'Online Game'에 해당되는 글 17건

  1. 2011.12.27 Configuring ConTEXT by CEOinIRVINE
  2. 2011.12.24 Using Memory Correctly by CEOinIRVINE
  3. 2011.03.04 코스프레? 귀엽다~~ by CEOinIRVINE
  4. 2008.12.26 World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers by CEOinIRVINE
  5. 2008.12.19 Lunia Chronicle by CEOinIRVINE
  6. 2008.12.16 Gunz Hack loltastic.dll by CEOinIRVINE
  7. 2008.11.24 Cooking Up A Blockbuster Game by CEOinIRVINE
  8. 2008.11.21 Don't waste Electricity with Consle Games by CEOinIRVINE
  9. 2008.11.11 'Faith' Saves The Day (ONLINE GAME) by CEOinIRVINE
  10. 2008.11.11 Videogame Vexation by CEOinIRVINE

Configuring ConTEXT

Online Game 2011. 12. 27. 07:28

Time for action — Configuring ConTEXT

Now we'll set up ConTEXT to make reading UnrealScript easier, and use it to compile scripts with a single button press.

  1. Click on Options in the top toolbar, then Environment Options. In the first tab, General, set When started to Open last file/project. That way any files that we're working on will automatically open the next time we use ConTEXT.

  2. Make sure that Remember editing positions is checked. This makes the files we're working with open in the same position the next time we open ConTEXT. This saves a lot of time remembering where we left off.

  3. In the Editor tab, uncheck Allow cursor after end of line. This will keep our code clean by preventing unnecessary spaces all over the place.

  4. Uncheck Smart tabs. Part of writing clean code is having it lined up, and Smart tabs tends to move the cursor to the beginning of words instead of a set number of spaces.

  5. Make sure that Line numbers is checked. When we start compiling, any errors that show up will give us a line number which makes them easier to find and fix. This also helps when we search through our code as the searches will also give us line numbers.

  6. Finally for this tab, set Block indent and C/Java Block Indent to 4. This comes down to personal preference but having four spaces instead of two makes it easier to quickly scan through code and find what you're looking for.

  7. Now we're going to set up ConTEXT to compile code. On the Execute Keys tab, click on Add, then type .uc into the Extensions field that comes up.

  8. Once that's done four keys, F9 through F12, will show up in the User Exec Keys window. Let's click on F9 to make it convenient. Once clicked the options on the right become available.

  9. For the Execute line, click on the button to the right of the field and navigate to our UDK installation's Binaries\Win32 folder, and select UDK.exe. For Start In, copy the Execute line but leave out UDK.exe.

  10. In the Parameters field, type "make" without the quote marks. This tells UDK.exe that we want to compile code instead of opening the game.

  11. Change Save to All Files Before Execution. This makes sure that all of our changes get compiled if we're working in more than one file.

  12. Check Capture Console Output and Scroll Console to the Last Line. This lets you see the compile progress at the bottom of ConTEXT, and any compiler errors will show up there as well.

  13. Now we're going to set up an UnrealScript highlighter. Highlighters make code easier to read by color coding keywords for a programming language. Since each language has different keywords, we need a highlighter specific to UnrealScript. Close ConTEXT and find the UnrealScript.chl file included with this book, or head to http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/ConTEXT and follow the instructions for the UnrealScript highlighter. Once you have your .chl file, place it in ConTEXT's Highlighters folder.

  14. Open ConTEXT again. In the top toolbar there is a drop-down menu, and our UnrealScript highlighter should show up in the list now. Select it and we're done setting up ConTEXT!

What just happened?

ConTEXT is now set up to compile our UnrealScript files; all we have to do is press F9. The first time we do this it will also recompile Epic's UnrealScript files, this is normal. The compiler may also show up in a separate window instead of at the bottom of ConTEXT, this is also normal.

Starting to feel like a programmer yet? Now that we're able to compile code we just need an easy way to browse through Epic's UnrealScript source code, and to do that we're going to install another small program, UnCodeX.


We can write our own code with ConTEXT, but now we need something to make sense of the Development\Src folder. There are over 2,000 files in there! This is where UnCodeX comes in. UnCodeX organizes the files into a class tree so that we can easily browse through them and see their relationship to each other. It also allows us to quickly search through the source code, which is where the line numbers in ConTEXT come in handy when we're searching through our own code.

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Using Memory Correctly  (0) 2011.12.24
코스프레? 귀엽다~~  (0) 2011.03.04
World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers  (0) 2008.12.26
Lunia Chronicle  (0) 2008.12.19
Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Using Memory Correctly

Online Game 2011. 12. 24. 03:23

Using Memory Correctly

Did you ever hear the joke about the programmer trying to beat the Devil in a coding contest? Part of his solution involved overcoming a memory limitation by storing a few bytes in a chain of sound waves between the microphone and the speaker. That’s an interesting idea, and I’ll bet we would have tried that one on Ultima VII had someone on our team thought of it.

Memory comes in very different shapes, sizes, and speeds. If you know what you’re doing, you can write programs that make efficient use of these different memory blocks. If you believe that it doesn’t matter how you use memory, you’re in for a real shock. This includes assuming that the standard memory manager for your operating system is efficient; it usually isn’t, and you’ll have to think about writing your own.

Understanding the Different Kinds of Memory

The system RAM is the main warehouse for storage, as long as the system has power. Video RAM or VRAM is usually much smaller and is specifically used for storing objects that will be used by the video card. Some platforms, such as Xbox and Xbox360, have a unified memory architecture that makes no distinctions between RAM and VRAM. Desktop PCs run operating systems like Windows Vista, and have virtual memory that mimics much larger memory space by swapping blocks of little-used RAM to your hard disk. If you’re not careful, a simple memcpy() could cause the hard drive to seek, which to a computer is like waiting for the sun to cool off.

System RAM

Your system RAM is a series of memory sticks that are installed on the motherboard. Memory is actually stored in nine bits per byte, with the extra bit used to catch memory parity errors. Depending on the OS, you get to play with a certain addressable range of memory. The operating system keeps some to itself. Of the parts you get to play with, it is divided into three parts when your application loads:

  • Global memory: This memory never changes size. It is allocated when your program loads and stores global variables, text strings, and virtual function tables.

