'IPAD'에 해당되는 글 9건

  1. 2011.03.03 iPad 2 구매대행.. by CEOinIRVINE
  2. 2010.11.24 Galaxy Tab vs. the iPad by CEOinIRVINE
  3. 2010.04.10 iPad app 열전!!! by CEOinIRVINE
  4. 2010.04.09 Must-Have iPad Apps For Professionals by CEOinIRVINE
  5. 2010.04.08 iPad Apps Round-Up: Best Coolest Top Free iPad Apps for Music (So Far) by CEOinIRVINE
  6. 2010.02.19 IBM Eyes The iPad by CEOinIRVINE
  7. 2010.01.29 Google And The iPad by CEOinIRVINE
  8. 2010.01.29 Apple iPad Gripes And Groans by CEOinIRVINE
  9. 2010.01.29 On the Call: AT&T on the economics of the iPad by CEOinIRVINE

iPad 2 구매대행..

IT 2011. 3. 3. 14:24

 한국에 있는 친구와 사촌 형님들이 배송을 부탁하셔서
 3월 11일 금요일 휴가까지 내고 몇 미국친구들을 대동 줄서서 구매를 하려고 하는데,
 혹시 한국에 저처럼 얼리 어댑터 분들이 있으시고, 빨리 받고 싶으신 분이 있을 것 같아.
 글을 올립니다.

16GB 3G + Wifi 기기 가격이 629불인데 텍스 61.33 에 재활용피 8불
한국 발송 택배가 40불
미국 은행 수수료가 10불 하니 대충 760불쯤 되는 것 같아요.

비밀 쪽지 남기시면,

저도 직장도 다녀야하고 바쁜 삶이 있으니 몇명에게만 좋은 일 할께요.

아이패드 만세......

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

Web Vulnerability regarding F company  (0) 2011.03.04
Intermediate CA Certificates Problem  (1) 2011.03.04
Galaxy Tab vs. the iPad  (0) 2010.11.24
famous war game  (0) 2010.10.29
Classifieds  (0) 2010.10.19
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Galaxy Tab vs. the iPad

IT 2010. 11. 24. 04:34

Samsung Galaxy Tab vs. the iPad: Compare For Yourself

Samsung Galaxy Tab vs. iPadThe Android vs. Apple battle has officially made its way into the world of tablets.

Samsung took the wraps off its new Samsung Galaxy Tab Android tablet on Thursday. The Galaxy Tab is a 7-inch slate built to complete with the current tablet king, Apple's thus-far-unchallenged iPad.

Sure, there have been a couple other Android tablets on the market already (see Streak, Dell), but the Galaxy Tab is the first that truly qualifies as a contender.

Samsung Galaxy Tab*According to manufacturers' estimatesSo how exactly does Samsung's Galaxy Tab differ from the iPad? Check out this comparison chart for a side-by-side glimpse at the two devices' specs and see for yourself. (Click image to zoom.)

In a nutshell, the Galaxy Tab is smaller and lighter (though rumors suggest a couple of larger editions will debut before the year's end). It has the same speed processor but twice the RAM. Like the iPad, the Galaxy Tab comes with different options for internal storage. It also, however, supports up to 32GB of expandable storage; Apple's device is limited to the internal space only.

The Galaxy Tab has two cameras -- a rear-facing 3.2-megapixel camera and a front-facing 1.3-megapixel camera for video chatting -- while the current models of the iPad have none. Samsung claims up to 7 hours of video playback for the Galaxy Tab; Apple says its iPad can last up to 10 hours.

In terms of software, the Galaxy Tab's Android 2.2 operating system gives the device a number of selling points Apple's iPad can't claim, including full-featured multitasking, support for Adobe Flash, and unrestricted access to applications (Apple is notorious for censoring all sorts of material -- ranging from political satire to swimsuit-clad women -- and also for banning apps that provide functions such as free tethering and customization of the operating system).

Samsung's Galaxy Tab is set to launch in Europe within the next few weeks, then in the U.S. shortly thereafter. Pricing and carrier information for the States is not yet available, though rumors suggest the Galaxy Tab could end up on Verizon.

