identifying packed executables titled "PE Detective", though I do not recommend using this, as it is terribly outdated, and in most current day cases, will be of no help at all.

Homepage: http://www.peid.info/
Download: http://www.peid.info/files/PEiD-0.95-20081103.zip
Instructions: Extract ZIP archive to a new folder
Miscellaneous: Thanks to the PEiD community for their hard work!

One fantastic benefit about PEiD, is that it comes with a tool for unpacking some executables - it usually doesn't work, but for a beginner, I recommend using it whenever possible.

Once you identify what an executable is packed with, I would recommend Googling tutorials on how to unpack that specific executable. For example:

unpack [packer] tutorial
Replacing [packer] with the packer PEiD identified.

.NET Framework

Of course, what if the executable you're working with isn't packed or protected in any way at all, but it still won't run in OllyDBG? Another possible scenario is that the application was made with the .NET framework, which OllyDBG is not capable of working with. If that's the case, I recommend downloading the free .NET decompiler tool, "Reflector".

Originally Posted by Reflector
Homepage: http://www.red-gate.com/products/reflector/
Download: http://reflector.red-gate.com/download.aspx
Instructions: Fill out the form on the website, download, and extract the ZIP archive to a new folder.
With Reflector, the full source code to an application will be returned - to understand what is being done, you'll have to learn a new .NET language (Either VB, C#, or any other Reflector will display the executable as), which is simply out of the spectrum of this guide.


The next segment is a short one, covering resources. Under Windows, there's a method of adding pictures, sound, executables, and all other types of files to an executable, by adding them to the .rsrc section of an executable. Sometimes, some protection schemes will consist of adding the original program as a resource to a new program, then having the new program load the original from the .rsrc area. The great news about resources, is that they're viewable by anyone.

If you open an executable in CFF Explorer, and select the option on the left toolbar "Resource Editor", a full list of everything attached to the executable is returned. At the least, there is usually an "Icons" folder. But, with CFF Explorer, if you right click on any of the files or folders, it is shown you can remove, replace, add, and even save resources, essentially extracting them from the executable.

And that's all there is to using resources.

Anti-Cheat Mechanisms

The final portion of the guide, is working against anti-cheat mechanisms, where many common methods are discussed, such as the commonly known "DLL injection".

To start, many anti-cheat engines are known for being very aggressive. They hide themselves from the process list, keep track of any newly made processes, etc.

Usually, to gain control over an executable, a call to the WinAPI function "OpenProcess" is made (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...20(VS.85).aspx). OpenProcess is almost always hooked[1] to prevent touching of a process. However, even if OpenProcess were not hooked, the process list table has to be repaired so that you can find the proper process ID, so OpenProcess would know which process to open.

It's considered very complex attempting to write a bypass for such aggressive anti-cheat systems. Rather, if you're dealing with an anti-cheat such as GameGuard, DLL injection is used to make changes to the executable before GameGuard loads.

However, it isn't always that easy. GameGuard will constantly check the .code section so you cannot modify that section. Rather, DLL injection involves allocating space[34], then adding code to that new area, which GameGuard will not check. Usually, this new area will make changes in the .data section - if the HP of a character is stored in a particular spot in the .data section, then one cheat may modify the HP, setting it to the maximum possible value every milisecond, to imitate the "god mode" cheat.

Yet, some games will do another check - they'll check if there is execution occuring outside the .code section by checking the last called function. Others may attempt to do entire checks on the executable in memory, etc.

But, if that's all there is to it, how do you know where HP is stored? Or how do you know what is possible with that anti-cheat in place? As stated earlier, debugging is a game of guess and check. One great place to check is the community - every now and then, some communites may list the offset where sensitive data, such as the HP of a character, can be found.

Good luck.


[1] - Hooking a function involves intercepting data from a hooked function, and usually acting upon that action. There are a few varying methods of hooks, but usually, you'll find more aggressive anti-cheat systems overwrite the first few bytes[2] of a function to intercept any potentially dangerous calls to the game being protected.

[2] - There are 8 bits in a byte - bytes are a measurement of data. In the .code section[3] of a program, there's a certain number of bytes for each instruction[4]. To see what opcodes[4] do what, check out ProView's x86 Disassembler (http://pvdasm.reverse-engineering.net/PVPHP.php).

[3] - The .code section is where instructions[4] are executed. In a standard[8] portable executable (P.E.; The most common type of available executable for Windows NT 5.X[5]), there's a .data section (For all data - pictures, video, text, variables[6], etc), a .code section,

[4] - Instructions are commands to be executed by the CPU of a workstation. As you study assembly more, you'll learn more about the varying type of available instructions. It should be noted, instructions are also called "operation codes", or "opcodes".