  • Stack: This memory grows as your code calls deeper into core code, and it shrinks as the code returns. The stack is used for parameters in function calls and local variables. The stack has a fixed size that can be changed with compiler settings.

  • Heap: This memory grows and shrinks with dynamic memory allocation. It is used for persistent objects and dynamic data structures.

Old-timers used to call global memory the DATA segment, harkening back to the days when there used to be near memory and far memory. It was called that because programmers used different pointers to get to it. What a disgusting practice! Everything is much cleaner these days because each pointer is a full 32 bits. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with the “When I went to school I used to load programs from a linear access tape cassette” story.)

Your compiler and linker will attempt to optimize the location of anything you put into the global memory space based on the type of variable. This includes constant text strings. Many compilers, including Visual Studio, will attempt to store text strings only once to save space:

const char *error1 = "Error";
const char *error2 = "Error";

int main()
   printf ("%x\n", (int)error1);
   // How quaint. A printf.
   printf ("%x\n", (int)error2);
   return 0;

This code yields interesting results. You’ll notice that under Visual C++, the two pointers point to the same text string in the global address space. Even better than that, the text string is one that was already global and stuck in the CRT libraries. It’s as if we wasted our time typing “Error.” This trick only works for constant text strings, since the compiler knows they can never change. Everything else gets its own space. If you want the compiler to consolidate equivalent text strings, they must be constant text strings.

Don’t make the mistake of counting on some kind of rational order to the global addresses. You can’t count on anything the compiler or linker will do, especially if you are considering crossing platforms.

On most operating systems, the stack starts at high addresses and grows toward lower addresses. C and C++ parameters get pushed onto the stack from right to left—the last parameter is the first to get pushed onto the stack in a function call. Local parameters get pushed onto the stack in their order of appearance:

void testStack(int x, int y)
   int a = 1;
   int b = 2;

   printf("&x= %-10x &y= %-10x\n", &x, &y);
   printf("&a= %-10x &b= %-10x\n", &a, &b);

This code produces the following output:

&x= 12fdf0  &y= 12fdf4
&a= 12fde0  &b= 12fdd4

Stack addresses grow downward to smaller memory addresses. Thus, it should be clear that the order in which the parameters and local variables were pushed was y, x, a, and b. Which turns out to be exactly the order in which you read them—a good mnemonic. The next time you’re debugging some assembler code, you’ll be glad to understand this, especially if you are setting your instruction pointer by hand.

C++ allows a high degree of control over the local scope. Every time you enclose code in a set of braces, you open a local scope with its own local variables:

int main()
   int a = 0;
   {           // start a local scope here...
     int a = 1;
     printf("%d\n", a);

   printf("%d\n", a);

This code compiles and runs just fine. The two integer variables are completely separate entities. I’ve written this example to make a clear point, but I’d never actually write code like this. Doing something like this in Texas is likely to get you shot. The real usefulness of this kind of code is for use with C++ objects that perform useful tasks when they are destroyed—you can control the exact moment a destructor is called by closing a local scope.

Video Memory (VRAM)

Video RAM is the memory installed on your video card, unless we’re talking about an Xbox. Xbox hardware has unified memory architecture or UMI, so there’s no difference between system RAM and VRAM. It would be nice if the rest of the world worked that way. Other hardware such as the Intel architectures must send any data between VRAM and system RAM over a bus. The PS2 has even more different kinds of memory. There are quite a few bus architectures and speeds out there, and it is wise to understand how reading and writing data across the bus affects your game’s speed.

As long as the CPU doesn’t have to read from VRAM, everything clicks along pretty fast. If you need to grab a piece of VRAM for something, the bits have to be sent across the bus to system RAM. Depending on your architecture, your CPU and GPU must argue for a moment about timing, stream the bits, and go their separate ways. While this painful process is occurring, your game has come to a complete halt.

This problem was pretty horrific back in the days of fixed function pipelines when anything not supported by the video card had to be done with the CPU, such as the first attempts at motion blur. With programmable pipelines, you can create shaders that can run directly on the bits stored in VRAM, making this kind of graphical effect extremely efficient.

The hard disk can’t write straight to VRAM, so every time a new texture is needed you’ll need to stop the presses, so to speak. The smart approach is to limit any communication needed between the CPU and the video card. If you are going to send anything to it, it is best to send it in batches.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll realize that the GPU in your video card is simply painting the screen using the components in VRAM. If it ever has to stop and ask system RAM for something, your game won’t run as fast as it could.

Mr. Mike’s First Texture Manager

The first texture manager I ever wrote was for Ultima IX. (That was before the game was called Ultima: Ascension.) I wrote the texture manager for 3DFx’s Glide API, and I had all of an hour to do it. We wanted to show some Origin execs what Ultima looked like running under hardware acceleration. Not being the programmer extraordinaire, and I only had a day to work, my algorithm had to be pretty simple. I chose a variant of LRU, but since I didn’t have time to write the code to sort and organize the textures, I simply threw out every texture in VRAM the moment there wasn’t any additional space. I think this code got some nomination for the dumbest texture manager ever written, but it actually worked. The player would walk around for 90 seconds or so before the hard disk lit up and everything came to a halt for two seconds. I’m pretty sure someone rewrote it before U9 shipped. At least, I hope someone rewrote it!

Optimizing Memory Access

Every access to system RAM uses a CPU cache. If the desired memory location is already in the cache, the contents of the memory location are presented to the CPU extremely quickly. If, on the other hand, the memory is not in the cache, a new block of system RAM must be fetched into the cache. This takes a lot longer than you’d think.

A good test bed for this problem uses multidimensional arrays. C++ defines its arrays in row major order. This ordering puts the members of the right-most index next to each other in memory.

TestData[0][0][0] and TestData[0][0][1] are stored in adjacent memory locations.

Row Order or Column Order?

Not every language defines arrays in row order. Some versions of PASCAL define arrays in column order. Don’t make assumptions unless you like writing slow code.

