'Time'에 해당되는 글 8건

  1. 2010.04.10 iPad app 열전!!! by CEOinIRVINE
  2. 2009.03.25 Coming Soon To eBay: The Taxman by CEOinIRVINE
  3. 2009.03.07 Apple Airport Extreme / Time Capsule Multiple Vulnerabilities by CEOinIRVINE
  4. 2009.02.12 Just under 50 million watch Obama in prime-time by CEOinIRVINE
  5. 2009.01.08 Time's Tough For Time Warner by CEOinIRVINE
  6. 2009.01.06 A Terrible Time For Carmakers by CEOinIRVINE
  7. 2008.12.14 tea time by CEOinIRVINE
  8. 2008.12.12 Web 2.0 entrepreneur cashes out just in time by CEOinIRVINE

iPad app 열전!!!

IT 2010. 4. 10. 02:44

iPad app 열전!!!

일단 iPad를 구입하고 가장 먼저 한것은... 아무래도 app 다운로드 겠죠.
제가 구입한 어플들을 몇가지 소개해 봅니다.

1. sketch pro
키노트에서 시연됐던 brush는 사진을 바탕에 깔고 그림을 그릴 수 없다해서
간택된 놈 입니다. 제대로 페인터 더군요...

2. weather HD
뭐... 날씨 어플입니다만...
그냥 예쁘고 저렴하다는것 하나로 쓸만 합니다.
iweather pad처럼 뭔가 좀 복잡하고 멋져 보이는 놈도 필요하지만
아침에 일어나서 키면 그냥 시원하고 예쁜 영상을 보면서 오늘의 날씨는 아는것도 좋더군요.

3. twitepad
트위터 어플입니다만... 화면을 나눠서 브라우징이 가능합니다....
아이디어가 나쁘지 않아서 구입 했습니다만..
생각보다 브라우징을 많이 하게 되지는 않더군요..
반면 트위터 기능이 좀 떨어져서 다른 대체품을 찾고 있습니다.

4. imockup
웹사이트 구상이나 어플구상을 위해 구입 했는데....
레이어들이 너무 쉽게 움직이고 고정하는 옵션도 없어서 손이 너무 많이 가는통에 적당한 것이 있으면
역시 대체하려 고민중 입니다.

5. GoodReader
다들 아시겠지만..
컴퓨터에서 바로 아이폰/패드로 파일을 이동해서 읽을 수 있습니다.
MS오피스 포멧을 읽는것은 기본 기능이고요.. pdf 도 잘 읽힙니다만...
제가 주로 사용하는 pdf 를 읽을때에는 참... 애플 스럽지 않은 딱딱한 UI가 사용을 기피하게 하는군요.
아무리 기능이 좋아도 UI가 좋지 않거나 동작이 부드럽지 않으면 좀 난감해 집니다.

6. 1Password
뭐... 말이 필요 없습니다.
전 MAC버전을 사용하기 때문에 iPad용을 무료로 받았습니다만
password 관리 어플입니다.
MAC버전처럼 id/pass 를 자동으로 입력해주지는 않지만 id/pass를 전혀 기억하지 못하는 지금은
꼭 필요한 어플이 됐습니다.

7. iWork series
뭐... 필구 어플 입니다.
iPad 발매때부터 줄곧 1위를 고수하고 있죠.

8. NewRack
RSS 어플입니다.
주요 사이트들이 목록에 있어서 언제든지 추가할 수 있는 장점도 있고
UI도 iPad에 잘 맞추어져서 나쁘지 않습니다.
다만 세로모드로 했을때 다른 feed들을 보려면 터치가 몇번 필요하다는게 좀 귀찮군요.

9. Headline
역시 RSS feed 어플입니다.
간단하면서 빠른 동작을 보여줍니다. 가로모드든 세로모드든 화면이 둘로 나뉘어 있어
빠르게 한눈에 확인이 가능합니다.
전 RSS feed 어플은 빠르게 슥 훓어서 읽어주는걸 좋아 합니다.
요즘 사이트들은 약아져서 RSS에서 모든 내용을 보여주는 경우는 거의 없거든요..