JR Raphael is a PCWorld contributing editor and the author of the Android Power blog. You can find him on Facebook, on Twitter, or at eSarcasm, his geek-humor getaway.

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

Intermediate CA Certificates Problem  (1) 2011.03.04
iPad 2 구매대행..  (0) 2011.03.03
famous war game  (0) 2010.10.29
Classifieds  (0) 2010.10.19
Convenient Fast way to launch internet explorer on Windows!  (0) 2010.10.14
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

iPad app 열전!!!

IT 2010. 4. 10. 02:44

iPad app 열전!!!

일단 iPad를 구입하고 가장 먼저 한것은... 아무래도 app 다운로드 겠죠.
제가 구입한 어플들을 몇가지 소개해 봅니다.

1. sketch pro
키노트에서 시연됐던 brush는 사진을 바탕에 깔고 그림을 그릴 수 없다해서
간택된 놈 입니다. 제대로 페인터 더군요...

2. weather HD
뭐... 날씨 어플입니다만...
그냥 예쁘고 저렴하다는것 하나로 쓸만 합니다.
iweather pad처럼 뭔가 좀 복잡하고 멋져 보이는 놈도 필요하지만
아침에 일어나서 키면 그냥 시원하고 예쁜 영상을 보면서 오늘의 날씨는 아는것도 좋더군요.

3. twitepad
트위터 어플입니다만... 화면을 나눠서 브라우징이 가능합니다....
아이디어가 나쁘지 않아서 구입 했습니다만..
생각보다 브라우징을 많이 하게 되지는 않더군요..
반면 트위터 기능이 좀 떨어져서 다른 대체품을 찾고 있습니다.

4. imockup
웹사이트 구상이나 어플구상을 위해 구입 했는데....
레이어들이 너무 쉽게 움직이고 고정하는 옵션도 없어서 손이 너무 많이 가는통에 적당한 것이 있으면
역시 대체하려 고민중 입니다.

5. GoodReader
다들 아시겠지만..
컴퓨터에서 바로 아이폰/패드로 파일을 이동해서 읽을 수 있습니다.
MS오피스 포멧을 읽는것은 기본 기능이고요.. pdf 도 잘 읽힙니다만...
제가 주로 사용하는 pdf 를 읽을때에는 참... 애플 스럽지 않은 딱딱한 UI가 사용을 기피하게 하는군요.
아무리 기능이 좋아도 UI가 좋지 않거나 동작이 부드럽지 않으면 좀 난감해 집니다.

6. 1Password
뭐... 말이 필요 없습니다.
전 MAC버전을 사용하기 때문에 iPad용을 무료로 받았습니다만
password 관리 어플입니다.
MAC버전처럼 id/pass 를 자동으로 입력해주지는 않지만 id/pass를 전혀 기억하지 못하는 지금은
꼭 필요한 어플이 됐습니다.

7. iWork series
뭐... 필구 어플 입니다.
iPad 발매때부터 줄곧 1위를 고수하고 있죠.

8. NewRack
RSS 어플입니다.
주요 사이트들이 목록에 있어서 언제든지 추가할 수 있는 장점도 있고
UI도 iPad에 잘 맞추어져서 나쁘지 않습니다.
다만 세로모드로 했을때 다른 feed들을 보려면 터치가 몇번 필요하다는게 좀 귀찮군요.

9. Headline
역시 RSS feed 어플입니다.
간단하면서 빠른 동작을 보여줍니다. 가로모드든 세로모드든 화면이 둘로 나뉘어 있어
빠르게 한눈에 확인이 가능합니다.
전 RSS feed 어플은 빠르게 슥 훓어서 읽어주는걸 좋아 합니다.
요즘 사이트들은 약아져서 RSS에서 모든 내용을 보여주는 경우는 거의 없거든요..

10. Shovel
digg 전용 어플 입니다.
넷상에서 논라이나 관심이 있는 주제가 올라오면 사람들의 의견이 많이 달리는 개념으로 이해하시면 쉽습니다.
특정 사이트의 RSS는 그 사이트의 주제에 편중되지만 digg은 그렇지 않아서 애용중 입니다.