If you access an array in the wrong order, it will create a worst-case CPU cache scenario. Here’s an example of two functions that access the same array and do the same task. One will run much faster than the other:

const int g_n = 250;
float TestData[g_n][g_n][g_n];

inline void column_ordered()
  for (int k=0; k<g_n; k++)           // K
     for (int j=0; j<g_n; j++)        // J
        for (int i=0; i<g_n; i++)     // I
           TestData[i][j][k] = 0.0f;

inline void row_ordered()
  for (int i=0; i<g_n; i++)           // I
     for (int j=0; j<g_n; j++)        // J
        for (int k=0; k<g_n; k++)     // K
           TestData[i][j][k] = 0.0f;

The timed output of running both functions on my test machine showed that accessing the array in row order was nearly nine times faster:

Column Ordered=2817 ms  Row Ordered=298 ms  Delta=2519 ms

Any code that accesses any largish data structure can benefit from this technique. If you have a multistep process that affects a large data set, try to arrange your code to perform as much work as possible in smaller memory blocks. You’ll optimize the use of the L2 cache and make a much faster piece of code. While you surely won’t have any piece of runtime game code do something this crazy, you might very well have a game editor or production tool that does.

Memory Alignment

The CPU reads and writes memory-aligned data much faster than other data. Any N-byte data type is memory aligned if the starting address is evenly divisible by N. For example, a 32-bit integer is memory aligned on a 32-bit architecture if the starting address is 0x04000000. The same 32-bit integer is unaligned if the starting address is 0x04000002, since the memory address is not evenly divisible by 4 bytes.

You can perform a little experiment in memory alignment and how it affects access time by using example code like this:

#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct ReallySlowStruct
   char c : 6;
    __int64 d : 64;
   int b : 32;
   char a : 8;

struct SlowStruct
   char c;
   __int64 d;
   int b;
   char a;

struct FastStruct
    __int64 d;
   int b;
   char a;
   char c;
   char unused[2];

#pragma pack(pop)


I wrote a piece of code to perform some operations on the member variables in each structure. The difference in times is as follows:

Really slow=417 ms
Slow=222 ms
Fast=192 ms

Your penalty for using the SlowStruct over FastStruct is about 14 percent on my test machine. The penalty for using ReallySlowStruct is code that runs twice as slowly.

The first structure isn’t even aligned properly on bit boundaries, hence the name ReallySlowStruct. The definition of the 6-bit char variable throws the entire structure out of alignment. The second structure, SlowStruct, is also out of alignment, but at least the byte boundaries are aligned. The last structure, FastStruct, is completely aligned for each member. The last member, unused, ensures that the structure fills out to an 8-byte boundary in case someone declares an array of FastStruct.

Notice the #pragma pack(push, 1) at the top of the source example? It’s accompanied by a #pragma pack(pop) at the bottom. Without them, the compiler, depending on your project settings, will choose to spread out the member variables and place each one on an optimal byte boundary. When the member variables are spread out like that, the CPU can access each member quickly, but all that unused space can add up. If the compiler were left to optimize SlowStruct by adding unused bytes, each structure would be 24 bytes instead of just 14. Seven extra bytes are padded after the first char variable, and the remaining bytes are added at the end. This ensures that the entire structure always starts on an 8-byte boundary. That’s about 40 percent of wasted space, all due to a careless ordering of member variables.

Don’t let the compiler waste precious memory space. Put some of your brain cells to work and align your own member variables. You don’t get many opportunities to save memory and optimize CPU at the same time.

Virtual Memory

Virtual memory increases the addressable memory space by caching unused memory blocks to the hard disk. The scheme depends on the fact that even though you might have a 500MB data structure, you aren’t going to be playing with the whole thing at the same time. The unused bits are saved off to your hard disk until you need them again. You should be cheering and wincing at the same time. Cheering because every programmer likes having a big memory playground, and wincing because anything involving the hard disk wastes a lot of time.

Just to see how bad it can get, I took the code from the array access example and modified it to iterate through a three-dimensional array 500 elements cubed. The total size of the array would be 476MB, much bigger than the installed memory on the test machine. A data structure bigger than available memory is sometimes called out-of-core. I ran the column_ordered() function and went to lunch. When I got back about 30 minutes later, the test program was still chugging away. The hard drive was seeking like mad, and I began to wonder whether my hard disk would give out. I became impatient and re-ran the example and timed just one iteration of the inner loop. It took 379.75 seconds to run the inner loop. The entire thing would have taken over 50 hours to run. I’m glad I didn’t wait. Any game written badly can suffer the same fate, and as you can see, the difference between running quickly and paging constantly to your hard disk can be as small as a single byte.

Remember that the original array, 250 elements cubed, ran the test code in 298ms when the fast row_ordered() function was used. The large array is only eight times bigger, giving an expectation that the same code should have run in 2384ms, or just under two-and-a-half seconds.

Compare 2384ms with 50 hours, and you’ll see how virtual memory can work against you if your code accesses virtual memory incorrectly.

Cache Misses Can Cost You Dearly

Any time a cache is used inefficiently, you can degrade the overall performance of your game by many orders of magnitude. This is commonly called “thrashing the cache” and is your worst nightmare. If your game is thrashing cache, you might be able to solve the problem by reordering some code, but most likely you will need to reduce the size of the data.

Writing Your Own Memory Manager

Most games extend the provided memory management system. The biggest reasons to do this are performance, efficiency, and improved debugging. Default memory managers in the C runtime are designed to run fairly well in a wide range of memory allocation scenarios. They tend to break down under the load of computer games, though, where allocations and deallocations of relatively tiny memory blocks can be fast and furious.

A standard memory manager, like the one in the C runtime, must support multithreading. Each time the memory manager’s data structures are accessed or changed, they must be protected with critical sections, allowing only one thread to allocate or deallocate memory at a time. All this extra code is time consuming, especially if you use malloc and free very frequently. Most games are multithreaded to support sound systems, but don’t necessarily need a multithreaded memory manager for every part of the game. A single threaded memory manager that you write yourself might be a good solution.