10. Shovel
digg 전용 어플 입니다.
넷상에서 논라이나 관심이 있는 주제가 올라오면 사람들의 의견이 많이 달리는 개념으로 이해하시면 쉽습니다.
특정 사이트의 RSS는 그 사이트의 주제에 편중되지만 digg은 그렇지 않아서 애용중 입니다.

11. Local News
지역 신문 어플 입니다.
미국이 워낙 땅덩이가 넓다보니... ;;;

12. WSJ
Wall Street Journal 어플이죠.
어플의 구성도 괜찮고 완성도도 나쁘지 않습니다만..... 구독료가 ... 절 울리는군요..

13. Editors' Choice
NewYork Times 어플 입니다.
무료라는게 가장 마음에 듭니다만... 뭔가 놓치는게 있는것 같은 불안한 마음이 듭니다.

14. USA Today
위 두개에 비하면 좀 가벼운 뉴스들을 보여줍니다. 무료라는게 역시...

15. NPR
USA today 만큼 가볍습니다.
다 좋은데 메뉴가 좀 이상해서 구석에 숨어있는 뉴스를 발굴해 내기가 좀 힘든감이 있습니다.

16. ABC Player
필수 어플이죠...
ABC 방송의 드라마를 공짜로 볼 수 있다니!!!

17. TIME
TIME 잡지 어플 입니다.
그래도 잡지 어플중에 가장 이동성이나 UI, 동작성이 좋아 보이는 어플 입니다.
내용은 뭐 나쁘지 않은데 개인적으로 NewsWeek 를 선호 합니다..

18. Cool hunting
신기한 것들을 모아놓은 사이트의 RSS feed 어플 입니다.
뭐... 재밋습니다.
engadget 보다 좀 더 얼리아답터적 성향이 강하달까요? 어쨌거나 무료라 애용중 입니다.

19. Kindle
다들 아시는 킨들이죠.
iBook 처럼 책장을 넘기거나 우아한 모습은 전혀!!! 찾아 볼 수가 없습니다만..
책이 많다는것에 위안을 두면서 사용중 입니다.
하지만 iBook Store가 언젠가 더 활성화 되리라는 기대감 속에서 되도록 책 구입은 안하고 있습니다.
이미 kindle 용 책을 가지고 계신분은 필수 무료 어플이겠지만
그렇지 않다면.... 그닥 권할만한 어플이 아닙니다.

20. Box.net
Box.net 사이트에 연결해서 문서들을 올리고 싱크하고 읽을 수 있습니다.
Goodreader 는 컴퓨터와의 직접 연결을... Box는 웹을 통한 싱크를 하지만
어플의 동작은 Box가 더 앞섭니다.
개인적으로 Box만 사용해도 될듯 합니다.
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LENSWORKS.net.  from www.appleforum.com
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Coming Soon To eBay: The Taxman

IT 2009. 3. 25. 08:06

Are you a spare-bedroom merchant? Time to start reporting sales to the IRS.

With the economy worsening, more and more people are likely trying to make ends meet by selling goods via eBay, Amazon.com, Google Checkout and other online services. The Internal Revenue Service is fixing to wield a big new weapon to get its cut.

Desperate to generate revenues by narrowing the "tax gap" (and at the urging of the Bush administration), Congress last year passed legislation requiring processors of third-party payments and settlements--mainly payment card companies and services like Paypal--to report to the IRS individuals and business entities that receive at least $20,000 a year in credit- or debit-card charges from 200 or more transactions. The mandatory reporting, buried in the Housing Assistance Tax Act of 2008, would begin in 2011.

The IRS is already soliciting comments on how to implement the law. The primary mechanism likely would be a once-a-year issuance of a variation of Form 1099 reporting gross receipts paid.

Here's the big implication: If the IRS sees a credit card or Paypal 1099 issued for an individual who has filed a tax return that doesn't include a Schedule C (Net Profit From Business-Sole Proprietorship) or includes one showing too little in sales, or to a business reporting too little in sales, the agency might target the recipient for an audit. If an audit target fails to produce acceptable documentation of his or her business proceeds and expenses, the IRS might well include all the revenue reported on the 1099s, disallow any undocumented business expenses and then assess taxes, interest and possibly penalties on profits a taxpayer didn't even have.

