'Hacking' 카테고리의 다른 글
Snort IDS Installation (0) | 2010.03.04 |
TMAC V5 R3 MAC CHANGE (0) | 2009.11.20 |
Hacking (0) | 2009.10.28 |
What tools do you use to test applications? (0) | 2009.10.08 |
How much does a penetration test cost? (0) | 2009.10.08 |
Snort IDS Installation (0) | 2010.03.04 |
TMAC V5 R3 MAC CHANGE (0) | 2009.11.20 |
Hacking (0) | 2009.10.28 |
What tools do you use to test applications? (0) | 2009.10.08 |
How much does a penetration test cost? (0) | 2009.10.08 |
#ifndef _MAIN_H
#define _MAIN_H
char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename);
void __cdecl add_log (const char * fmt, ...);
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h>
#include <d3d8.h>
#include <d3dx8.h>
#include "log.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "d3d8.lib")
using namespace std;
static DWORD dwBeginScene = 0x6D9D9250;
static DWORD dwEndScene = 0x6d9d93a0;
static DWORD dwDrawIndexedPrimitive = 0x6d9d73a0;
static DWORD dwSetStreamSource = 0x6d9d6760;
static DWORD dwSetViewport = 0x6d9d5b90 ;
int m_Stride;
int texnum;
int nNumVertices;
int nPrimitiveCount;
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 Red,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple,Pink,Orange;
bool Color = true;
bool Logger = false;
ofstream ofile;
char dlldir[320];
float ScreenCenterX = 0.0f;
float ScreenCenterY = 0.0f;
bool xhair = false;
bool WallHack = false;
bool WallHack2 = false;
DWORD bytes;
int texarray[1000];
int arraycounter;
int delarray[500];
int dcount;
unsigned int arrc;
int i=0;
D3DCOLOR redt = D3DCOLOR_XRGB( 255, 0, 0 );
char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename)
static char path[320];
strcpy(path, dlldir);
strcat(path, filename);
return path;
void __cdecl add_log (const char *fmt, ...)
if(ofile != NULL)
if(!fmt) { return; }
va_list va_alist;
char logbuf[256] = {0};
va_start (va_alist, fmt);
_vsnprintf (logbuf+strlen(logbuf), sizeof(logbuf) - strlen(logbuf), fmt, va_alist);
va_end (va_alist);
ofile << logbuf << endl;
HRESULT GenerateTexture(IDirect3DDevice8 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture8 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32)
if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppD3Dtex)) )
return E_FAIL;
WORD colour16 = ((WORD)((colour32>>28)&0xF)<<12)
(*ppD3Dtex)->LockRect(0, &d3dlr, 0, 0);
WORD *pDst16 = (WORD*)d3dlr.pBits;
for(int xy=0; xy < 8*8; xy++)
*pDst16++ = colour16;
return S_OK;
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oEndScene ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice );
oEndScene pEndScene;
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Red, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 0 , 0 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Yellow, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Green, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 0 , 255 , 0 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Blue, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Purple, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 102 , 0 , 153 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Pink, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 20 , 147 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Orange, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 165 , 0 ));
D3DRECT rec2 = {ScreenCenterX-20, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 20, ScreenCenterY+2};
D3DRECT rec3 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-20, ScreenCenterX+ 2,ScreenCenterY+20};
pDevice->Clear(1, &rec2, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,redt, 0, 0);
pDevice->Clear(1, &rec3, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,redt, 0, 0);
int end =NULL;
int dip =NULL;
int svp =NULL;
int sss =NULL;
BYTE Unhook[5] = {0x8B,0xFF,0x55,0x8B,0xEC};//Original Function Bytes.
hand1 = GetCurrentProcess();
DWORD dwmodualBase=(DWORD)GetModuleHandle("d3d8.dll");
end = 0x6d9d93a0;
dip = 0x6d9d73a0;
svp = 0x6d9d5b90;
sss = 0x6d9d6760;
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) end, Unhook, 5, &bytes);
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) dip, Unhook, 5, &bytes);
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) svp ,Unhook, 5, &bytes);
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) sss,Unhook, 5, &bytes);
return pEndScene(pDevice);
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oDrawIndexedPrimitive ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount );
oDrawIndexedPrimitive pDrawIndexedPrimitive;
HRESULT WINAPI myDrawIndexedPrimitive(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount)
texnum = (nNumVertices*100000)+nPrimitiveCount;
if(m_Stride==40 &&
(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==8500105 )||(texnum==12400168)||(texnum==37000650)||
(texnum==18000274)||(texnum==8800105 )||(texnum==36900650)||(texnum==19600314)||
(texnum==21800306)||(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==8500105 )||(texnum==12400168)||
(texnum==21800306)||(texnum==36900650)||(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==37000650)||
(texnum==18000274)||(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==8500105 )||(texnum==38000658)||
(texnum==4800040 )||(texnum==83600752)||(texnum==33400477)||(texnum==38100666)||
(texnum==2800036 )||(texnum==62400752)||(texnum==29700492)||(texnum==84900778)||
(texnum==37200508)||(texnum==52100658)||(texnum==52100658) &&
(nNumVertices == 100 && nPrimitiveCount == 121) || //Foot
(nNumVertices == 105 && nPrimitiveCount == 168) || //Right Arm
(nNumVertices == 132 && nPrimitiveCount == 180) || //Hand
(nNumVertices == 159 && nPrimitiveCount == 200) || //Left Arm
(nNumVertices == 338 && nPrimitiveCount == 534) || //Underbody thanks japennese guy =)
//(nNumVertices == 448 && nPrimitiveCount == 776) || //Head
(nNumVertices == 804 && nPrimitiveCount == 1016) || //Body //SRG Option item
(nNumVertices == 109 && nPrimitiveCount == 110) || //Bulletproof Vest
(nNumVertices == 336 && nPrimitiveCount == 532)) //Battle Pants
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
//pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME );
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
//pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID );
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if(m_Stride==40 && texnum== 21300174)
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if(nNumVertices == 158 && nPrimitiveCount == 131)
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if (nNumVertices == 171 && nPrimitiveCount == 143)
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if(m_Stride==40 &&//face,mask etc...