The Infamous Voodoo Memory Manager

Ultima VII: The Black Gate had a legendary memory manager: The VooDoo Memory Management System. It was written by a programmer who used to work on guided missile systems for the Department of Defense, a brilliant and dedicated engineer. U7 ran in good old DOS back in the days when protected mode was the neat new thing. VooDoo was a true 32-bit memory system for a 16-bit operating system, and the only problem with it was you had to read and write to the memory locations with assembly code, since the Borland compiler didn’t understand 32-bit pointers. It was done this way because U7 couldn’t really exist in a 16-bit memory space—there were atomic data structures larger than 64KB. For all its hoopla, VooDoo was actually pretty simple, and it only provided the most basic memory management features. The fact that it was actually called VooDoo was a testament to the fact that it actually worked; it wasn’t exactly supported by the operating system or the Borland compilers.

VooDoo MM for Ultima VII is a great example of writing a simple memory manager to solve a specific problem. It didn’t support multithreading, it assumed that memory blocks were large, and finally it wasn’t written to support a high number or frequency of allocations.

Simple memory managers can use a doubly-linked list as the basis for keeping track of allocated and free memory blocks. The C runtime uses a more complicated system to reduce the algorithmic complexity of searching through the allocated and free blocks that could be as small as a single byte. Your memory blocks might be either more regularly shaped, fewer in number, or both. This creates an opportunity to design a simpler, more efficient system.

Default memory managers must assume that deallocations happen approximately as often as allocations, and they might happen in any order and at any time. Their data structures have to keep track of a large number of blocks of available and used memory. Any time a piece of memory changes state from used to available, the data structures must be quickly traversed. When blocks become available again, the memory manager must detect adjacent available blocks and merge them to make a larger block. Finding free memory of an appropriate size to minimize wasted space can be extremely tricky. Since default memory managers solve these problems to a large extent, their performance isn’t as high as another memory manager that can make more assumptions about how and when memory allocations occur.

If your game can allocate and deallocate most of its dynamic memory space at once, you can write a memory manager based on a data structure no more complicated than a singly-linked list. You’d never use something this simple in a more general case, of course, because a singly-linked list has O(n) algorithmic complexity. That would cripple any memory management system used in the general case.

A good reason to extend a memory manager is to add some debugging features. Two features that are common include adding additional bytes before and after the allocation to track memory corruption or to track memory leaks. The C runtime adds only one byte before and after an allocated block, which might be fine to catch those pesky x+1 and x-1 errors, but doesn’t help for much else. If the memory corruption seems pretty random, and most of them sure seem that way, you can increase your odds of catching the culprit by writing a custom manager that adds more bytes to the beginning and ending of each block. In practice, the extra space is set to a small number, even one byte, in the release build.

Different Build Options will Change Runtime Behavior

Anything you do differently from the debug and release builds can change the behavior of bugs from one build target to another. Murphy’s Law dictates that the bug will only appear in the build target that is hardest, or even impossible, to debug.

Another common extension to memory managers is leak detection. It is a common practice to redefine the new operator to add __FILE__ and __LINE__ information to each allocated memory block in debug mode. When the memory manager is shut down, all the unfreed blocks are printed out in the output window in the debugger. This should give you a good place to start when you need to track down a memory leak.

If you decide to write your own memory manager, keep the following points in mind:

  • Data structures: Choose the data structure that matches your memory allocation scenario. If you traverse a large number of free and available blocks very frequently, choose a hash table or tree-based structure. If you hardly ever traverse it to find free blocks, you could get away with a list. Store the data structure separately from the memory pool; any corruption will keep your memory manager’s data structure intact.

  • Single/multithreaded access: Don’t forget to add appropriate code to protect your memory manager from multithreaded access if you need it. Eliminate the protections if you are sure that access to the memory manager will only happen from a single thread, and you’ll gain some performance.

  • Debug and testing: Allocate a little additional memory before and after the block to detect memory corruption. Add caller information to the debug memory blocks; at a minimum, you should use __FILE__ and __LINE__ to track where the allocation occurred.

One of the best reasons to extend the C runtime memory manager is to write a better system to manage small memory blocks. The memory managers supplied in the C runtime or MFC library are not meant for tiny allocations. You can prove it to yourself by allocating two integers and subtracting their memory addresses as shown here:

int *a = new int;
int *b = new int;

int delta1 = ((int)b - (int)a) - sizeof(int);

The wasted space for the C runtime library was 28 bytes for a release build and 60 bytes for the debug build under Visual Studio. Even with the release build, an integer takes eight times as much memory space as it would if it weren’t dynamically allocated.

Most games overload the new operator to allocate small blocks of memory from a reserved pool set aside for smaller allocations. Memory allocations that are larger than a set number of bytes can still use the C runtime. I recommend that you start with 128 bytes as the largest block your small allocator will handle and tweak the size until you are happy with the performance.

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Configuring ConTEXT  (0) 2011.12.27
코스프레? 귀엽다~~  (0) 2011.03.04
World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers  (0) 2008.12.26
Lunia Chronicle  (0) 2008.12.19
Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Configuring ConTEXT  (0) 2011.12.27
Using Memory Correctly  (0) 2011.12.24
World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers  (0) 2008.12.26
Lunia Chronicle  (0) 2008.12.19
Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that World of Warcraft’s subscriber base has reached 11.5 million players worldwide, continuing its reign as the world’s most popular multiplayer online role-playing game.

The Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard’s recently-released expansion pack for the game, has sold more than 4 million copies since its release on November 13, 2008. 2.8 million of those were sold in the first 24 hours of availability, according to Blizzard.

World of Warcraft has been available for the Mac and PC since 2004, and has spawned two expansion packs. The game—played entirely online—requires players to pay a monthly subscription fee in order to play. In October, Blizzard announced that it had hit the 11 million subscriber mark.

The last time Macworld reported on World of Warcraft subscriber statistics, forum commenters voiced some questions about how that number is tabulated. So without revision, here is Blizzard’s definition:

“World of Warcraft subscribers include individuals who have paid a subscription fee or have an active prepaid card to play World of Warcraft, as well as those who have purchased the game and are within their free month of access. Internet Game Room players who have accessed the game over the last thirty days are also counted as subscribers. The above definition excludes all players under free promotional subscriptions, expired or cancelled subscriptions, and expired prepaid cards. Subscribers in licensees’ territories are defined along the same rules.”