A large number of mom-and-pop Internet sellers won't reach the $20,000, 200-transaction threshold for payment card reporting. But if you're one who might, or you simply want to avoid any IRS hassles, how best to protect yourself?

For starters, we recommend honesty. (After all, even sales that aren't subject to 1099 reporting are legally required to be reported on your tax return.) Close behind honesty is keeping good records, which, in this day of easy-to-use computer programs like Quicken, Microsoft Money and QuickBooks, is no longer an obstacle. On eBay, if worse comes to worse, regularly download and print out the page showing all transactions for the past two months.

Here are some other pointers:

--Try to produce a profit more often than not. If you show a profit for three years out of five, the IRS presumes you're legitimately in business for profit. If you show a loss for three years out of five, the IRS is more likely to assert that your buying and selling--say, of Star Wars memorabilia--is really just a hobby, not a business. You want it to be a business; legitimate business expenses are all deductible on Schedule C. If, in some years, your expenses exceed your sales, you can claim a loss and use it to offset other income from, say, your day job if you still have one.

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Will OnLive Kill The Game Console?  (0) 2009.03.25
Life After Google  (0) 2009.03.25
Bonuses, Budgets and Bailouts  (0) 2009.03.25
DNS Record Manipulation  (0) 2009.03.25
Qualcomm backs game console for `next billion'  (0) 2009.03.24
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Apple Airport Extreme / Time Capsule Multiple Vulnerabilities



Some vulnerabilities have been reported in Apple Airport Extreme and
Time Capsule, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct
spoofing attacks, disclose potentially sensitive information, or to
cause a DoS (Denial of Service).

1) An error exists in the implementation of the Neighbor Discovery
protocol when processing Neighbor Discovery messages.

For more information:

2) An unspecified error exists in the handling of PPPoE discovery
packets. which can be exploited to cause an out-of-bounds memory
access error by sending a specially crafted PPPoE discovery packet.

3) An error exists in the handling of incoming ICMPv6 "Packet Too
Big" messages, which can be exploited to shutdown the device.

This is related to:

Update to firmware version 7.4.1.

Reported by vendor.


Posted by CEOinIRVINE

An estimated 49.5 million people watched Barack Obama's first prime-time news conference as president.

Nielsen Media Research says Monday night's session was televised live on eight different networks - ABC, CBS (nyse: CBS - news - people ), NBC, Fox, CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and Univision.

It wasn't the most-watched presidential news conference. A month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, President Bush held a news conference watched by 64.8 million people. And a news conference about the economy held less than a month after President Clinton took office in 1993 drew 64.3 million viewers.

In 1993, the average U.S. home had 40 channels. Now, it's 118 channels, according to Nielsen.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

'Politics' 카테고리의 다른 글

White House Cheat Sheet: Democrats Ca$h in on Rush  (0) 2009.03.07
U.S. Unemployment Rate Jumps to 8.1 Percent  (0) 2009.03.07
Obama's Dilema  (0) 2009.02.10
Obama Seeks Halt to Legal Proceedings at Guantanamo  (0) 2009.01.21
Inauguration  (0) 2009.01.21
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Look out below: Time Warner expects to record a $25.0 billion charge during the fourth-quarter.

On Wednesday the New York-based media conglomerate said an impairment charge for its cable, publishing and AOL units would result in a fourth-quarter operating loss. The firm, which owns CNN, Time magazine and the Warner Brothers film studio, also cut its full-year outlook to between $1.04 and $1.07 per share.

Time Warner also said that its results, particularly for its AOL and publishing unit's advertising operations, had been pressured by economic conditions that were more difficult than initially anticipated.

The market didn't take the news well, pushing Time Warner's shares down 6.2%, or 68 cents, to $10.31, in early-morning trading.