[5] - Windows NT 5.X is the kernel name for Windows XP (The X representing the exact version number).

[6] - In math, variables are numbers represented by characters. In programming, variables are types of data[7] represented by a space in memory[8]

[7] - In math, there are varying types of numbers: Integers, natural numbers, rational, irrational, etc. In programming, there are varying data types, for strings of text, integers, binary data (e.g.: Usually used for pictures, video, encrypted data, etc), ...

[8] - This does not include programs made under the .NET framework, for a new section is added (CLR), which is for matters outside the extent to which this guide reaches.

[9] - In math, functions are formulas used to manipulate numbers as needed. Usually, you'll plugin a number or two (Or more) to represent variables to be used in the function. In math, the numbers being handed off as variables are referred to as "parameters". In programming, it's the same, though you're not limited to just numbers for the parameters, and not all functions need to be given parameters. For example, there's a function, exit, used to usually shutdown a user-mode[10] program. Exit, in C/C++[11] takes one parameter in the syntax of, "exit ( int )", where int stands for "integer".

[10] - C and C++[11] alike are two also low-level programming languages, which are usually used in the creation of game cheats, as the syntax is considered easier to understand, and the compilers[13] used for C(++) are known to create more optimized[14] programs/libraries[15] than hand-written assembly code.

[11] - C++ is an extension of C, carrying many features (Primarily, it is Object-Oriented[12]) making it more commonly used than C in most current-day projects.

[12] - If you use an object-oriented language, you'll learn later what it is, and the importance of it. For now, it's not necessary.

[13] - Compilers are a tool used with linkers[16] to create programs; generally, it is the compiler's responsibility to handle code generation and optimization. The result output of a compiler is an object, which from there, is handled by a linker to create a program.

[14] - Optimized code is usually written to perform fastest on the CPU, by taking up less cycles[17] (Via either using less instructions, or using instructions that use less cycles). Usually, optimized code may end up taking more space on a hard drive than unoptimized code (More optimized programs will usually use more instructions that use less cycles to complete a simple task - for a live example of this, visit http://www.hexblog.com/2005/11/do_yo...ion_opera.html).

[15] - Libraries are used to add functioniality to programs - for example, there may be a codec library for playing an MP3 file, which is used by a media player for communicating with MP3 files. Without the executable, the library file is just data, without the library, the executable will fail to play the MP3 file.

[16] - Linkers, to be put simply, take objects and library files, and "links" them to create a single executable.

[17] - CPU cycles are the measurement of a computer's speed - for example, a 2.0GHZ CPU is capability of completing 2 billion clock cycles per a second (Coming out to 2 clock cycles per a nano second).

[18] - Logical operations are used for further data manipulation. The AND operator (Represented by the ampersand symbol) will check that two pieces of data are true (If they both are true, the return value is true - otherwise, the return value is false). Then the OR operator (Represented by a pipe symbol), states that if both pieces of data are not both false, the return value is true (Otherwise, it is false). The XOR operator (Represented usually by a carrot symbol) ensures two peices of data are different (If they are both true or both false, the return value is false - otherwise, if one is true and the other false, the return value is true).

[19] - Assembly references to spaces in an application by addresses, which are catalogued by how many bytes are used per an instruction, or per a piece of data; for example:

The following instruction takes up 2 bytes:

If that piece of data is stored at 010070D8, then the next instruction would be stored at 010070DA. It should also be noted, addresses are usually 32-bits (If you're in such a rare situation where you're working with a 64-bit program, then addresses will go up to 64-bits).

Addresses are also referred to as "offsets".

[20] - Looping is a method of repeating a certain number of instructions for a specific amount of runs - this can range from zero loops to infinite (Infinite usually implies the loop will continue until the program shuts down).

[21] - The RETN instruction is used to return execution to the main code. For example, if a function is called using the CALL[22] instruction,

[22] - The CALL instruction is for calling functions in the executable. For example, if you want to call the exit function, which accepts one parameter, it would be called like so:

CALL Exit ; Assume Exit stands for the location of the Exit address
But, it should be noted, parameters must be placed in reverse order. Therefore, if you're calling a function, "Divide" that takes two parameters, the first being the dividend, the second being the divsor, and you're attempting to divide 100 by 10, then the following would be the corresponding code:

PUSH 100
CALL Divide
[23] - Platforms generally including other operating systems, apart from all versions of Windows made from Windows XP and later. Examples of some platforms would be Mac OS X, all distributions of Linux, all distributions of UNIX, etc.