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Using Memory Correctly  (0) 2011.12.24
코스프레? 귀엽다~~  (0) 2011.03.04
Lunia Chronicle  (0) 2008.12.19
Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
Cooking Up A Blockbuster Game  (0) 2008.11.24
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Lunia Chronicle

Online Game 2008. 12. 19. 11:13

Reviewed: December 10, 2008
Reviewed by: Jason Flick


Allm (All Media)

Released: October 14, 2008
Players: 1


System Requirements:

  • Windows XP
  • Pentium IV 1.8 GHz (2.8 recommended)
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • GeForce FX5200 or higher
  • Windows Sound Card
  • 2 GB Hard Disk Space
  • Broadband Internet
  • Keyboard & Mouse

    Screenshots (Click Image for Gallery)

  • Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (or MMOs) are hotter now than they have ever been this year. WoW has released its 2nd expansion, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning and Conan have taken the world that is willing to pay to play by storm. But we all know that we are all not made of money and some of us have to get our fix elsewhere.

    So companies like NHN USA are one such company that provides gamers with quality online titles such as Gunz, Drift City and Gunbound. While all of these titles are cool in their own ways, I’m not here to write about them. The topic of this review is to talk about NHN and Allm’s Lunia: Record of Lunia War (or Lunia) for the PC.

    Lunia is a fantasy action-packed arcade game mixed with all the trimming of any good MMORPG. The difference is that while most MMO’s go the point and click route, Lunia allows the player to control their characters directly with a keyboard or various controllers if you wish to. The story of Lunia takes some time after the events of a huge war where all the warring races now trade and pass the knowledge life amongst each other. Though the world is not as peaceful as it seems, or so a group of travelers find out.

    Lunia has an interface that is pretty much the same as every other MMO on the face of the planet so no surprises there. What makes Lunia different than most MMOs is the way that the combat system works. As I mentioned above you use the keyboard as you main weapon of destruction. A lot of titles use the mouse to do the damage and while that is great and all I can think of a few reasons where letting go of the mouse is a good thing.

    Character movement both in and out of combat is controlled by the arrow keys or the WASD cluster if you so choose like some MMOs out there. Attacking your opponents is simple due to a two button (or keys) setup as well. Players can also pull off advanced attacks by stringing together different key commands to really put the hurt on your enemies.

    But besides the simple control scheme, one of my favorite things about Lunia is the character development. Lunia is an RPG at its heart and I am a big fan of all things RPG. Players can choose between 6 total character presets, each with their own set abilities. Four of the six are available right off the bat, and the other two can be earned through a bit of old fashioned hard work.

    Upon choosing your character type you can then name it then you’re off to kick some butt. While the character creation is not as advanced as some RPGs, the character development makes up for that. Players earn experience points by defeating enemies. Earning enough experience will allow you to rise up in levels. Every time a character levels up they gain skill points that can be used to gain or raise the levels of over 30+ available skills.

    My personal favorite character preset to use is the thief named Tia; she pulls off a mix of acrobatics, quick attacks and the use of traps and deadly poisons. Lunia not only has cool characters but even cooler weapons and items to purchase and collect. While there is no real way to make you character distinctively yours, you can tweak the controls and HUD to fit your needs no matter how you play.

    As you are aware by now, Lunia is a free to play title. All you need to do is download the software, create an account and your set. But for those that wish to enjoy Lunia to the fullest there are items of all types to be had for a price at the Item Shop.

    Unlike the shops found around the continent of Rodesia, the Item Shop uses G Coins to buy them. There are so many items, such as costumes, weapons, armor and even furry companions that alter your abilities. G Coins can be bought by various means including a Credit/Debit cards or the increasingly popular G Coin Cards. It is not required to buy G Coins to play Lunia, but it does add a bit of fun to the player’s adventures.

    Graphically, Lunia looks pretty sweet. Everything from the character models to the environments sport a cel-shaded look that is quite good. What really blew me away initially was the opening menu animation. Lunia features this quick zoom and slide technique that is pretty cool. Most people think that if a title is free to play online it won’t be graphically appealing. Well that is not the case here. Lunia looks every bit as good as it plays.

    The story of Lunia is presented nicely in comic book style panels. This is a pretty cool way to convey a story. The only thing that I noticed is that the characters aren’t always as smoothly animated as they usually are, as they kind of go out of focus and become a bit pixilated. But other than that Lunia looks awesome.

    Before you even see the main menu screen the theme song kicks in with full vocals, which again impressed me to no end. There are actually a couple different vocal song tracks in Lunia as well to hear. I also like the background music that plays while you are traveling through various locations. The sound effects used in combat are also well done. Everything from the whirl of my character doing a series of spin kicks or the sound of my twin blades slicing into my opponents is just cool.

    Lunia is a fairly long title as there are around 50 levels to slice your way through. The cool thing is that you can do them alone (sometimes) or team up with friends or random players to fight by your side. There is also a hard difficulty where you can play through the same levels where the enemies are tougher and you receive mad experience for defeating them.

    All in all, Lunia is an awesome title. There isn’t much I dislike about it. One of the coolest things about Lunia however is the capability to use gamepads as well as conventional keyboard commands. I am a big fan of RPGs and MMOs in particular. Playing with other gamers is a pretty awesome experience, regardless if you pay to play or not. I highly recommend this title to anyone looking for a cool MMO experience without the monthly cost.

    'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

    코스프레? 귀엽다~~  (0) 2011.03.04
    World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers  (0) 2008.12.26
    Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
    Cooking Up A Blockbuster Game  (0) 2008.11.24
    Don't waste Electricity with Consle Games  (0) 2008.11.21
    Posted by CEOinIRVINE

    Gunz Hack loltastic.dll

    Online Game 2008. 12. 16. 08:28
    IJJI loltastic.dll 12/12/08


    So, I've released a dll that will take you there.
    It also has some rather cool functions :D

    This is going to get patched very quickly.