The rest of the broadcasting sector got the message, though it fared little better: CBS (nyse: CBS - news - people ) dropped 4.7%, News Corp. (nyse: NWS - news - people ) fell 5.0%, Walt Disney (nyse: DIS - news - people ) slipped 3.7% and Viacom (nyse: VIA - news - people ) tumbled 5.2%.

Also on Tuesday, Time Warner's (nyse: TWX - news - people ) cable-television arm Time Warner Cable (nyse: TWC - news - people ), said it expected to record a $15.0 billion non-cash impairment charge on its cable franchise rights in the fourth quarter, resulting in a loss for 2008.

Time Warner Cable, the nation's second largest cable television operator, added that it foresaw an impairment charge of approximately $350.0 million on its investment in wireless broadband provider, Clearwire (nasdaq: CLWR - news - people ).

'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글

Satyam Revelation Rocks Indian Markets  (0) 2009.01.08
Intel Sets A Gloomy Tone  (0) 2009.01.08
Qualcomm Could Shine At CES  (0) 2009.01.08
ADP Report Reflects Dark December  (0) 2009.01.08
What Apple Fans Didn't Get  (0) 2009.01.07
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Automakers finish 2008 on a bleak note. Expect 2009 to be worse.

When a bailout from the government is the best thing that's happened to your industry all year, you know there's a problem. For the car business, it may be the only good news for a while.

General Motors (nyse: GM - news - people ), Ford (nyse: F - news - people ), Honda (nyse: HMC - news - people ) and Toyota (nyse: TM - news - people ) all reported December sales declines of more than 30% from a year ago, finishing off a bleak year that saw industry-wide U.S. sales drop 16.7% from 2007, to 13.5 million vehicles.

With an economy that's expected to get worse before it gets better, many analysts see carmakers having an even tougher time of it in 2009. Some see sales plunging to 10 million units or fewer--nearly double the percentage drop of 2008.

GM and Chrysler, each of which just pocketed the first installment of its combined $17.4 billion emergency government loan, saw December sales drop 31% and 53%, respectively. Neither has the luxury of putting its government money to use building brand strength, making factory improvements or any other long-term initiative. Times are too dire for that.

"The money is just to stay alive for the next few weeks," says Jesse Toprak, an analyst at Edmunds.com.

Other depressing sales reports from December: a 32% drop at Ford, 37% at Toyota and 35% at Honda. To make matters worse, in order to push cars off the lots, five of the six major U.S. and Japanese automakers increased incentive spending from November, according to Edmunds.com, with Ford setting a monthly record of over $4,000 per vehicle.

Only Toyota kept incentive spending flat from November, though the $1,995 it spent per vehicle was still almost twice the rate in December 2007.

'Business' 카테고리의 다른 글

Nintendo's Low-Tech TV Is Long On Charm  (0) 2009.01.06
Netflix Goes Direct To LG  (0) 2009.01.06
Fixing IT  (0) 2008.12.30
'Gears Of War' Creator On Gaming's Future  (0) 2008.12.30
Street Slacks After Dow Deal Crumbles  (0) 2008.12.30
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

tea time

Fashion 2008. 12. 14. 13:30

'Fashion' 카테고리의 다른 글

Look of the day  (0) 2008.12.14
Girly Girl  (0) 2008.12.14
Roberto Cavalli  (0) 2008.12.14
Metallic Makeup  (0) 2008.12.14
Prada People  (0) 2008.12.14
Posted by CEOinIRVINE
Suleman Ali sold Esgut, his portfolio of Facebook applications, for seven figures in April.

Suleman Ali sold Esgut, his portfolio of Facebook applications, for seven figures in April.

The 26-year-old, a former Microsoft employee who helped put together the Windows Home Server product, founded a company called Esgut within months of the debut of Facebook's developer platform in May 2007. Esgut is a portfolio of Facebook applications, and a few of them, like Superlatives and Entourage, became genuine viral hits.

In April, Ali sold the 12-employee Esgut to the Social Gaming Network, a Silicon Valley company backed by the likes of Bezos Expeditions, the Founders Fund, and Greylock Partners. He said the price was in the seven figures.