[24] - Low-level languages are, in simple terms, very closely related to the computers hardware. In the case of assembly, it's considered to be as low as one can go on a Windows platform.

[25] - An algorithm is a certain number of steps used to process data. It may be used to encrypt/decrypt data, to organize data in files (e.g.: In a file with a list of random words, an algorithm could be used to identify words longer than 10 characters, then place them into a special location for later access), etc.

[26] - Disassembly is the process of "un-assembling" a program. For now, all that needs to be known, is that disassembly is always possible when dealing with programs (Executables, libraries [For Windows, files ending with the .DLL extension are one type of library], etc).

[27] - This just means any basic math function - adding, subtracting, multiplying, etc.

[28] - Pointers are a reference to data in memory (Pointers hold offsets[19] to data)

[29] - When a file is opened, a unique identifier must be marked, so when you decide to read or write from that specific file, the machine knows which opened file you're talking about. This identifier is known as a "file handle". Also, communication to hardware and kernel[31] drivers[30]

[30] - Kernel drivers are an interface to the kernel[31].

[31] - The kernel is the last component to bridge hardware to software. Whenever software needs to manipulate the hardware, the kernel is involved.

[32] - Threads are a method of executing multiple instructions at the same time. For example, if are playing a computer game that has to keep track of multiple users playing at once, including yourself, all the active windows it has open, etc, then you need threads - otherwise, only one thing will be done at a time (You move, then one other player, then one other, etc).

[33] - Software breakpoints are a method of stopping execution once a certain instruction is reached. For example, if I put a software breakpoint at the beginning of the call to the Exit function, as soon as program being debugged attempted to call Exit, the debugger would pause program execution at that point.

[34] - Allocating space means reserving parts of memory for a program, to be used for a particular purpose.

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Posted by CEOinIRVINE

XSS Cheat Sheet

Hacking 2009. 2. 6. 09:41

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Cheat Sheet
Esp: for filter evasion

By RSnake

Note from the author: XSS is Cross Site Scripting. If you don't know how XSS (Cross Site Scripting) works, this page probably won't help you. This page is for people who already understand the basics of XSS attacks but want a deep understanding of the nuances regarding filter evasion. This page will also not show you how to mitigate XSS vectors or how to write the actual cookie/credential stealing/replay/session riding portion of the attack. It will simply show the underlying methodology and you can infer the rest. Also, please note my XSS page has been replicated by the OWASP 2.0 Guide in the Appendix section with my permission. However, because this is a living document I suggest you continue to use this site to stay up to date.

Also, please note that most of these cross site scripting vectors have been tested in the browsers listed at the bottom of the page, however, if you have specific concerns about outdated or obscure versions please download them from Evolt. Please see the XML format of the XSS Cheat Sheet if you intend to use CAL9000 or other automated tools. If you have an RSS reader feel free to subscribe to the Web Application Security RSS feed below, or join the forum:

Web Application Security RSS feed

XSS (Cross Site Scripting):
    XSS locator. Inject this string, and in most cases where a script is vulnerable with no special XSS vector requirements the word "XSS" will pop up. Use the URL encoding calculator below to encode the entire string. Tip: if you're in a rush and need to quickly check a page, often times injecting the depreciated "<PLAINTEXT>" tag will be enough to check to see if something is vulnerable to XSS by messing up the output appreciably:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    XSS locator 2. If you don't have much space and know there is no vulnerable JavaScript on the page, this string is a nice compact XSS injection check. View source after injecting it and look for <XSS verses &lt;XSS to see if it is vulnerable:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    No filter evasion. This is a normal XSS JavaScript injection, and most likely to get caught but I suggest trying it first (the quotes are not required in any modern browser so they are omitted here):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Image XSS using the JavaScript directive (IE7.0 doesn't support the JavaScript directive in context of an image, but it does in other contexts, but the following show the principles that would work in other tags as well - I'll probably revise this at a later date):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    No quotes and no semicolon:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Case insensitive XSS attack vector:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    HTML entities (the semicolons are required for this to work):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Grave accent obfuscation (If you need to use both double and single quotes you can use a grave accent to encapsulate the JavaScript string - this is also useful because lots of cross site scripting filters don't know about grave accents):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Malformed IMG tags. Originally found by Begeek (but cleaned up and shortened to work in all browsers), this XSS vector uses the relaxed rendering engine to create our XSS vector within an IMG tag that should be encapsulated within quotes. I assume this was originally meant to correct sloppy coding. This would make it significantly more difficult to correctly parse apart an HTML tag:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    fromCharCode (if no quotes of any kind are allowed you can eval() a fromCharCode in JavaScript to create any XSS vector you need). Click here to build your own (thanks to Hannes Leopold):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    UTF-8 Unicode encoding (all of the XSS examples that use a javascript: directive inside of an <IMG tag will not work in Firefox or Netscape 8.1+ in the Gecko rendering engine mode). Use the XSS calculator for more information:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Long UTF-8 Unicode encoding without semicolons (this is often effective in XSS that attempts to look for "&#XX;", since most people don't know about padding - up to 7 numeric characters total). This is also useful against people who decode against strings like $tmp_string =~ s/.*\&#(\d+);.*/$1/; which incorrectly assumes a semicolon is required to terminate a html encoded string (I've seen this in the wild):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Hex encoding without semicolons (this is also a viable XSS attack against the above string $tmp_string =~ s/.*\&#(\d+);.*/$1/; which assumes that there is a numeric character following the pound symbol - which is not true with hex HTML characters). Use the XSS calculator for more information:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Embedded tab to break up the cross site scripting attack:
    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Embedded encoded tab to break up XSS:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Embeded newline to break up XSS. Some websites claim that any of the chars 09-13 (decimal) will work for this attack. That is incorrect. Only 09 (horizontal tab), 10 (newline) and 13 (carriage return) work. See the ascii chart for more details. The following four XSS examples illustrate this vector:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Embedded carriage return to break up XSS (Note: with the above I am making these strings longer than they have to be because the zeros could be omitted. Often I've seen filters that assume the hex and dec encoding has to be two or three characters. The real rule is 1-7 characters.):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Multiline Injected JavaScript using ASCII carriage returns (same as above only a more extreme example of this XSS vector) these are not spaces just one of the three characters as described above:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Null breaks up JavaScript directive. Okay, I lied, null chars also work as XSS vectors but not like above, you need to inject them directly using something like Burp Proxy or use %00 in the URL string or if you want to write your own injection tool you can either use vim (^V^@ will produce a null) or the following program to generate it into a text file. Okay, I lied again, older versions of Opera (circa 7.11 on Windows) were vulnerable to one additional char 173 (the soft hypen control char). But the null char %00 is much more useful and helped me bypass certain real world filters with a variation on this example:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Null breaks up cross site scripting vector. Here is a little known XSS attack vector using null characters. You can actually break up the HTML itself using the same nulls as shown above. I've seen this vector bypass some of the most restrictive XSS filters to date:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Spaces and meta chars before the JavaScript in images for XSS (this is useful if the pattern match doesn't take into account spaces in the word "javascript:" -which is correct since that won't render- and makes the false assumption that you can't have a space between the quote and the "javascript:" keyword. The actual reality is you can have any char from 1-32 in decimal):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Non-alpha-non-digit XSS. While I was reading the Firefox HTML parser I found that it assumes a non-alpha-non-digit is not valid after an HTML keyword and therefor considers it to be a whitespace or non-valid token after an HTML tag. The problem is that some XSS filters assume that the tag they are looking for is broken up by whitespace. For example "<SCRIPT\s" != "<SCRIPT/XSS\s":

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Non-alpha-non-digit part 2 XSS. yawnmoth brought my attention to this vector, based on the same idea as above, however, I expanded on it, using my fuzzer. The Gecko rendering engine allows for any character other than letters, numbers or encapsulation chars (like quotes, angle brackets, etc...) between the event handler and the equals sign, making it easier to bypass cross site scripting blocks. Note that this also applies to the grave accent char as seen here:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Non-alpha-non-digit part 3 XSS. Yair Amit brought this to my attention that there is slightly different behavior between the IE and Gecko rendering engines that allows just a slash between the tag and the parameter with no spaces. This could be useful if the system does not allow spaces.