    IJJI Loltastic.dll
    It'll beep upon injection.
    The END key enables chat commands. It'll beep when you activate this as well =b.

    @godmode = Revive godmode. It'll revive you when your hp falls lower than 50.
    @ninjaflip = It'll turn your jumps into flips. You'll see what I mean when you use it.
    @beep = :D
    @revive = revives you.

    Its a simple dll. Nothing spectacular about it.

    To inject, get injex and do the following.
    1) Open injex
    2) Browse for loltastic.dll
    3) Type gunz.exe in the process name box.
    4) Go to settings and then pick 2nd instance. Settings > Instance > 2
    5) Try about 8000 delay first.
    6) Press injex
    7) Start gunz.
    8) If it doesn't inject correctly or you get an error. Try a different delay. Every computer's delay is different. Faster computers need less delay. Slower computers need more. Just keep trying. It'll be somewhere between 4000 and 10000.
    9) If it says injected, but doesn't work. That more than likely means you injected at the wrong time. Try a new delay.
    10) Good Luck.

    Q. How to inject?
    A. Heroin.

    Q. What?
    A. Heroin.

    Q. What the hell?
    A. Heroin.

    Q. What inspires your hacks?
    A. Heroin.

    Q. Are you on drugs?
    A. Heroin.

    Q. I'm sending the FBI after you.

    A. It's supposed to do that. The hack will work as normal.

    Q. What to inject with?
    A. MCinject or xInject

    Q. This dll doesn't work.
    A. Works fine.

    Q. Doesn't work.
    A. Works fine.

    Q. Its patched.
    A. No it isn't.

    Q. You're just advertising.
    A. Yea, and i also gave you a working dll?

    Q. Can't you just give us the good stuff for free?
    A. Nope. Can't be done.

    Credits to Mirageofpenguins.com staff

    Anyways, visit the website.
    I'll be releasing more stuff, better stuff. And, i'm still selling some rather entertaining hacks.
    I'm also giving a copy of the expensive dll away. See the website for more details. (Read the news)
    Attached Files
    File Type: rar loltastic.rar (40.3 KB, 956 views)

    'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

    World of Warcraft adds another half million subscribers  (0) 2008.12.26
    Lunia Chronicle  (0) 2008.12.19
    Cooking Up A Blockbuster Game  (0) 2008.11.24
    Don't waste Electricity with Consle Games  (0) 2008.11.21
    'Faith' Saves The Day (ONLINE GAME)  (0) 2008.11.11
    Posted by CEOinIRVINE

    What if, like Dr. Frankenstein, you could stitch together the best bits of your favorite games to create a guaranteed hit? What if you knew adding a few key components to a title would boost its sales exponentially or extend its shelf life? What if there was a recipe for designing a perfect game?

    Those were the answers I sought when I asked Electronic Entertainment Design and Research ( to run an algorithmic regression on a mock game called "FutureNot" that I whipped up. But such a recipe does not exist, says EEDAR President Geoffrey Zatkin. Games can't be assembled like a Mr. Potato Head doll--swapping out eyes and ears until you find the most agreeable feature set. But if you look at the whole game, it is possible to project sales and determine whether it is worth including specific ingredients.

    This is the sort of stuff the Carlsbad, Calif.-based research company does all the time for clients like Electronic Arts (nasdaq: ERTS - news - people ), Activision (nasdaq: ATVI - news - people ) and Ubisoft. Since 2006, the 20-person firm has been busy compiling sales data, classifying games and cataloging key components--everything from the art style to the gender of playable characters.

    With its database of 6,000 games, EEDAR analysts can use historical and competitive data sets to project sales for upcoming releases. It can also determine how certain developers and publishers, marketing budgets and release dates align to affect game sales.

    "Every game I have ever worked on, we've gone in blind as to which features would sell the game better," says Zatkin, who designed games for 11 years before co-founding EEDAR. Not knowing whether it would be worth an extra $500,000 to design a multiplayer mode "would scare the crap out of me," he says.

    Only 4% of games that make it to market actually make a profit, he says. About 60% of a game's budget is spent reworking or redesigning a game. Armed with all this data, companies can make those tough calls early in the development process.

    As for "FutureNot's" potential success, Zatkin analyzed it and says it's "a surprisingly decent game" that could sell 216,000 copies in six months. He notes that most developers won't make a blockbuster like "Halo 3," which has sold more than 3 million copies so far.

    'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

    Lunia Chronicle  (0) 2008.12.19
    Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
    Don't waste Electricity with Consle Games  (0) 2008.11.21
    'Faith' Saves The Day (ONLINE GAME)  (0) 2008.11.11
    Videogame Vexation  (0) 2008.11.11
    Posted by CEOinIRVINE

    Stop wasting money: video games and energy efficiency



    Kids playing video games (iStockPhoto)

    Video game consoles consume a "staggeringly high" amount of energy, according to a report the Natural Resources Defense Council is releasing on Wednesday. How much electricity do they use each year? About as much as it takes to power the city of San Diego.

    There's plenty of room for improvement. We can cut our nation's electricity bill by more than $1 billion and avoid 7 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year, according to the report.   

    How much can you personally save? Depends on what brand you choose. The Sony Playstation 3 and Microsofts Xbox 360 use as much as nine times more energy than the Nintendo Wii.

    Habits play a crucial role as well. The systems use nearly the same amount of power when they are turned on and idle as they do when you are actively playing a game or watching a movie. If left on continuously, the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 will consume the same amount of energy as two new refrigerators over the course of a year.

    Here's how the three major brands stack up against each other:

    NRDC pay to play graph

    Image from NRDC "Lowering the Cost of Play" report

    • Sony Playstation 3 is the most power-hungry model. For the 2007 version, you'll spend about $12 a year if you turn the console off when you're not using it, compared to about $134 if you leave it on all the time.  
    • Microsoft Xbox 360 ranks a close second. If you shut it down when you're not playing a game or watching a movie, it costs about $11 to operate annually. Leaving it on continuously will cost you $103.  
    • Nintendo Wii uses significantly less energy than the others. It costs about $3 a year if you turn it off after use, compared to about $10 if you don't.   