(texnum==34900580)|| // Delta Force Head
(texnum==36100604)|| // Spetsnaz Head
(texnum==38000658)|| // Spetsnaz Legs
(texnum==18300268)|| // Spetsnaz Body
(texnum==36200604)|| // GIGN Head
(texnum==21200306)|| // GIGN Body
(texnum==35500568)|| // GSG9 Head
(texnum==2200024)|| // GSG9 Bangs
(texnum==8800105)|| // GSG9 Feet
(texnum==36900650)|| // GSG9 Legs
(texnum==19600314)|| // GSG9 Body
(texnum==36700612)|| // SAS Head
(texnum==8500105)|| // SAS Feet
(texnum==37000650)|| // SAS Legs
(texnum==18000274)|| // SAS Body
(texnum==35300556)|| // KSF Head
(texnum==7500121)|| // KSF Arms
(texnum==9200115)|| // KSF Feet
(texnum==12400168)|| // KSF Hands
(texnum==30100522)|| // KSF Legs
(texnum==18700288)|| // KSF Body
(texnum==40900594)|| // ARTC Head
(texnum==11700190)|| // ARTC Arms
(texnum==9100118)|| // ARTC Feet
(texnum==12500170)|| // ARTC Hands
(texnum==37000634)|| // ARTC Legs
(texnum==41700516)|| // ARTC Body
(texnum==19400260)|| // ROKMC Body
(texnum==37900592)|| // ROKMC Head
(texnum==36500642)|| // ROKMC Legs
(texnum==44800776)|| // SRG Head
(texnum==15900200)|| // SRG Left Arm
(texnum==10500168)|| // SRG Right Arm
(texnum==80401016)|| // SRG Body
(texnum==10000121)|| // SRG Feet
(texnum==13200180)|| // SRG Hands
(texnum==33800534)|| // SRG Leg
(texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet
(texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet 2
(texnum==34700538)|| // Delta Force Gas Mask
(texnum==19500352)|| // Delta Force Balaclava
(texnum==84900778)|| // Delta Force Clan BDU
(texnum==27500442)|| // Delta Force Body Armor
(texnum==42800576)|| // Delta Force Body Armor 2
(texnum==52100658)|| // Delta Force Tactical Vest
(texnum==12200196)|| // Spetsnaz Helmet
(texnum==27100464)|| // Spetsnaz Gas Mask
(texnum==33600552)|| // Spetsnaz Body Armor
(texnum==44100646)|| // Spetsnaz Tactical Vest
(texnum==17800292)|| // GIGN Red Bandana
(texnum==21300290)|| // GIGN Helmet
(texnum==2800036)|| // GIGN Helmet Lens
(texnum==35700558)|| // GIGN Gas Mask
(texnum==22100396)|| // GIGN Balaclava
(texnum==29700492)|| // GIGN Body Armor
(texnum==11200188)|| // ROKMC Beret
(texnum==12000194)|| // ROKMC Helmet
(texnum==29800450)|| // ROKMC Gas Mask
(texnum==27100394)|| // ROKMC Body Armor
(texnum==28700374)|| // ROKMC X Harness
(texnum==34700470)|| // ROKMC X Harness
(texnum==5100056)|| // ROKMC Pouch
(texnum==9900163)|| // ROKMC Left Arm
(texnum==18300163)|| // ROKMC Right Arm
(texnum==16400266)|| // GSG9 Red Bandana
(texnum==16200243)|| // GSG9 Helmet
(texnum==31900466)|| // GSG9 Gas Mask
(texnum==19300342)|| // GSG9 Balaclava
(texnum==83600752)|| // GSG9 Clan BDU
(texnum==33400477)|| // GSG9 Body Armor
(texnum==10500163)|| // GSG9 Rolled Up Sleeves
(texnum==38100666)|| // GSG9 Tactical Knee Pads
(texnum==9600172)|| // SAS Boonie Hat
(texnum==14200236)|| // SAS Helmet
(texnum==37800552)|| // SAS Gas Mask
(texnum==28100486)|| // SAS Balaclava
(texnum==62400752)|| // SAS Clan BDU
(texnum==27900456)|| // SAS Body Armor
(texnum==45700654)|| // SAS Tactical Vest
(texnum==39800532)|| // SAS Tactical Vest 2
(texnum==9200100)|| // SAS Holster
(texnum==4800040)|| // SAS Magazine Pouch
(texnum==4000044)|| // SAS Pouch
(texnum==6500110) || // KSF Boonie Hat
(texnum==12900208)|| // KSF Helmet
(texnum==29600448)|| // KSF Gas Mask
(texnum==31100398)|| // KSF Sunglasses
(texnum==84700776)|| // KSF Clan BDU
(texnum==600004)|| // KSF Clan BDU Logo
(texnum==36500606)|| // KSF Body Armor
(texnum==63100646)|| // KSF Tactical Vest
(texnum==19800163)|| // KSF Rolled Up Sleeves
(texnum==7000066)|| // KSF Holster
(texnum==10400190)|| // SRG Beret
(texnum==23800294)|| // SRG Deer Head
(texnum==11600180)|| // SRG NIJ IIIA Helmet
(texnum==17100278)|| // SRG Red Bandana
(texnum==14600198)|| // SRG Battle Cap
(texnum==18200266)|| // SRG Helmet
(texnum==19100106)|| // SRG Gas Mask
(texnum==54300350)|| // SRG Sunglasses
(texnum==30800380)|| // SRG Mid Class Sunglasses
(texnum==79300995)|| // SRG Clan BDU 1
(texnum==13300138)|| // SRG Clan BDU 2
(texnum==300001)|| // SRG Clan BDU 3
(texnum==1200012)|| // SRG Clan BDU Logo
(texnum==10900110)|| // SRG Bulletproof Vest
(texnum==6200064)|| // SRG Holster
(texnum==22700250)|| // SRG Pouch
(texnum==2800036)|| // Force Recon Helmet Lens
(texnum==35700558)|| // Force Recon Gas Mask
(texnum==22100396)|| // Force Recon Balaclava
(texnum==29700492)|| // Force Recon Body Armor
(texnum==11200188)|| // Force Recon Beret
(texnum==12000194)|| // Force Recon Helmet
(texnum==29800450)|| // Force Recon Gas Mask
(texnum==27100394)|| // Force Recon Body Armor
(texnum==28700374)|| // Force Recon X Harness
(texnum==34700470)|| // Force Recon X Harness
(texnum==5100056)|| // Force Recon Pouch
(texnum==9900163)|| // Force ReconLeft Arm
(texnum==18300163)|| // Force Recon Right Arm
(nNumVertices == 448 && nPrimitiveCount == 776))
while(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)&1) arrc--; //Used as manual index for adding textures to delarray
while(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)&1) arrc++;
bool alrdy=false;
bool inarr=false;
for(int i=0;i<dcount;i++) //sees if said texture is in delarray
if(texarray[arrc]==texnum || inarr){ //If true, color model differently
DWORD dwOldZEnable = D3DZB_TRUE;
pDevice->SetTexture(0, NULL);
pDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, &dwOldZEnable);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
if(alrdy) //Different colors for selected models that are already being logged (For removal from array)
pDevice->SetTexture(0, texCol);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, dwOldZEnable);
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F5)&1) add_log("Logged tesx: %i", texarray[arrc]); //F5 will print currently selected texnum to logfile