11. Local News
지역 신문 어플 입니다.
미국이 워낙 땅덩이가 넓다보니... ;;;

12. WSJ
Wall Street Journal 어플이죠.
어플의 구성도 괜찮고 완성도도 나쁘지 않습니다만..... 구독료가 ... 절 울리는군요..

13. Editors' Choice
NewYork Times 어플 입니다.
무료라는게 가장 마음에 듭니다만... 뭔가 놓치는게 있는것 같은 불안한 마음이 듭니다.

14. USA Today
위 두개에 비하면 좀 가벼운 뉴스들을 보여줍니다. 무료라는게 역시...

15. NPR
USA today 만큼 가볍습니다.
다 좋은데 메뉴가 좀 이상해서 구석에 숨어있는 뉴스를 발굴해 내기가 좀 힘든감이 있습니다.

16. ABC Player
필수 어플이죠...
ABC 방송의 드라마를 공짜로 볼 수 있다니!!!

17. TIME
TIME 잡지 어플 입니다.
그래도 잡지 어플중에 가장 이동성이나 UI, 동작성이 좋아 보이는 어플 입니다.
내용은 뭐 나쁘지 않은데 개인적으로 NewsWeek 를 선호 합니다..

18. Cool hunting
신기한 것들을 모아놓은 사이트의 RSS feed 어플 입니다.
뭐... 재밋습니다.
engadget 보다 좀 더 얼리아답터적 성향이 강하달까요? 어쨌거나 무료라 애용중 입니다.

19. Kindle
다들 아시는 킨들이죠.
iBook 처럼 책장을 넘기거나 우아한 모습은 전혀!!! 찾아 볼 수가 없습니다만..
책이 많다는것에 위안을 두면서 사용중 입니다.
하지만 iBook Store가 언젠가 더 활성화 되리라는 기대감 속에서 되도록 책 구입은 안하고 있습니다.
이미 kindle 용 책을 가지고 계신분은 필수 무료 어플이겠지만
그렇지 않다면.... 그닥 권할만한 어플이 아닙니다.

20. Box.net
Box.net 사이트에 연결해서 문서들을 올리고 싱크하고 읽을 수 있습니다.
Goodreader 는 컴퓨터와의 직접 연결을... Box는 웹을 통한 싱크를 하지만
어플의 동작은 Box가 더 앞섭니다.
개인적으로 Box만 사용해도 될듯 합니다.
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Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Tech Tips

Must-Have iPad Apps For Professionals

Meghan Casserly, 04.08.10, 05:20 PM EDT

When it comes to organizing, simplifying and entertaining, the iPad has it.


This week, across the country, people are ripping open some very precious Apple boxes to reveal Steve Jobs' newest wondertoy, the iPad. Sales analyses for the tablet computer's opening weekend are estimated at around 700,000 units, including pre-orders, at a starting price of $499 per model; Apple hasn't offered any official numbers.

There's been much debate and hype over the iPad's next-big-thing status. Instead of jumping into that particular mosh pit, we've been closely watching as the applications have started rolling out, anticipating which tools will organize, simplify and entertain. Here, our picks for the top apps for any business professional.

In Pictures: 10 Must-Have iPad Apps For Every Professional

Air Sharing Pro
The Air Sharing Pro app turns your iPad into a portable hard drive, and the upgrade from the iPhone version puts the larger screen to good use. Wirelessly mount your iPad as a drive on your computer so you can load any files you need on-the-go. The iPad now can open, view or e-mail files in any format--Excel docs, movie files, pdfs, you name it. Air Sharing also allows your iPad to locate any printers available on a wireless network, which will surely come in handy. $9.99.

Big Oven
Ever find yourself roaming the grocery store aisles with little or no clue what to make for dinner. BigOven, a recipe-centric social-networking site with over 170,000 recipes, has built an app just for you. Browse for recipe suggestions and create grocery lists right on the iPad; you'll be eating better and shopping smarter in no time. $4.99.

Forgetting a taxi receipt or business lunch can get you into trouble when it comes time to fill out your montly T&E report. Cube, which works with your existing Google ( GOOG - news - people ) or Gmail accounts just might be your saving grace. This minimalist app (no fussy design elements here) is an easy way to keep track of time, travel and money. Freelancers, especially, can benefit from Cube's feature that tracks different projects, tasks and clients with color-coding. Free.

