'cost'에 해당되는 글 11건

  1. 2008.10.28 10 Ways to Cut Business Costs by CEOinIRVINE

10 Ways to Cut Business Costs

10 Ways to Cut Business Costs

John Tozzi


Small changes to reduce expenses and improve profitability can help prevent more painful cuts later on. Here are 10 ways your company can trim costs without touching your core business, with links to in-depth articles on each technique.

Reduce Energy Use

Reduce Energy Use

Switch to compact fluorescent lighting to save electricity. Cut your heating bill with better insulation and windows. On the road, slow down and use GPS systems to boost mileage and reduce fuel costs.



Send some or all of your staff to work from home to save on the cost of office space. You'll also save workers money and time commuting.

Pay Invoices Early

Pay Invoices Early

Take advantage of discounts suppliers offer for paying invoices early. Often trade terms offer 2% off for payment within 10 days.

Curb Travel Expenses

Curb Travel Expenses

Cut business trips that don't generate revenue, such as conferences, and opt for less expensive flights and hotels on essential trips.

Find Cheaper Space

Find Cheaper Space

Get bargains on new office space or renegotiate better terms on your current lease now that real estate markets in many areas are tilting in tenants' favor.

Buy Secondhand

Buy Secondhand

Find office equipment and furniture at a fraction of the retail cost as other businesses liquidate or unload their assets.

Go the Barter Route

Go the Barter Route

Trade goods and services with other businesses to reduce cash expenditures.

Manage Your Inventory

Manage Your Inventory

Keep only supplies you need in stock to reduce overhead

Cut Your Tax Bill

Cut Your Tax Bill

Take advantage of tax deductions for new equipment purchases, hybrid cars, and other expenditures.

Audit Fixed Assets

Audit Fixed Assets

Clear your books of assets you no longer have to reduce your insurance bills and taxes.

Posted by CEOinIRVINE