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F6)&1) { //For adding/removing textures to array
bool inarr=true;
for(int k=0;k<dcount;k++){
inarr=false;//Found selected texture to already exist
delarray[k]=0;//Delete texture
break;//Cancel loop
delarray[dcount]=texarray[arrc];//Add texture
int total=1;
add_log("omfg values?!? {");
for(int x=0;x<dcount;x++)//Loops through all recorded variables and prints them in a nice array based format
add_log("%i,",delarray[x]); //add_log2==add_log but without endl
add_log("}; %i variables in array",total);
bool found = false; //THIS PART CREDITS TO KRYPTEC
for(int y=0; y<arraycounter; y++) //THIS IS HIS LOGGING FUNCTION
if(texnum==texarray[y])found=true; //I JUST CREATED AN INTERFACE FOR IT
if(!found && arraycounter < 1000)
return pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
//=====================================Dip_End====== ================================================== ===================//
//=====================================Sss_Start==== ================================================== ====================//
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oSetStreamSource ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, UINT nStreamNumber, LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 pStreamData, UINT nStride );
oSetStreamSource pSetStreamSource;
m_Stride = nStride;
return pSetStreamSource(pDevice, nStreamNumber, pStreamData, nStride);
//====================================Sss_End======= ================================================== ===================//
//====================================Svp_Start===== ================================================== ===================//
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oSetViewport)(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice,CONST D3DVIEWPORT8* pViewport);
oSetViewport pSetViewport;
ScreenCenterX = ( float )pViewport->Width / 2;
ScreenCenterY = ( float )pViewport->Height / 2;
return pSetViewport(pDevice,pViewport);
//===================================Svp_End======== ================================================== ===================//
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oBeginScene ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice );
oBeginScene pBeginScene;
pEndScene = (oEndScene)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwEndScene, (PBYTE)myEndScene);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive = (oDrawIndexedPrimitive)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwDra wIndexedPrimitive, (PBYTE)myDrawIndexedPrimitive);
pSetStreamSource = (oSetStreamSource)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwSetStrea mSource, (PBYTE)mySetStreamSource);
pSetViewport=(oSetViewport)DetourFunction((PBYTE)d wSetViewport,(PBYTE)mySetViewport);
return pBeginScene(pDevice);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved )
if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
GetModuleFileName(hModule, dlldir, 512);
for(int i = strlen(dlldir); i > 0; i--) { if(dlldir[i] == '\') { dlldir[i+1] = 0; break; } }
ofile.open(GetDirectoryFile("log.txt"), ios::app);
pBeginScene = (oBeginScene)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwBeginScene, (PBYTE)myBeginScene);
pEndScene = (oEndScene)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwEndScene, (PBYTE)myEndScene);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive = (oDrawIndexedPrimitive)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwDra wIndexedPrimitive, (PBYTE)myDrawIndexedPrimitive);
pSetStreamSource = (oSetStreamSource)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwSetStrea mSource, (PBYTE)mySetStreamSource);
pSetViewport=(oSetViewport)DetourFunction((PBYTE)d wSetViewport,(PBYTE)mySetViewport);
return TRUE;
Google Disrupts--Again (0) | 2009.03.06 |
Sony president stepping down; CEO Stringer remains (0) | 2009.02.28 |
Windows Command Prompts 01/30/2009 (0) | 2009.02.26 |
Apple director says no change in Jobs' plans (0) | 2009.02.26 |
Why A $99 iPhone Is Bad For Apple (0) | 2009.02.11 |
PRJNAME U_SF_R PUBDATE 081015-011258 TCHKSUM 2027549859 TFILENO 187 TZIPSIZE 389047119 DAYLIGHTSAVING 1 / ijjiuninstall.exe, 28036552, 294912, 141412, 20080508-104503 ijjilauncher_postplugindll_01.dll,3981295, 53248, 24999, 20070718-190530 /u_sf sf.ico, 185810, 2998, 1097, 20081014-220929 hanpollforclient.dll, 13330850, 151552, 79915, 20071114-211302 cname.hdc, 4290441, 33604, 33735, 20080826-220318 chat.hdc, 3890504, 30724, 30848, 20080826-220318 soldierfront.exe, 193480878,1536512, 1523155, 20081014-123109 quietusvs.ini, 7573, 93, 200, 20061220-173820 specialforceus.ini, 44293, 348, 487, 20080518-234418 hyperpeer.dll, 13226245, 155648, 59507, 20070607-151450 dbghelp.dll, 73921967, 665600, 315692, 20061207-121608 enet.dll, 1582724, 32768, 10905, 20061016-201952 gameguard.des, 34065372, 277185, 273456, 20080806-124813 hanauthforclient.dll, 16209233, 303104, 94287, 20070417-182840 hanreportforclient.dll, 13169883, 155648, 75304, 20070326-103100 iaf.dll, 19667167, 225280, 106511, 20081007-094626 mss32.dll, 34333188, 374272, 173123, 20041210-233530 msvcp60.dll, 37374268, 401462, 116252, 20001121-150236 msvcp71.dll, 47651898, 499712, 132586, 20060404-193134 msvcp71d.dll, 79667358, 765952, 180968, 20060317-062802 msvcr71.dll, 35175063, 348160, 181017, 20060404-192258 msvcr71d.dll, 56033397, 544768, 230649, 20060317-062830 msvcrtd.dll, 40344765, 385100, 160306, 19980617-010000 quietus.dll, 2074272, 40960, 14365, 20050707-204146 /u_sf/data default.cfg, 143779, 1875, 707, 20080321-140010 /u_sf/data/area area_015.sff, 510394094,8427186, 2324971, 20080825-102310 area_014.sff, 1714681771,24946018, 5590906, 20080624-105707 area_012.sff, 2992223, 47740, 10766, 20080124-110718 