Dragon Dictation
Typing on the iPad has mixed reviews from early users, many saying that pecking away at the screen when placed flat is awkward, and propping the tablet on an angle is problematic when you're on-the-move. Enter Dragon Dictation--a voice dictation app from the well-known software maker that translates your voice into text.

A reviewer from USA Today says his tests were a whopping 98% accurate--a serious step up from most other voice dictation software and far faster than the earlier app developed for the iPhone. Click a tab and your voice note becomes email-ready. Free.

Instapaper Pro
Instantly makes a newspaper out of the many articles and blog posts you come across during the day--but never the time to read. Instapaper lets you cache Web pages right to your iPad to read later on. Bonus from Instapaper: The app is universal. You only have to pay for it once, and it will work on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. $4.99

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IBM Eyes The iPad  (0) 2010.02.19
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

iPad Apps Round-Up: Best Coolest Top Free iPad Apps for Music (So Far)

Thumbnail image for led_20100127.jpg

The phrase "There's an app for that," is very true when it comes to music on your iPad. Many of these apps were either Apps of the Day or favorites on the iPhone. Here are some the top best music apps we've been able to round-up that are available for music. All of the streaming radio apps are free.


Pandora Radio: Named Time magazines best iPhone app Pandora has been transported to the iPad, Pandora Radio is your own free personalized to stream music on  iPad. Just start with the name of one of your favorite artists, songs or classical composers and Pandora will create a "station" that plays their music and more music like it. FREE


Shamzam Name That Tune App - Shazam lets you  know what song is playing. Just point your iPad towards the music source to identify and buy the track, or share your discovery with friends and family. This app has been very popular on the iPhone. FREE


iheart Radio - iHeart Radio streams broadcasts from nearly 400 of America's favorite local radio stations. Bookmark your favorite stations, tag songs for purchase on iTunes and view lyrics to your favorite songs. iheartradio also features the best selection of exclusive digital stations including Slow Jams, White House Brief, erockster, Pride Radio, Smooth Jazz. FREE


Slacker Radio - This app offers expertly programmed stations  The free Slacker Radio App gives you access to the entire Slacker music library featuring millions of songs from thousands of artists. Listen to over 100 expert programmed radio stations or create your own custom stations directly on your iPad. FREE

Pianist Pro - Pianist PRO is a virtual piano for the iPad. Use it as a musical scratchpad when away from the studio, or as an instrument to jam with your friends. It includes a arpeggiator, a drum machine, a choice of instruments, and a completely new interface that makes playing piano scales fun again. On April 5 Pianist Pro was the Top Music App on the iPad, and 30th Top Selling App overall. ($9.99). Available on iTunes .

Sound Hound - song recognition app with lyrics, music discovery, charts (based on what people are IDing, ) and full playlist playback. ($4.99).

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itune back up D drive  (0) 2016.09.23
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Posted by CEOinIRVINE

IBM Eyes The iPad

IT 2010. 2. 19. 08:12
Apple's iPad represents a thin, 1.5-pound wrecking ball aimed at the division between netbooks and smart phones. But it may also do collateral damage to another long-crumbling barrier: the separation between work and play. And if that happens, IBM wants be ready to help tear down the wall.

Earlier this week at the Macworld conference in San Francisco, IBM ( IBM - news - people ) announced new business-focused apps for the iPhone operating system, including Lotus Connections tool for social networking inside companies and Lotus Quickr software for sharing documents. Those releases follow Big Blue's launch last month of a Lotus Notes app for the iPhone that includes e-mail and calendar tools, as well as an app known as Lotus Notes Traveler that allows encrypted e-mail.

While those programs are partly aimed at tapping into the small but growing number of iPhones in the enterprise, IBM's manager of Lotus software, Alistair Rennie, says they're also timed to give Big Blue a foothold on the iPad, which will use the same software platform.

"Our customers are looking at the iPad and they're excited about it," says Rennie. "No one quite knows its use patterns yet, but it's our intention to deliver as much of our portfolio as possible on it as fast as possible."