    The comprehensive report outlines significant changes industry needs to make. For now, though, here's what consumers can do to make a difference.   

    • Always turn the system off when you are done playing a game or watching a movie. Don't assume that just because you turn off the TV that your console shuts down too. It doesn't. If you're in the middle of the game, save it so that you can pick up where you left off.
    • Enable the automatic power down feature, which will shut down your device if it's left idle for a certain amount of time. This isn't always easy to do and you might need to install software first so click here for step-by-step instructions.
    • Limit movie watching on gaming devices. Viewing movies on a stand-alone unit is a lot more efficient. The Playstation 3, for example, uses five times more power than the stand-alone Sony Blu-Ray player to play the same movie.
    Environmental journalist Lori Bongiorno shares green-living tips and product reviews with Yahoo! Green's users. Send Lori a question or suggestion for potential use in a future column. Her book, Green Greener Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-smart Choices a Part of Your Life is available on Yahoo! Shopping.

    'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

    Gunz Hack loltastic.dll  (0) 2008.12.16
    Cooking Up A Blockbuster Game  (0) 2008.11.24
    'Faith' Saves The Day (ONLINE GAME)  (0) 2008.11.11
    Videogame Vexation  (0) 2008.11.11
    Lunia  (0) 2008.11.04
    Posted by CEOinIRVINE

    'Faith' Saves The Day
    'Faith' Saves The Day
    Mary Jane Irwin, 11.10.08, 6:00 PM ET

    In Pictures: Top 10 Games Starring Female Characters

    Burlingame, Calif. -

    After quickly disarming and incapacitating your pursuers, you clamber up some stairs and burst out onto a sun-drenched rooftop. Running full-tilt to the lip of the roof, you leap, roll to your feet and vault over air ducts before sliding to safety beneath a descending steel gate a few buildings away. Speedily threading your way through such obstacles is essential for survival as a lone runner against an entire police force that's trying to prevent you from discovering the truth behind a political assassination.

    Welcome to "Mirror's Edge," Electronic Arts' (nasdaq: ERTS - news - people ) new parkour-inspired action game landing in stores Tuesday. What's unique about the game--beyond its use of the first-person vantage point, which is usually reserved for shooters--is that the main character is a woman.

    The games industry has long catered to the core 18- to 34-year-old male demographic, so game developers often choose burly space marines instead of petite heroines as protagonists. But as the general audience of games expands--thanks to devices like the Nintendo (other-otc: NTDOY.PK - news - people ) Wii--it calls into question why female heroines are so under-represented in games.

    In Pictures: Top 10 Games Starring Female Characters

    According to the Entertainment Software Association, 40% of all game players are female, and nearly 30% of all console game players are women. But only 3% of games appearing on the current crop of Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ), Nintendo and Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people ) consoles star female characters, according to the research firm Electronic Entertainment Design and Research. Men fill the lead role in 46% of titles created for the latest consoles. The remaining games feature either customizable characters (normally found in role-playing games) or don't feature a lead character (such as the puzzle game "Tetris").

    The industry is not necessarily opposed to putting females in games--some of gaming's most iconic leads are women. Bounty hunter Samus Aran made waves when it was revealed at the end of the first "Metroid" game that the person behind the suit was female. Lara Croft, the female adventurer modeled after Indiana Jones, has been raiding tombs since the late '90s. And there are a host of other games like Ubisoft's "Beyond Good & Evil" and Sony's "Heavenly Sword" that star strong female characters. Still, these heroines are vastly out-numbered by their male counterparts and, historically, developers have exploited female characters for their sex appeal.

    That's why EA's decision to put the sleek and athletic Faith in the leading role of "Mirror's Edge" is so unique. "I find it's wearing a bit thin and [is] kind of childish," Owen O'Brien, the game's senior producer, says about the typical portrayal of gals in games. "I wanted to create an action hero who happened to be female--but could just as easily have been male--who wasn't trading on the fact that she was a sexual being. I was trying to create a character that was aspirational but attainable...[without] gravity-defying breasts."

    Besides, says O' Brien, Faith fits perfectly into the role of a hunted runner far better than a man ever would. If she were male, he says, players would have immediately entered shooter mode--hunting for bigger guns and better armor--instead of relying on Faith's speed and agility to disarm or dodge opponents.

    In the action genre that "Mirror's Edge" falls into, only 3% of titles released during this console cycle starred females. Men helm 51% of action games. Male characters also drive 73% of shooters while women star in a mere 1% of the games. The only genre where women have the upper hand is in Sims-like games where they star in 14% of the games versus 5% featuring men.


    See chart for a full genre breakout

    The only market where women are represented with the same frequency as men is in the casual games space. "The [casual] industry has leaned toward female characters," says Jessica Rogers, marketing director of Nickelodeon's Kids and Family Games Group. "It has a lot to do with the audience being predominately women."

    With respect to the industry at large, O'Brien has a "gut feeling" that it's moving toward equal representation. "There are more girls playing games, but there's still a long way to go," he says.

    Sarah Hoeksma, group marketing director at "Tomb Raider" publisher Eidos, says the ratio of female to male leads in gaming overall is already increasing. "A number of top publishers are now releasing games with leading female characters in games designed for gamers rather than the casual market," Hoeksma said in an e-mail. "If consumers show there is a demand for these characters, then the industry will continue to invest in the development of more female leads."

    10. Rumble Roses XX

    "Rumble Roses" is unapologetic in touting this wrestling game's "visual 'enhancements'"--it renders scantily clad women entangled in suplexes. If the female wrestlers--dressed up as cowgirls, schoolgirls and nurses--weren't scintillating in their barely there apparel, they also fight with bared breasts.

    9. Petz: Horsez 2

    The "Petz" franchise, alongside the "Imagine" line, is one of Ubisoft's core revenue generators in its Games for Everyone initiative, which generated some 25% of the companies revenues in 2007. The "Petz" games give players a virtual animal to dutifully play, train and groom. Horses, of course, appeal primarily to wee lasses, so it's of little surprise that "Horsez" stars a young female rider who gets to raise and breed steeds and participate in competitions.