area_010.sff, -1238837083,33945548, 13072739, 20071023-113306 area_009.sff, 346273762,4220751, 895279, 20070409-160000 area_008.sff, -1978400990,32344143, 8352438, 20070404-181758 area_007.sff, 270967417,4447834, 1105094, 20070301-185440 area_006.sff, 50795408, 864790, 197190, 20070115-150228 area_005.sff, 1736772, 19096, 9089, 20070103-201452 area_004.sff, 270967417,4447834, 1105094, 20061205-183236 area_003.sff, 5996935, 63458, 28901, 20061016-132246 area_002.sff, 5471943, 59405, 25367, 20060904-165740 area_001.sff, 1571834858,221534990,98447852, 20060403-163818 area_011.sff, 377169895,6709437, 1788463, 20071211-152448 /u_sf/data/clan clanmark_symbol.dfz, 117087997,898680, 891776, 20081015-011156 clanmark_frame.dfz, 47241435, 351987, 348642, 20081015-011156 clanmark_bg.dfz, 173871500,1282560, 1279451, 20081015-011156 clanmark3.dfz, 1258836136,9194654, 9034194, 20061117-131306 clanmark2.dfz, 1101375342,8033663, 7892874, 20061117-131256 clanmark1.dfz, 1178585289,8611856, 8480590, 20080131-201348 /u_sf/data/effect effect_002.sff, 267734830,2097490, 705203, 20080918-111057 effect_001.sff, 317286380,3220158, 1129414, 20060403-163908 /u_sf/data/force force_010.sff, 61497104, 818377, 304140, 20080424-225300 force_009.sff, 1112537751,11394298, 7024817, 20080331-135242 force_008.sff, 1435199637,15096954, 8442912, 20080325-135212 force_007.sff, 1552052578,16138304, 9221610, 20080311-161122 force_006.sff, 57392645, 640433, 353754, 20080201-110344 force_005.sff, 22656488, 255855, 55224, 20080204-113610 force_004.sff, 107382726,1262695, 651875, 20071211-152448 force_003.sff, 151358472,1380541, 1023891, 20071008-102356 force_002.sff, 22185361, 213795, 106549, 20070712-125220 force_001.sff, -181145931,41968009, 23988072, 20060628-135914 force_017.sff, 10405098, 107079, 54509, 20081010-153432 force_012.sff, 1000791991,9738970, 5904717, 20080624-105709 force_013.sff, 890902, 9446, 1677, 20080709-104429 force_014.sff, 146776134,1683329, 891532, 20080718-102321 force_015.sff, 21620293, 237024, 107510, 20080825-102311 force_016.sff, 57006727, 577913, 288534, 20080922-114056 force_018.sff, 463521833,5020588, 2803425, 20081030-211807 force_020.sff, 8531505, 120992, 18947, 20081002-183432 force_021.sff, 7185400, 79952, 38348, 20081014-123109 force_019.sff, 171949948,1784532, 1060547, 20081124-154954 force_011.sff, 1058004375,10290717, 6542236, 20080527-233819 /u_sf/data/lobby lobbydata33.mrg, 2016446447,16083552, 2759485, 20080124-110718 lobbydata23.mrg, 945314, 4879, 1211, 20070919-110102 lobbydata34.mrg, 743268192,5239571, 679553, 20080212-164704 lobbydata32.mrg, 675337549,5161732, 908191, 20080109-151252 lobbydata31.mrg, 290837148,2015812, 540804, 20080104-202458 lobbydata30.mrg, 767612555,5186244, 2596702, 20071218-144052 lobbydata17.mrg, 536006423,3159379, 1072839, 20070621-103500 lobbydata18.mrg, 9631021, 73540, 18777, 20070627-175658 lobbydata28.mrg, 299078031,2018082, 763110, 20071127-174122 lobbydata43.mrg, 771047287,5379638, 881142, 20080825-102308 lobbydata26.mrg, 38058529, 253818, 57783, 20071023-113306 lobbydata25.mrg, 296928285,2015812, 671318, 20071016-102308 lobbydata24.mrg, 29482028, 215120, 65372, 20071008-102356 lobbydata22.mrg, 262494426,2015812, 708823, 20070831-160452 lobbydata21.mrg, 7594902, 53440, 12675, 20070801-191330 lobbydata20.mrg, 372727, 1784, 821, 20070724-180928 lobbydata2.mrg, 376410421,3168166, 390027, 20061102-173734 lobbydata19.mrg, 2407222, 16580, 2005, 20070712-125724 lobbydata29.mrg, 360402845,2489745, 699169, 20071211-152450 lobbydata42.mrg, 436062428,2888870, 655502, 20080718-102320 lobbydata14.mrg, 759096975,5705673, 1115770, 20070521-170906 lobbydata45.mrg, 16185795, 116742, 58109, 20081010-153432 lobbydata44.mrg, 390561560,2689951, 941237, 20080922-235357 lobbydata27.mrg, 651819467,5169641, 1289698, 20071114-165336 lobbydata16.mrg, 416221766,3170436, 354756, 20070612-173730 lobbydata41.mrg, 802470296,5525970, 923110, 20080624-105702 lobbydata40.mrg, 976147441,6786738, 892461, 20080527-233817 lobbydata4.mrg, 809287, 4582, 1313, 20061115-120400 lobbydata39.mrg, 377743561,2620822, 864346, 20080424-225259 lobbydata35.mrg, 222832223,1582797, 181708, 20080201-110344 lobbydata38.mrg, 54813103, 442756, 278390, 20080331-135210 lobbydata37.mrg, 508844564,3599202, 441691, 20080325-135212 lobbydata1.mrg, -1264129724,21233249, 4491247, 20061017-194750 lobbydata10.mrg, 413114057,3146944, 340270, 20070320-181442 lobbydata3.mrg, 658788772,5182637, 857525, 20061108-164638 lobbydata11.mrg, 229417753,1622404, 348502, 20070411-173658 lobbydata12.mrg, 280942, 1365, 719, 20070411-175534 lobbydata13.mrg, 71354648, 540758, 127607, 20070504-155950 lobbydata36.mrg, 289879671,2015812, 432304, 20080311-161122 lobbydata15.mrg, 3622036, 26141, 10550, 20070608-092610 lobbydata6.mrg, 6672578, 50271, 2188, 20070104-151804 lobbydata5.mrg, 717878850,5181283, 1019447, 20061220-170144 lobbydata48.mrg, 303578235,2117923, 673480, 20081014-123108 lobbydata47.mrg, 807338526,5646522, 2231844, 20081124-154951 lobbydata46.mrg, 1690312008,11276735, 3601398, 20081030-211806 lobbydata7.mrg, 207305, 1019, 620, 20070123-134458 lobbydata8.mrg, 340467, 1710, 993, 20070205-195056 patchlog.log, 212, 6, 130, 20081002-181029 sf_curse.drk, 825938, 11711, 2575, 20061103-165308 pure.drk, 193682, 1416, 872, 20040630-174314 notice.txt, 110820, 1273, 777, 20081009-140005 lobbydata9.mrg, 631355, 3526, 1146, 20070212-212422 /u_sf/data/menu menu_016.sff, 5554440, 98500, 8421, 20071211-152448 menu_027.sff, 51839415, 361580, 58039, 20081124-154950 menu_026.sff, 15266890, 337160, 74512, 20081030-211803 menu_025.sff, 8580108, 180790, 38343, 20081010-153432 menu_024.sff, 450964257,3472493, 2714573, 20080922-114055 menu_023.sff, 295870066,2290232, 1197935, 20080825-102306 menu_008.sff, 7467119, 