Rennie says IBM will also design applications targeted specifically at the iPad, which it hopes to release "very close to the delivery date" of the device. "The screen real estate and the touch interface should give us the opportunity to do some very interesting things," he says.

Apple's ( AAPL - news - people ) iPad seems squarely targeted at consumers, not BlackBerry-wielding suits. But Rennie says that the tablet, like the iPhone, will likely be used by executives who blend their home and work life and want to use their own personal gadgets to do work securely. "Peoples' lives don't segment neatly between work and home. The iPad gives people what will probably be a home device, but they're still going to want to access a full suite of business software on it," he says. "It'll be a device our customers will own, and they'll expect us to support it."

Apple's products represent one of the strongest forces in the so-called "consumerization of IT," the influx of gadgets into companies without regard for which technology is meant for use inside or outside the enterprise, says IDC analyst Stephen Drake. While IDC estimates that there are only about 4 million iPhones being used in an enterprise setting today, the firm expects that number to reach 9 million by 2013. IDC also predicts that the number of iPhones bought and maintained by companies will grow the most dramatically, quintupling over the next four years to total more then 3 million devices.

As IBM attempts to ride that wave of iPhones into the enterprise, adding software specifically for the iPad is a low-risk bet. "It makes a lot of sense for IBM to get its solutions onto the iPhone and into the mobile space," says Drake. "Given that the iPad uses the same software infrastructure, porting their software to that platform is relatively painless."

Unlike Microsoft ( MSFT - news - people ) and Google ( GOOG - news - people ), which compete with IBM in collaboration and messaging software, IBM doesn't have its own mobile operating system to promote. That platform-agnostic approach means that IBM may be freer to develop Apple-focused software than the two other warring tech giants. "Anything Microsoft does will be first focused on Windows mobile, and Google will push apps for Android," says Drake. "For IBM and others that aren't tied to a particular environment, this is a good opportunity for them."

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

New Twitter Feature Looks For Malicious URLs  (0) 2010.03.12
Apple Asks Court To Ban Google Phones  (0) 2010.03.05
PayPal to become a way to pay for Facebook ads  (0) 2010.02.19
SoftwareQATest.com  (0) 2010.02.03
Google And The iPad  (0) 2010.01.29
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Google And The iPad

IT 2010. 1. 29. 03:33

BURLINGAME, Calif. -- Apple's new iPad aims to remake a market touched on by laptops, tablet computers, netbooks and even the iPod--portable devices for the creation and consumption of media, largely text and video. That also hits its increasingly active competitor Google.

The iPad met a mixture of reviews Wednesday, largely inflected with disappointment by people who were expecting much more--a salvation of journalism, the remaking of reading, destruction of the broadcast world, something like that. On its own, however, it may be a worthy device with an acceptable price point (one likely to fall) that should attract a lot of third-party developers. There is also talk of a new kind of electronic bookstore, which should make publishers happy.

Google ( GOOG - news - people ), on the other hand, may not be so amused. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt has talked openly of creating a powerful and cheap netbook computer by late 2010. Judging from his words, the Google netbook (or, given the way fashions are trending, perhaps now a tablet) will be priced far below Apple's ( AAPL - news - people ) range of $499 to $829.

Both companies are aiming at the business market, but with very different intentions. Apple, long a seller of hardware, is thinking in terms of something cheaper than a laptop, or better than a netbook. Google sees its device as a means to accessing its main businesses of Internet search and, increasingly, Internet-based office applications like word processing. The Google machine might even be subsidized like a cellphone, thrown on at a deep discount for a subscriber to Google Apps.

The two companies have been coming at each other for a while. Google's Nexus One phone is a rival to Apple's iPhone, and Apple is said to be building big data centers to offer online services a la Google. Earlier this week, Google released software for the iPhone that lets users make cheap long distance calls via the Internet, avoiding some charges by phone companies. Google tried this last year, but Apple did not approve the product. Schmidt resigned from Apple's board soon after. The new Google software can be accessed via the Internet, dodging Apple's control.