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Extraneous open brackets. Submitted by Franz Sedlmaier, this XSS vector could defeat certain detection engines that work by first using matching pairs of open and close angle brackets and then by doing a comparison of the tag inside, instead of a more efficient algorythm like Boyer-Moore that looks for entire string matches of the open angle bracket and associated tag (post de-obfuscation, of course). The double slash comments out the ending extraneous bracket to supress a JavaScript error:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    No closing script tags. In Firefox and Netscape 8.1 in the Gecko rendering engine mode you don't actually need the "></SCRIPT>" portion of this Cross Site Scripting vector. Firefox assumes it's safe to close the HTML tag and add closing tags for you. How thoughtful! Unlike the next one, which doesn't effect Firefox, this does not require any additional HTML below it. You can add quotes if you need to, but they're not needed generally, although beware, I have no idea what the HTML will end up looking like once this is injected:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Protocol resolution in script tags. This particular variant was submitted by Łukasz Pilorz and was based partially off of Ozh's protocol resolution bypass below. This cross site scripting example works in IE, Netscape in IE rendering mode and Opera if you add in a </SCRIPT> tag at the end. However, this is especially useful where space is an issue, and of course, the shorter your domain, the better. The ".j" is valid, regardless of the encoding type because the browser knows it in context of a SCRIPT tag.

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Half open HTML/JavaScript XSS vector. Unlike Firefox the IE rendering engine doesn't add extra data to your page, but it does allow the javascript: directive in images. This is useful as a vector because it doesn't require a close angle bracket. This assumes there is any HTML tag below where you are injecting this cross site scripting vector. Even though there is no close ">" tag the tags below it will close it. A note: this does mess up the HTML, depending on what HTML is beneath it. It gets around the following NIDS regex: /((\%3D)|(=))[^\n]*((\%3C)|<)[^\n]+((\%3E)|>)/ because it doesn't require the end ">". As a side note, this was also affective against a real world XSS filter I came across using an open ended <IFRAME tag instead of an <IMG tag:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Double open angle brackets. This is an odd one that Steven Christey brought to my attention. At first I misclassified this as the same XSS vector as above but it's surprisingly different. Using an open angle bracket at the end of the vector instead of a close angle bracket causes different behavior in Netscape Gecko rendering. Without it, Firefox will work but Netscape won't:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    XSS with no single quotes or double quotes or semicolons:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Escaping JavaScript escapes. When the application is written to output some user information inside of a JavaScript like the following: <SCRIPT>var a="$ENV{QUERY_STRING}";</SCRIPT> and you want to inject your own JavaScript into it but the server side application escapes certain quotes you can circumvent that by escaping their escape character. When this is gets injected it will read <SCRIPT>var a="\\";alert('XSS');//";</SCRIPT> which ends up un-escaping the double quote and causing the Cross Site Scripting vector to fire. The XSS locator uses this method.:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    End title tag. This is a simple XSS vector that closes <TITLE> tags, which can encapsulate the malicious cross site scripting attack:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    INPUT image:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    BODY image:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    BODY tag (I like this method because it doesn't require using any variants of "javascript:" or "<SCRIPT..." to accomplish the XSS attack). Dan Crowley additionally noted that you can put a space before the equals sign ("onload=" != "onload ="):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Event Handlers that can be used in similar XSS attacks to the one above (this is the most comprehensive list on the net, at the time of this writing). Please note I have excluded browser support from this section because each one may have different results in different browsers. Thanks to Rene Ledosquet for the HTML+TIME updates:

    IMG Dynsrc:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    IMG lowsrc:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]


    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    & JavaScript includes (works in Netscape 4.x):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02] [NS4]

    LAYER (also only works in Netscape 4.x)

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02] [NS4]

    STYLE sheet:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Remote style sheet (using something as simple as a remote style sheet you can include your XSS as the style parameter can be redefined using an embedded expression.) This only works in IE and Netscape 8.1+ in IE rendering engine mode. Notice that there is nothing on the page to show that there is included JavaScript. Note: With all of these remote style sheet examples they use the body tag, so it won't work unless there is some content on the page other than the vector itself, so you'll need to add a single letter to the page to make it work if it's an otherwise blank page:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Remote style sheet part 2 (this works the same as above, but uses a <STYLE> tag instead of a <LINK> tag). A slight variation on this vector was used to hack Google Desktop. As a side note, you can remove the end </STYLE> tag if there is HTML immediately after the vector to close it. This is useful if you cannot have either an equals sign or a slash in your cross site scripting attack, which has come up at least once in the real world:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Remote style sheet part 3. This only works in Opera 8.0 (no longer in 9.x) but is fairly tricky. According to RFC2616 setting a link header is not part of the HTTP1.1 spec, however some browsers still allow it (like Firefox and Opera). The trick here is that I am setting a header (which is basically no different than in the HTTP header saying Link: <http://ha.ckers.org/xss.css>; REL=stylesheet) and the remote style sheet with my cross site scripting vector is running the JavaScript, which is not supported in FireFox:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Remote style sheet part 4. This only works in Gecko rendering engines and works by binding an XUL file to the parent page. I think the irony here is that Netscape assumes that Gecko is safer and therefor is vulnerable to this for the vast majority of sites:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Local htc file. This is a little different than the above two cross site scripting vectors because it uses an .htc file which must be on the same server as the XSS vector. The example file works by pulling in the JavaScript and running it as part of the style attribute:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    List-style-image. Fairly esoteric issue dealing with embedding images for bulleted lists. This will only work in the IE rendering engine because of the JavaScript directive. Not a particularly useful cross site scripting vector:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    VBscript in an image:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Mocha (older versions of Netscape only):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02] [NS4]