103876, 7429, 20070307-113458 menu_021.sff, 25823987, 180792, 22082, 20080624-105702 menu_020.sff, 26008759, 197368, 25692, 20080424-225259 menu_019.sff, 2209158, 33936, 11912, 20080201-110344 menu_018.sff, 4222059, 191992, 14068, 20080204-113610 menu_017.sff, 1620406052,12602120, 11886079, 20080124-110718 menu_028.sff, 1770498283,15219325, 12850636, 20081014-123108 menu_022.sff, 25692931, 180792, 28922, 20080718-102319 menu_002.sff, 1273820467,10024564, 9482189, 20061102-152156 menu_014.sff, 78926376, 630417, 609812, 20071023-113306 menu_013.sff, 102135280,873192, 214732, 20071008-102356 menu_012.sff, 25431987, 180792, 26348, 20070712-125316 menu_011.sff, 64474075, 1060804, 24090, 20070621-103404 menu_009.sff, 12295773, 66260, 9290, 20070328-110516 menu_007.sff, 77121030, 492640, 74728, 20070213-122442 menu_006.sff, 18951713, 164216, 27909, 20070205-160120 menu_005.sff, 20244639, 98848, 3910, 20070108-194944 menu_004.sff, 1272170947,10003071, 9607062, 20061227-182018 menu_003.sff, 1242291073,9675547, 9441139, 20061116-210124 menu_015.sff, 83227843, 652823, 631706, 20071114-165336 menu_001.sff, -2046088635,22684136, 15169697, 20061017-164920 /u_sf/data/save savereadme.txt, 1856, 24, 152, 20060403-164502 /u_sf/data/scr scr_001.sff, 147945064,925523, 259663, 20081014-123108 /u_sf/data/screenshot shotreadme.txt, 2266, 27, 155, 20060403-164522 /u_sf/data/sound sound_010.sff, 18140564, 143906, 99452, 20080624-105703 sound_016.sff, 14586589, 111826, 89045, 20081014-123109 sound_005.sff, 21292383, 176088, 170476, 20061212-161740 sound_006.sff, 20612563, 182351, 163369, 20070328-110600 sound_007.sff, 21290561, 176925, 137170, 20070712-125504 sound_004.sff, 107385086,883501, 849260, 20061108-150556 sound_015.sff, 14980831, 121336, 70809, 20081124-154953 sound_014.sff, 25434910, 169124, 99281, 20081030-211806 sound_013.sff, 38838015, 245256, 155448, 20080918-111056 sound_008.sff, 39187553, 323109, 314204, 20071023-113306 sound_009.sff, 9442456, 80342, 65082, 20080424-225259 sound_003.sff, 92021964, 772707, 629663, 20061031-194520 sound_002.sff, 225269683,1951937, 1733425, 20060906-154850 sound_001.sff, -2119502634,17655980, 15102608, 20060403-164254 sound_012.sff, 36453582, 295966, 208893, 20080825-102311 sound_011.sff, 43945887, 370783, 205354, 20080718-102320 /u_sf/data/weapon weapon_007.sff, 302252859,2867816, 1745791, 20080922-114056 weapon_006.sff, 109226159,1078459, 623795, 20080820-121816 weapon_001.sff, -2004935247,22128641, 13509239, 20060403-164348 weapon_002.sff, 80548881, 784772, 422009, 20070712-125552 weapon_005.sff, 56663656, 554351, 349914, 20080711-111437 weapon_003.sff, 53861086, 535052, 308134, 20080418-124838 weapon_004.sff, 52072675, 515669, 316501, 20080619-104829 weapon_011.sff, 58479264, 545049, 370186, 20081002-185458 weapon_010.sff, 194290321,1823110, 1218500, 20081124-154954 weapon_009.sff, 195424374,1623153, 1243438, 20081022-031542 weapon_008.sff, 122258503,1209344, 715331, 20081006-230647 /u_sf/redist mssvoice.asi, 23130939, 214528, 116863, 20041210-233742 msssoft.m3d, 7613837, 79360, 45180, 20041210-233626 mssrsx.m3d, 39669920, 372224, 221493, 20041210-233632 mssmp3.asi, 13821001, 149504, 75538, 20041210-233624 msseax.m3d, 13245737, 143872, 68195, 20041210-233628 mssdx7.m3d, 6138108, 65536, 30863, 20041210-233630 mssdsp.flt, 10707007, 113664, 58526, 20041210-233532 mssds3d.m3d, 5215788, 56320, 28616, 20041210-233630 mssa3d.m3d, 6529387, 72704, 38467, 20041210-233632 /xfire //HERE xfire xfire_installer_24715.soldierfront.exe,306197609,2417720, 2391082, 20070612-115632 [uninstall] <EOF>
[17:34:07] START DoPrePatch [17:34:07] [CWorkerThread::SetParam]Start [17:34:07] [CWorkerThread::Start]Succeeded to create thread. [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::DoPatching]Start! [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::PARSE_GAMESTRING]Start [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::REGISTER_PP_WNDCLASS]Start [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::CREATE_PP_WINDOW]Start [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::GET_GAME_INFO]Start. [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::GET_GAME_INFO]_sLocPPInfoFileName = [C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf_ppinfo.ini], _sSvrPPInfoFileName = [http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/arcade/purple/plii/u_sf/u_sf_ppinfo.ini] [17:34:07] [CPPImpl::GET_GAME_INFO]Succeeded to delete [C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf_ppinfo.ini] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_GAME_INFO]Download common cfg. [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_GAME_INFO]Download [http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/arcade/purple/plii/common/cfg/pp_config.ini] to [C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\pp_config.ini]. [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_GAME_INFO]End. [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::SET_ROOT_FOLDER]Start [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::SET_ROOT_FOLDER]Trim Right [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::SET_ROOT_FOLDER]Succeeded to get installpath [C:\ijji\ENGLISH] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]Start [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]_sLocHgverFilename = [C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf.pv], _sSvrHgverFilename = [http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/arcade/U_SF/prepatch/u_sf.pv] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]Succeeded to download prepatch version [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]Succeeded to read prepatch version [1003] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]_sLocHgverFilename = [C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf.cv], _sSvrHgverFilename = [http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/arcade/U_SF/patch/u_sf.cv] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]Succeeded to read current version [1003] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::GET_PP_VERSION]PrePatchVersion: 1003, CurrentVersion : 1003 [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::DO_PRE_PATCH]Start [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::DO_PRE_PATCH]Local pre-patch file [C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\ijjigame\u_sf_1003.pfile] [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::DO_PRE_PATCH]The pre-patch version is same with current version. [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::DO_PRE_PATCH]The pre-patch file is not downloaded. Do nothing. [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::DoPatching]Complete Prepatch [17:34:08] [CPPImpl::POST_COMPLETE_PREPATCH]Code = [0]
[17:34:07] START Purple OutBound [17:34:07] [SUCCESS]Mutex Check [17:34:07] [SUCCESS]Get command line [17:34:07] [SUCCESS]Parse command line [17:34:07] [CPurpleMessenger::FindPurpleWnd]Succeeded to get hwnd = 2359400 [17:34:07] Start pre-patch proc [17:34:07] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:07] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:07] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:07] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:08] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:08] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:08] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:08] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:08] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]TID_DISPLAY_PREPATCH_PROC [17:34:08] [PrePatchProc]Mode = 0 [17:34:08] [WndProc]UWM_PREPATCH_DONE [17:34:08] [StartPatch]Start [17:34:08] [CWorkerThread::Start]Start [17:34:08] [CWorkerThread::Start]Succeeded to create thread [17:34:08] [CWorkerThread::WorkerThread]Start [17:34:08] [CPurpleMessenger::FindPurpleWnd]Succeeded to get hwnd = 2359400 [17:34:08] [GET_GAME_INFO]GameId = u_sf [17:34:08] [GET_GAME_INFO]_sLocPPInfoFileName = C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf_ppinfo.ini [17:34:08] [GET_GAME_INFO]_sSvrPPInfoFileName = http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/..._sf_ppinfo.ini [17:34:08] [GET_GAME_INFO]Succeeded to delete C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf_ppinfo.ini [17:34:08] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/..._sf_ppinfo.ini ]->[ C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf_ppinfo.ini ] [17:34:08] [GET_GAME_INFO]Succeeded to download http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/..._sf_ppinfo.ini to C:\DOCUME~1\me\LOCALS~1\Temp\\u_sf_ppinfo.ini [17:34:08] [GET_GAME_INFO]Patch method is hul //METHOD HUL (SERVER EMU TO REGISTERY) [17:34:08] [SET_ROOT_FOLDER]m_szRegKeyInstall = SOFTWARE\Dragonfly\soldierfront [17:34:08] [SET_ROOT_FOLDER]m_szRegValuePath = installPath //INSTALL REG [17:34:08] [SET_ROOT_FOLDER]Trim Right [17:34:08] [SET_ROOT_FOLDER]Succeeded to query value = installPath [17:34:08] [SET_ROOT_FOLDER]Install path = C:\ijji\ENGLISH [17:34:08] [DOWNLOAD_HUL]Start [17:34:08] [DOWNLOAD_HUL]Hul Directory = C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\ijjigame\HUL //PATH TO HUL DIRECTORY [17:34:08] [DOWNLOAD_HUL]Succeeded to delete Hul = C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\ijjigame\HUL\u_sf.hul [17:34:08] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/...ewhul/u_sf.hul ]->[ C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\ijjigame\HUL\u_sf.hul ] [17:34:09] [DOWNLOAD_HUL]End. [17:34:09] [PARSING_HUL]Start. [17:34:09] [PARSING_HUL]End. [17:34:09] [CHECK_LOCAL_FILES]Start. [17:34:10] [CHECK_LOCAL_FILES]End. [17:34:10] [DO_PATCH]Start. [17:34:10] [DO_PATCH]Need to patch. [17:34:10] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/...nstall.exe.zip ]->[ C:\ijji\ENGLISH\ijjiuninstall.exe.zip ] [17:34:11] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/...data39.mrg.zip ]->[ C:\ijji\ENGLISH\\u_sf\data\lobby\lobbydata39.mrg.zip ] [17:34:19] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/...nu_020.sff.zip ]->[ C:\ijji\ENGLISH\\u_sf\data\menu\menu_020.sff.zip ] [17:34:19] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/...nd_009.sff.zip ]->[ C:\ijji\ENGLISH\\u_sf\data\sound\sound_009.sff.zip ] [17:34:20] [Util::DownloadFile] [ http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/...rfront.exe.zip ]->[ C:\ijji\ENGLISH\\xfire\xfire_installer_24715.soldierfront.exe.zip ] [17:34:41] [DO_PATCH]We don't need to patch. [17:34:41] [DO_PATCH]End. Result = 1 [17:34:41] [CWorkerThread::WorkerThread]End bRet = 1 [17:34:41] [StartPatch]End [17:34:41] End of ijjiPurpleOutBounder
[17:34:42] [DEBUG] Create Window... 120284 [17:34:42] [INFO] Use NB Mode [17:34:44] [DEBUG] CPBUploadMgr::Work()... Begin [17:34:44] [INFO] Try to find out process... [17:36:14] [INFO] Success... find out process [17:36:14] [INFO] AfterGame mode [17:36:14] [INFO] Waitting for terminate process... [17:37:55] [INFO] Process terminated in AfterGame mode, so start upload logic. [17:37:55] [INFO] Find out file in default path [17:37:55] [INFO] Can't find out file in default path... C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\ijjigame\u_sf_1003.pfile [17:37:55] [INFO] Start Uploading.. : C:\Documents and Settings\me\Application Data\ijjigame\U_SFInstaller.exe [17:37:55] [DEBUG] CPBUploadMgr::Work()... End [17:38:10] [DEBUG] CPBUploadMgr thread Terminated.. [17:38:10] [INFO] CPurpleBean thread Terminated.. [17:38:13] [DEBUG] ReleaseSDK().. [17:38:13] [DEBUG] ~CPBGameInfo()..