Who wins this battle may depend on the market result of corporate style. Both Apple and Google have outstanding recent track records on innovation and disruption, but the companies go about it in very different ways. Older Apple, schooled in selling delightful consumer technology products, has a discipline of process control. Its stuff comes out with the hardware and software created in parallel for maximum performance. With the iPod music player, the online store became part of that process. New versions of products roll out, and sometimes (as with the Mac or the iPhone) outside developers contribute ancillary products, but Apple's taste in the matter rules.

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

PayPal to become a way to pay for Facebook ads  (0) 2010.02.19
SoftwareQATest.com  (0) 2010.02.03
Apple iPad Gripes And Groans  (0) 2010.01.29
On the Call: AT&T on the economics of the iPad  (0) 2010.01.29
NHN USA www.ijji.com online game  (0) 2009.12.23
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Apple iPad Gripes And Groans

IT 2010. 1. 29. 03:30

BURLINGAME, Calif. -- You've got to hand it to Forbes publisher Rich Karlgaard: Last fall, he blogged about the then-upcoming Apple tablet, calling it the "Apple iPad."

Although his prognostication came true, some are snickering that the name reminds them of feminine products and have dubbed the new device "iTampon," a term that has landed into Twitter's trending topics. The name "iPad," however, is just one of several gripes circulating among the tech pundit circuit. Other complaints include lack of camera, lousy virtual keyboard and no killer technology breakthroughs.

First up in Gizmodo's eight-item roundup of bad iPad features was the one-inch-wide bezel. That's the black casing around your iPod or iPhone, and according to the gadget blog's Adam Frucci, "It's huge! I know you don't want to accidentally input a command when your thumb is holding it, but come on."

Blog ReadWriteWeb lamented the lack of a camera, something users expect in a multi-purpose device. The Forbes technology staff thinks a camera would have been swell for videoconferencing.

Another groan? No Flash support, posits VentureBeat's Anthony Ha. "The absence of Flash may not seem like a big deal," he writes, "but if Apple wants this to be a serious computing device ... that's a pretty big drawback."

There's also the wireless keyboard. "This whole time we've been wondering how we'll really get any typing done on Apple's new iPad," notes Engadget's Paul Miller. "At last we have the answer: an optional keyboard dock!"

Even analysts at NPD Group had something to say. "With no changes yet to the purchase model of TV shows or movies through the iTunes store, it doesn't appear that this will fundamentally alter consumers' in-home media consumption," writes Stephen Baker. "Small, slick, typically great-looking, and well priced at $499, it is an interesting but ultimately not breakthrough device."

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To read more of Taylor Buley's stories, click here. Contact the writer at tbuley@forbes.com.

'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by CEOinIRVINE


Associated Press, 01.28.10, 01:06 PM EST


AT&T Inc. is offering a new type of data plan for Apple Inc.'s iPad tablet computer, to go on sale in a few months.

At $30 per month for unlimited data, with no contract, iPad owners will pay half of what data service costs for a laptop under contract, what the industry calls a "postpaid" plan. There will also be a $15 per month option with limited downloads. The price will include use of AT&T's network of Wi-Fi hotspots, which offloads capacity from the cellular network.

On Thursday's earnings conference call, Chief Financial Officer Rick Lindner was asked to explain how the new plans will be profitable.

QUESTION: On the iPad, could you talk about the economics of that?

ANSWER: It is a substantially different model from our typical postpaid customer economics in that we're not subsidizing the device. Customers will buy the device, they'll activate on an online basis, and they will pay for it via a credit card, pay in advance.

So we don't have the normal acquisition costs, setup costs, billing costs, so on and so forth. So then it comes down to forecasts and estimates for usage on the device. Our expectation is that the device is going to be somewhere between our highest-usage integrated devices, say an iPhone, and a laptop.

We believe though, based on where the device will be used - in homes, offices, coffee shops, bookstores, airports ... a substantial amount of time in a Wi-fi environment...

We'll have to monitor this usage as the device gets out there, and if it's substantially different we'll adapt to it. But right now I think the economics will be very positive, because it will be a really low-cost device for us - no cost really, in terms of acquisition.

Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

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Posted by CEOinIRVINE