    Livescript (older versions of Netscape only):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02] [NS4]

    US-ASCII encoding (found by Kurt Huwig). This uses malformed ASCII encoding with 7 bits instead of 8. This XSS may bypass many content filters but only works if the host transmits in US-ASCII encoding, or if you set the encoding yourself. This is more useful against web application firewall cross site scripting evasion than it is server side filter evasion. Apache Tomcat is the only known server that transmits in US-ASCII encoding. I highly suggest anyone interested in alternate encoding issues look at my charsets issues page:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02] [NS4]

    META (the odd thing about meta refresh is that it doesn't send a referrer in the header - so it can be used for certain types of attacks where you need to get rid of referring URLs):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    META using data: directive URL scheme. This is nice because it also doesn't have anything visibly that has the word SCRIPT or the JavaScript directive in it, because it utilizes base64 encoding. Please see RFC 2397 for more details or go here or here to encode your own. You can also use the XSS calculator below if you just want to encode raw HTML or JavaScript as it has a Base64 encoding method:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    META with additional URL parameter. If the target website attempts to see if the URL contains "http://" at the beginning you can evade it with the following technique (Submitted by Moritz Naumann):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    IFRAME (if iframes are allowed there are a lot of other XSS problems as well):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    FRAME (frames have the same sorts of XSS problems as iframes):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    TABLE (who would have thought tables were XSS targets... except me, of course):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    TD (just like above, TD's are vulnerable to BACKGROUNDs containing JavaScript XSS vectors):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    DIV background-image:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    DIV background-image with unicoded XSS exploit (this has been modified slightly to obfuscate the url parameter). The original vulnerability was found by Renaud Lifchitz as a vulnerability in Hotmail:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    DIV background-image plus extra characters. I built a quick XSS fuzzer to detect any erroneous characters that are allowed after the open parenthesis but before the JavaScript directive in IE and Netscape 8.1 in secure site mode. These are in decimal but you can include hex and add padding of course. (Any of the following chars can be used: 1-32, 34, 39, 160, 8192-8.13, 12288, 65279):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    DIV expression - a variant of this was effective against a real world cross site scripting filter using a newline between the colon and "expression":

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    STYLE tags with broken up JavaScript for XSS (this XSS at times sends IE into an infinite loop of alerts):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    STYLE attribute using a comment to break up expression (Thanks to Roman Ivanov for this one):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Anonymous HTML with STYLE attribute (IE6.0 and Netscape 8.1+ in IE rendering engine mode don't really care if the HTML tag you build exists or not, as long as it starts with an open angle bracket and a letter):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    IMG STYLE with expression (this is really a hybrid of the above XSS vectors, but it really does show how hard STYLE tags can be to parse apart, like above this can send IE into a loop):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    STYLE tag (Older versions of Netscape only):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02] [NS4]

    STYLE tag using background-image:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    STYLE tag using background:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Downlevel-Hidden block (only works in IE5.0 and later and Netscape 8.1 in IE rendering engine mode). Some websites consider anything inside a comment block to be safe and therefore does not need to be removed, which allows our Cross Site Scripting vector. Or the system could add comment tags around something to attempt to render it harmless. As we can see, that probably wouldn't do the job:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    BASE tag. Works in IE and Netscape 8.1 in safe mode. You need the // to comment out the next characters so you won't get a JavaScript error and your XSS tag will render. Also, this relies on the fact that the website uses dynamically placed images like "images/image.jpg" rather than full paths. If the path includes a leading forward slash like "/images/image.jpg" you can remove one slash from this vector (as long as there are two to begin the comment this will work):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    OBJECT tag (if they allow objects, you can also inject virus payloads to infect the users, etc. and same with the APPLET tag). The linked file is actually an HTML file that can contain your XSS:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Using an OBJECT tag you can embed XSS directly (this is unverified so no browser support is added):

    Using an EMBED tag you can embed a Flash movie that contains XSS. Click here for a demo. If you add the attributes allowScriptAccess="never" and allownetworking="internal" it can mitigate this risk (thank you to Jonathan Vanasco for the info).:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    You can EMBED SVG which can contain your XSS vector. This example only works in Firefox, but it's better than the above vector in Firefox because it does not require the user to have Flash turned on or installed. Thanks to nEUrOO for this one.