[17:34:03] [WARNING] Fail to download cipher text. error code = -12147. Try to download plain text. [17:34:03] [WARNING] There is no setting::ui tag. Default value "core" applied [17:34:03] [INFORM] Analyze Param Ended [17:34:04] [WARNING] There is no background filename in ui::background. Default image will be used. [17:34:04] [INFORM] Create window Ended [17:34:04] [INFORM] common module manager started [17:34:04] [INFORM] full environment path = C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;C:\WINDOWS.000;C:\WINDOWS.000\COMMAND;C:\ijji\ENGLISH [17:34:04] [INFORM] dll path = C:\ijji\ENGLISH [17:34:04] [INFORM] RPC : OnInitialize [17:34:05] [INFORM] RPC : interface calling is ended. result of CheckSFInstall is 3 [17:34:06] [INFORM] RPC : interface calling is ended. result of ijjiPurplePlugin_Execute is 1 [17:34:06] [INFORM] Show download Dialog [17:34:07] [INFORM] Show html http://game.ijji.com/purplelauncher/...hn?gameId=u_sf [17:34:07] [INFORM] Show update Dialog [17:34:07] [INFORM] Updater Started [17:34:07] [INFORM] RPC : OnMaintUIBefore [17:34:41] [INFORM] Ready to Run Client [17:34:41] [INFORM] Write Registry ended. Game update is finished [17:34:41] [INFORM] RPC : interface calling is ended. result of LaunchBean is 3 [17:35:40] [INFORM] Execution has been succeeded!
#PrePatch info.( FOR REAL SOLDIER FRONT) [URLs] PREPATCH = http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/.../U_SF/prepatch PATCH = http://cdn.ijjimax.com/nhnusa/games/arcade/U_SF/patch CDNTRAFFIC = http://services.ijji.com/service/cdn/traffic [Registry] KEY_INSTALL = SOFTWARE\Dragonfly\soldierfront VALUE_PATH = installPath [CDN] #Unit - Megabits/sec LIMIT = 270 [Extend] INSTALL_PATH_TRIM_RIGHT = 1 [Condition] #0= none, 1 = File CheckSum, 2=Registry Check OVERWRITECHECK = 0 #if OVERWRITECHECK 1 = File Name, 2=Registry Value Name INFO = NULL #if OVERWRITECHECK 1 = CheckSum Value, 2=Registry Value VALUE = 0 [Patch] # available values = hul, skip METHOD = hul
MS IE Internet Explorer Two Code Execution Vulnerabilities (0) | 2009.02.11 |
Technical Server Problem in Soldier Front By Mitch1490 (0) | 2009.02.10 |
How to be penetration tester? (Computer Security Specialist?) (0) | 2009.02.08 |
XSS Cheat Sheet (0) | 2009.02.06 |
CIS benchmarks (0) | 2009.02.06 |
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 794x444. |
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 683x471. |
/*creds to me,Roverturbo,Azorbix,Frit0 ,unreal*/
#include <windows.h>
#include <detours.h>
#include <d3d8.h>
#include <d3dx8.h>
#include "log.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "d3d8.lib")
using namespace std;
static DWORD dwBeginScene = 0x6D9D9250;
static DWORD dwEndScene = 0x6d9d93a0;
static DWORD dwDrawIndexedPrimitive = 0x6d9d73a0;
static DWORD dwSetStreamSource = 0x6d9d6760;
static DWORD dwSetViewport = 0x6d9d5b90 ;
int m_Stride;
int texnum;
int nNumVertices;
int nPrimitiveCount;
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 Red,Yellow,Green,Blue,Purple,Pink,Orange;
bool Color = true;
bool Logger = false;
ofstream ofile;
char dlldir[320];
float ScreenCenterX = 0.0f;
float ScreenCenterY = 0.0f;
bool xhair = false;
bool WallHack = false;
bool WallHack2 = false;
DWORD bytes;
int texarray[1000];
int arraycounter;
int delarray[500];
int dcount;
unsigned int arrc;
int i=0;
D3DCOLOR redt = D3DCOLOR_XRGB( 255, 0, 0 );
char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename)
static char path[320];
strcpy(path, dlldir);
strcat(path, filename);
return path;
void __cdecl add_log (const char *fmt, ...)
if(ofile != NULL)
if(!fmt) { return; }
va_list va_alist;
char logbuf[256] = {0};
va_start (va_alist, fmt);
_vsnprintf (logbuf+strlen(logbuf), sizeof(logbuf) - strlen(logbuf), fmt, va_alist);
va_end (va_alist);
ofile << logbuf << endl;
HRESULT GenerateTexture(IDirect3DDevice8 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture8 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32)
if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppD3Dtex)) )
return E_FAIL;
WORD colour16 = ((WORD)((colour32>>28)&0xF)<<12)
(*ppD3Dtex)->LockRect(0, &d3dlr, 0, 0);
WORD *pDst16 = (WORD*)d3dlr.pBits;
for(int xy=0; xy < 8*8; xy++)
*pDst16++ = colour16;
return S_OK;
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oEndScene ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice );
oEndScene pEndScene;
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Red, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 0 , 0 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Yellow, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Green, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 0 , 255 , 0 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Blue, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Purple, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 102 , 0 , 153 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Pink, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 20 , 147 ));
GenerateTexture(pDevice, &Orange, D3DCOLOR_ARGB (255 , 255 , 165 , 0 ));
D3DRECT rec2 = {ScreenCenterX-20, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 20, ScreenCenterY+2};
D3DRECT rec3 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-20, ScreenCenterX+ 2,ScreenCenterY+20};
pDevice->Clear(1, &rec2, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,redt, 0, 0);
pDevice->Clear(1, &rec3, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,redt, 0, 0);
int end =NULL;
int dip =NULL;
int svp =NULL;
int sss =NULL;
BYTE Unhook[5] = {0x8B,0xFF,0x55,0x8B,0xEC};//Original Function Bytes.