But Ali is the first to acknowledge that for upstart social-platform developers, hailed just months ago as the Valley's hottest breed of bright young things, the condition has taken a significant turn for the worse.

"Most people are not counting on anything," the lanky and bespectacled Ali said over lunch at an organic restaurant near New York's Union Square in early December. "They're just operating from day to day."

When Facebook's developer platform launched, the social network's traffic began to really skyrocket. What had started as a no-frills networking site for students at elite universities became a Silicon Valley buzz factory with legitimate geek credentials. And however gimmicky many of the most popular Facebook Platform apps were, millions of people decided they now had a reason to join the site. The floodgates had opened. Facebook was a phenomenon.

When other social networks such as MySpace, Friendster, and Hi5 also paraded out developer platforms, the tech world took it as evidence that there was a big future in building platform applications. More importantly for developers and ambitious tech entrepreneurs, it looked like there could be gobs of money in it; the open, anyone-can-play attitude created the notion that there was enough for everyone.

"The social platform (on Facebook) actually launched the last day that I was at Microsoft...I was quitting without any idea of what I was going to do," Ali recalled. His aims for leaving Redmond were starry-eyed. "I left because I wanted to do a start-up. I wanted to see what I could do out there on my own. And I wanted to care deeply about what I was working on."

But he had no concrete plans to go the Facebook route initially, he said. "I ended up in my parents' house in Florida and was kind of bored, and started building Facebook apps just out of restlessness and the desire to do something."

Then, Ali continued, he went to the Graphing Social Patterns West conference in San Diego in March and met Social Gaming Network founder Shervin Pishevar. At the time, he was looking to raise venture funding but hadn't thought about selling his apps. "We talked for 30 minutes and he was like, 'You sound like the exact type of people we want at SGN.'"

Ali sold Esgut to Pishevar's company the next month.

Widgets buzz turns into hush

Ali got lucky. Even before the reality of the recession set in, the social-platform craze was subsiding. The venture capital buzz about widgets began to quiet over the summer. Some of the sillier novelty apps wore off in popularity. Companies that were snapping up small apps and raising huge amounts of venture capital, like Slide and RockYou, grew intimidatingly bigger--but the glut of independent apps made it more difficult to grab the attention of potential buyers.

And after new restrictions, a redesign, and then the social network's focus on expanding through its Facebook Connect log-in service, it became evident that a social-network platform is still a new phenomenon that can change dramatically, and not always to the benefit of little start-ups.

"There's definitely a lot of tightening up," Ali said. "There's a few people that I know that have apps that are relatively small, and they're selling them for valuations lower than what they could've sold them for a month ago, and there are just no buyers in the marketplace. I think they're going to have a hard time selling, period--forget trying to sell at a lower valuation. They're just having a hard time getting rid of them."

So would he still be able to sell his company as easily now? "No, probably not," Ali admitted. "If we were the same company we were then, it would be much harder to sell today. I think we would've had to evolve as a company. I think we would need to be generating more revenue than we were."

But for all his concern about the fate of social-platform developers in a recession, Ali is still strikingly bullish on Facebook--enough so that his newest project is a fund for Facebook stock. He started purchasing it in November, he said, and is meeting with investors in the hopes of purchasing more. He added with surprising gusto that Facebook's decision to delay direct cash-outs hasn't derailed his plan.

"I think that's actually good news for us," Ali said. "I think that means that the price that we pay will actually go down because there are all these employees who intended to sell stock back to Facebook, and now they're not going to be able to sell it to Facebook, (so) they'll have to sell it somewhere else."

He hopes to keep the stock until Facebook files for an initial public offering, and he still thinks that's on track, too. "I think it's going to be a function of the economy and when the markets open back up for an IPO," he said, and cited target dates that had been provided in interviews by Facebook investor and board member Jim Breyer. "From a Facebook perspective, I think it'll be ready to IPO in 2011."

Many critics would say that's wishful thinking, and that the company will sell--to existing investor Microsoft, maybe--for much lower than its $15 billion preferred-stock valuation.

But Ali got lucky on Facebook once already, and even in a recession he hasn't given up hope that it could happen again.

Posted by CEOinIRVINE