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Using ActionScript inside flash can obfuscate your XSS vector:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    XML namespace. The htc file must be located on the same server as your XSS vector:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    XML data island with CDATA obfuscation (this XSS attack works only in IE and Netscape 8.1 in IE rendering engine mode) - vector found by Sec Consult while auditing Yahoo:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    XML data island with comment obfuscation (this is another take on the same exploit that doesn't use CDATA fields, but rather uses comments to break up the javascript directive):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Locally hosted XML with embedded JavaScript that is generated using an XML data island. This is the same as above but instead referrs to a locally hosted (must be on the same server) XML file that contains your cross site scripting vector. You can see the result here:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    HTML+TIME in XML. This is how Grey Magic hacked Hotmail and Yahoo!. This only works in Internet Explorer and Netscape 8.1 in IE rendering engine mode and remember that you need to be between HTML and BODY tags for this to work:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Assuming you can only fit in a few characters and it filters against ".js" you can rename your JavaScript file to an image as an XSS vector:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    SSI (Server Side Includes) requires SSI to be installed on the server to use this XSS vector. I probably don't need to mention this, but if you can run commands on the server there are no doubt much more serious issues:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    PHP - requires PHP to be installed on the server to use this XSS vector. Again, if you can run any scripts remotely like this, there are probably much more dire issues:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    IMG Embedded commands - this works when the webpage where this is injected (like a web-board) is behind password protection and that password protection works with other commands on the same domain. This can be used to delete users, add users (if the user who visits the page is an administrator), send credentials elsewhere, etc.... This is one of the lesser used but more useful XSS vectors:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    IMG Embedded commands part II - this is more scary because there are absolutely no identifiers that make it look suspicious other than it is not hosted on your own domain. The vector uses a 302 or 304 (others work too) to redirect the image back to a command. So a normal <IMG SRC="http://badguy.com/a.jpg"> could actually be an attack vector to run commands as the user who views the image link. Here is the .htaccess (under Apache) line to accomplish the vector (thanks to Timo for part of this):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Cookie manipulation - admittidly this is pretty obscure but I have seen a few examples where <META is allowed and you can use it to overwrite cookies. There are other examples of sites where instead of fetching the username from a database it is stored inside of a cookie to be displayed only to the user who visits the page. With these two scenarios combined you can modify the victim's cookie which will be displayed back to them as JavaScript (you can also use this to log people out or change their user states, get them to log in as you, etc...):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    UTF-7 encoding - if the page that the XSS resides on doesn't provide a page charset header, or any browser that is set to UTF-7 encoding can be exploited with the following (Thanks to Roman Ivanov for this one). Click here for an example (you don't need the charset statement if the user's browser is set to auto-detect and there is no overriding content-types on the page in Internet Explorer and Netscape 8.1 in IE rendering engine mode). This does not work in any modern browser without changing the encoding type which is why it is marked as completely unsupported. Watchfire found this hole in Google's custom 404 script.:
    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

XSS using HTML quote encapsulation:
    This was tested in IE, your mileage may vary. For performing XSS on sites that allow "<SCRIPT>" but don't allow "<SCRIPT SRC..." by way of a regex filter "/<script[^>]+src/i":

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    For performing XSS on sites that allow "<SCRIPT>" but don't allow "<script src..." by way of a regex filter "/<script((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:"(.)*?"|'(.)*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)src/i" (this is an important one, because I've seen this regex in the wild):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Another XSS to evade the same filter, "/<script((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:"(.)*?"|'(.)*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)src/i":

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Yet another XSS to evade the same filter, "/<script((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:"(.)*?"|'(.)*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)src/i". I know I said I wasn't goint to discuss mitigation techniques but the only thing I've seen work for this XSS example if you still want to allow <SCRIPT> tags but not remote script is a state machine (and of course there are other ways to get around this if they allow <SCRIPT> tags):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    And one last XSS attack to evade, "/<script((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:"(.)*?"|'(.)*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)src/i" using grave accents (again, doesn't work in Firefox):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Here's an XSS example that bets on the fact that the regex won't catch a matching pair of quotes but will rather find any quotes to terminate a parameter string improperly:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    This XSS still worries me, as it would be nearly impossible to stop this without blocking all active content:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