hand1 = GetCurrentProcess();
DWORD dwmodualBase=(DWORD)GetModuleHandle("d3d8.dll");
end = 0x6d9d93a0;
dip = 0x6d9d73a0;
svp = 0x6d9d5b90;
sss = 0x6d9d6760;
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) end, Unhook, 5, &bytes);
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) dip, Unhook, 5, &bytes);
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) svp ,Unhook, 5, &bytes);
WriteProcessMemory(hand1, (void*) sss,Unhook, 5, &bytes);
return pEndScene(pDevice);
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oDrawIndexedPrimitive ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount );
oDrawIndexedPrimitive pDrawIndexedPrimitive;
HRESULT WINAPI myDrawIndexedPrimitive(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount)
texnum = (nNumVertices*100000)+nPrimitiveCount;
if(m_Stride==40 &&
(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==8500105 )||(texnum==12400168)||(texnum==37000650)||
(texnum==18000274)||(texnum==8800105 )||(texnum==36900650)||(texnum==19600314)||
(texnum==21800306)||(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==8500105 )||(texnum==12400168)||
(texnum==21800306)||(texnum==36900650)||(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==37000650)||
(texnum==18000274)||(texnum==7500121 )||(texnum==8500105 )||(texnum==38000658)||
(texnum==4800040 )||(texnum==83600752)||(texnum==33400477)||(texnum==38100666)||
(texnum==2800036 )||(texnum==62400752)||(texnum==29700492)||(texnum==84900778)||
(texnum==37200508)||(texnum==52100658)||(texnum==52100658) &&
(nNumVertices == 100 && nPrimitiveCount == 121) || //Foot
(nNumVertices == 105 && nPrimitiveCount == 168) || //Right Arm
(nNumVertices == 132 && nPrimitiveCount == 180) || //Hand
(nNumVertices == 159 && nPrimitiveCount == 200) || //Left Arm
(nNumVertices == 338 && nPrimitiveCount == 534) || //Underbody thanks japennese guy =)
//(nNumVertices == 448 && nPrimitiveCount == 776) || //Head
(nNumVertices == 804 && nPrimitiveCount == 1016) || //Body //SRG Option item
(nNumVertices == 109 && nPrimitiveCount == 110) || //Bulletproof Vest
(nNumVertices == 336 && nPrimitiveCount == 532)) //Battle Pants
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
//pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_WIREFRAME );
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
//pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID );
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if(m_Stride==40 && texnum== 21300174)
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if(nNumVertices == 158 && nPrimitiveCount == 131)
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if (nNumVertices == 171 && nPrimitiveCount == 143)
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
if(m_Stride==40 &&//face,mask etc...
(texnum==36700612) ||
(texnum==9600172 ) ||
(texnum==14200236) ||
(texnum==37800552) ||
(texnum==28100486) ||
(texnum==35500568) ||
(texnum==2200024 ) ||
(texnum==16200243) ||
(texnum==31900466) ||
(texnum==19300342) ||
(texnum==36200604) ||
(texnum==21300290) ||
(texnum==35700558) ||
(texnum==22100396) ||
(texnum==36100604) ||
(texnum==27100464) ||
(texnum==11400180) ||
(texnum==34900580) ||
(texnum==13200212) ||
(texnum==34700538) ||
(nNumVertices == 448 && nPrimitiveCount == 776))
while(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)&1) arrc--; //Used as manual index for adding textures to delarray
while(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)&1) arrc++;
bool alrdy=false;
bool inarr=false;
for(int i=0;i<dcount;i++) //sees if said texture is in delarray
if(texarray[arrc]==texnum || inarr){ //If true, color model differently
DWORD dwOldZEnable = D3DZB_TRUE;
pDevice->SetTexture(0, NULL);
pDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, &dwOldZEnable);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE);
if(alrdy) //Different colors for selected models that are already being logged (For removal from array)
pDevice->SetTexture(0, texCol);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
pDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, dwOldZEnable);
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F5)&1) add_log("Logged tesx: %i", texarray[arrc]); //F5 will print currently selected texnum to logfile
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F6)&1) { //For adding/removing textures to array
bool inarr=true;
for(int k=0;k<dcount;k++){
inarr=false;//Found selected texture to already exist
delarray[k]=0;//Delete texture
break;//Cancel loop
delarray[dcount]=texarray[arrc];//Add texture
int total=1;
add_log("omfg values?!? {");
for(int x=0;x<dcount;x++)//Loops through all recorded variables and prints them in a nice array based format
add_log("%i,",delarray[x]); //add_log2==add_log but without endl
add_log("}; %i variables in array",total);
bool found = false; //THIS PART CREDITS TO KRYPTEC
for(int y=0; y<arraycounter; y++) //THIS IS HIS LOGGING FUNCTION
if(texnum==texarray[y])found=true; //I JUST CREATED AN INTERFACE FOR IT
if(!found && arraycounter < 1000)
return pDrawIndexedPrimitive(pDevice, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount);
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oSetStreamSource ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, UINT nStreamNumber, LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 pStreamData, UINT nStride );
oSetStreamSource pSetStreamSource;
m_Stride = nStride;
return pSetStreamSource(pDevice, nStreamNumber, pStreamData, nStride);
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oSetViewport)(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice,CONST D3DVIEWPORT8* pViewport);
oSetViewport pSetViewport;
ScreenCenterX = ( float )pViewport->Width / 2;
ScreenCenterY = ( float )pViewport->Height / 2;
return pSetViewport(pDevice,pViewport);
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oBeginScene ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice );
oBeginScene pBeginScene;
pEndScene = (oEndScene)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwEndScene, (PBYTE)myEndScene);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive = (oDrawIndexedPrimitive)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwDrawIndexedPrimitive, (PBYTE)myDrawIndexedPrimitive);
pSetStreamSource = (oSetStreamSource)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwSetStreamSource, (PBYTE)mySetStreamSource);
return pBeginScene(pDevice);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved )
if ( dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
GetModuleFileName(hModule, dlldir, 512);
for(int i = strlen(dlldir); i > 0; i--) { if(dlldir[i] == '\\') { dlldir[i+1] = 0; break; } }
ofile.open(GetDirectoryFile("log.txt"), ios::app);
pBeginScene = (oBeginScene)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwBeginScene, (PBYTE)myBeginScene);
pEndScene = (oEndScene)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwEndScene, (PBYTE)myEndScene);
pDrawIndexedPrimitive = (oDrawIndexedPrimitive)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwDrawIndexedPrimitive, (PBYTE)myDrawIndexedPrimitive);
pSetStreamSource = (oSetStreamSource)DetourFunction((PBYTE)dwSetStreamSource, (PBYTE)mySetStreamSource);
return TRUE;
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 683x447. |
#ifndef _MAIN_H
#define _MAIN_H
char *GetDirectoryFile(char *filename);
void __cdecl add_log (const char * fmt, ...);
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 643x383. |
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 749x521. |
OllyMoreMenu-v1.3c (0) | 2009.01.26 |
DeFixed_Edition_v2 (0) | 2009.01.24 |
Asprotect UNPACK (0) | 2009.01.24 |
API & DLL (1) | 2009.01.24 |
W32DASM Disassembler (0) | 2009.01.24 |