URL string evasion (assuming "http://www.google.com/" is programmatically disallowed):
    IP verses hostname:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    URL encoding:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Dword encoding (Note: there are other of variations of Dword encoding - see the IP Obfuscation calculator below for more details):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Hex encoding (the total size of each number allowed is somewhere in the neighborhood of 240 total characters as you can see on the second digit, and since the hex number is between 0 and F the leading zero on the third hex quotet is not required):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Octal encoding (again padding is allowed, although you must keep it above 4 total characters per class - as in class A, class B, etc...):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Mixed encoding (let's mix and match base encoding and throw in some tabs and newlines - why browsers allow this, I'll never know). The tabs and newlines only work if this is encapsulated with quotes:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Protocol resolution bypass (// translates to http:// which saves a few more bytes). This is really handy when space is an issue too (two less characters can go a long way) and can easily bypass regex like "(ht|f)tp(s)?://" (thanks to Ozh for part of this one). You can also change the "//" to "\\". You do need to keep the slashes in place, however, otherwise this will be interpreted as a relative path URL.

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Google "feeling lucky" part 1. Firefox uses Google's "feeling lucky" function to redirect the user to any keywords you type in. So if your exploitable page is the top for some random keyword (as you see here) you can use that feature against any Firefox user. This uses Firefox's "keyword:" protocol. You can concatinate several keywords by using something like the following "keyword:XSS+RSnake" for instance. This no longer works within Firefox as of 2.0.
    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Google "feeling lucky" part 2. This uses a very tiny trick that appears to work Firefox only, because if it's implementation of the "feeling lucky" function. Unlike the next one this does not work in Opera because Opera believes that this is the old HTTP Basic Auth phishing attack, which it is not. It's simply a malformed URL. If you click okay on the dialogue it will work, but as a result of the erroneous dialogue box I am saying that this is not supported in Opera, and it is no longer supported in Firefox as of 2.0:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Google "feeling lucky" part 3. This uses a malformed URL that appears to work in Firefox and Opera only, because if their implementation of the "feeling lucky" function. Like all of the above it requires that you are #1 in Google for the keyword in question (in this case "google"):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Removing cnames (when combined with the above URL, removing "www." will save an additional 4 bytes for a total byte savings of 9 for servers that have this set up properly):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Extra dot for absolute DNS:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    JavaScript link location:

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

    Content replace as attack vector (assuming "http://www.google.com/" is programmatically replaced with nothing). I actually used a similar attack vector against a several separate real world XSS filters by using the conversion filter itself (here is an example) to help create the attack vector (IE: "java&#x26;#x09;script:" was converted into "java&#x09;script:", which renders in IE, Netscape 8.1+ in secure site mode and Opera):

    Browser support: [IE7.0|IE6.0|NS8.1-IE] [NS8.1-G|FF2.0] [O9.02]

Character Encoding:
    All the possible combinations of the character "<" in HTML and JavaScript (in UTF-8). Most of these won't render out of the box, but many of them can get rendered in certain circumstances as seen above (standards are great, aren't they?):

Character Encoding Calculator


Hex Value:

    HTML (with semicolons):

Decimal Value:
    HTML (without semicolons):

Base64 Value (a more robust base64 calculator can be found here)

IP Address:
    : dword level
Dword Address:
Hex Address:
Octal Address:

Browser support reference table:

IE7.0 Vector works in Internet Explorer 7.0. Most recently tested with Internet Explorer 7.0.5700.6 RC1, Windows XP Professional SP2.
IE6.0 Vector works in Internet Explorer. Most recently tested with Internet Explorer, SP2 on Windows 2000.
NS8.1-IE Vector works in Netscape 8.1+ in IE rendering engine mode. Most recently tested with Netscape 8.1 on Windows XP Professional. This used to be called trusted mode, but Netscape has changed it's security model away from the trusted/untrusted model and has opted towards Gecko as a default and IE as an option.
NS8.1-G Vector works in Netscape 8.1+ in the Gecko rendering engine mode. Most recently tested with Netscape 8.1 on Windows XP Professional
FF2.0 Vector works in Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine, used by Firefox. Most recently tested with Firefox on Windows XP Professional.
O9.02 Vector works in Opera. Most recently tested with Opera 9.02, Build 8586 on Windows XP Professional
NS4 Vector works in older versions of Netscape 4.0 - untested.

Note: if a vector is not marked it either does not work or it is untested.

Written in vim, and UTF-8 encoded, for her pleasure.
All rights reserved, all wrongs observed.
© 1995-2008 RSnake

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