    8. Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey

    Disney Princess is a $4 billion brand. All one needs to do is name drop Jasmine or Ariel and the toy will sell like hot cakes. "Enchanted Journey" is no different. Playing as a young girl, gamers must help four magical kingdoms--governed by the likes of Jasmine and Snow White--return to order after a witch stole attributes like color or time from the worlds. It's not deep, but Disney Princess is just right for the brand's 3- through 5-year

    7: Dead or Alive: Xtreme 2

    Team Ninja, the developers behind the "Dead or Alive" franchise, is well known for its catalog of busty vixens willing to fight to the death in mixed martial arts bouts. "Xtreme 2" is the follow up to spin-off "Xtreme Beach Volleyball"--basically a game about collecting various revealing sets of swim wear. The sequel beefs up its activity line up to include tug of war and jet ski racing. Don't forget the fan favorite "hip wrestling" where the girls face "back-to-back and cheek-to-cheek" as they attempt to bump each other off a platform and into a pool with their hips.

    6. Okami

    Loosely based on a Japanese myth, players take control of the goddess Amaterasu in a quest to restore peace and beauty to a demon-infested land. Throughout her journey, a wolf, the corporal manifestation of the sun goddess, is called upon to both help out citizens and fight monsters. "Okami" was critically acclaimed for its art style and innovative use of calligraphy--armed with a "Celestial Brush," players could wipe out enemies with a single stroke.

    | | | | | Share |

    5. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary

    Lara Croft is one of videogaming's most iconic women; she was even awarded the title of most successful heroine by the Guinness World Record in 2006. Modeled as a female Indiana Jones, Lara--unsurprisingly--raids tombs in search of archaeological artifacts. The "Anniversary" edition is an ode to the original 1996 classic in celebration of the brand's 10th birthday.

    4. Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend

    Lara was always meant to be a strong female lead character, but as she aged her original developer decided she needed "sexing up." For 2006's "Legend," a new development team took the reigns and rebuilt Lara and her world from the ground up in the hopes of reinvigorating the franchise. In the process--and in an attempt to appeal to more female gamers--Lara's look shifted from buoyantly bosomed to an athletic build.

    3. Hannah Montana: Spotlight World Tour

    Catering to the young female audience on the Wii (and the PlayStation 2), "Spotlight World Tour" lets gamers dance along with Hannah Montana as she performs musical numbers from the Disney television show at venues across the globe in a rhythm game mash-up.

    2. Heavenly Sword

    Nariko, a female warrior wielding a life-sapping sword, must defeat an invading army intent on capturing and harnessing the sword's deadly power. There is also a complicated backstory about how Nariko was supposed to be born the great male heir who would save her clan.

    1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    Bounty hunter Samus Aran, the star of Nintendo's "Metroid" franchise, is one of the first female protagonists to appear in videogames. When "Metroid" debuted on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986, Samsus was depicted simply as a cybernetic-suited hero. It was only at the end of the game that players learned the person behind the helmet was a female. "Metroid Prime 3" is the third installment in Nintendo's popular first-person adventure reinvention of the

    'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

    Cooking Up A Blockbuster Game  (0) 2008.11.24
    Don't waste Electricity with Consle Games  (0) 2008.11.21
    Videogame Vexation  (0) 2008.11.11
    Lunia  (0) 2008.11.04
    Lunia lunia.ijji.com  (1) 2008.10.10
    Posted by CEOinIRVINE

    Videogame Vexation

    Online Game 2008. 11. 11. 04:13

    When it comes to videogames, it has truly become a battle of the bands.

    In one corner is Activision Blizzard (nasdaq: ATVI - news - people ), which swooped onto the scene first with its "Guitar Hero" series. However, Electronic Arts (nasdaq: ERTS - news - people ), the 800-pound gorilla in the videogame world, was not about to be outdone by anyone. So the game producer soon launched its "Rock Band" series, helping to keep gamers in rock nirvana.

    Earnings season is still under way, creating huge moves in options. Click here for trades for November expiration in Bernie Schaeffer's Option Advisor.

    Today, we're going to examine the two sides and try to determine an investment winner.

    On Halloween, Electronic Arts marched into the earnings spotlight to reveal that its fiscal second-quarter net loss had widened. What's more, the firm announced plans to slash 6% of its workforce amid a slowdown at the retail level. The videogame maker, best known for its "Rock Band" and "Madden" franchises, reported a net loss for the quarter of $310 million, or 97 cents a share. Excluding items, the loss came in at 6 cents per share on revenue of $894 million, excluding a deferred revenue benefit from online-enabled packaged goods games and digital content.

    Including the benefit, revenue was up 20% to $1.13 billion. Overall, analysts had predicted an adjusted loss of 6 cents on revenue of $1.08 billion, excluding the deferred-revenue benefit.

    In addition, Electronic Arts slashed its adjusted per-share earnings expectation to a range of $1 to $1.40 from the previous projection of $1.30 to $1.70. The company still expects revenue according to Generally accepted Accounting Principles of $4.9 billion to $5.15 billion. Wall Street expected per-share earnings of $1.42 on revenue of $5.04 billion.

    Special Offer: Volatility means moneymaking opportunities for options investors in both conservative and speculative trades. Click here for high percentage and high return options trades in Bernie Schaeffer's Option Advisor.

    Technically speaking, it's been a rough year for Electronic Arts. The shares have dropped more than 60% since the start of 2008 and are now hovering at their lowest levels since October 2001. In fact, it appears the security is still struggling to put in a bottom, as it drops under resistance at its 10-day and 20-day moving averages. While the stock is clinging to support in the 22 region, ERTS could be pressured through this level as it continues its long-term downtrend.

    From a sentiment perspective, investors are surprisingly optimistic when it comes to ERTS. The Schaeffer's put/call open interest ratio, which compares put open interest against call open interest among near-term options, stands at 0.51. This low reading indicates that call open interest nearly doubles put open interest among near-term options. What's more, this reading is lower than 77% of those taken during the past year, indicating that investors have been more pessimistic just 23% of the time.

    ERTS is also vulnerable to potential downgrades. Zacks reports that nine of the 13 analysts following the stock rate it a "buy" or better. Any downgrades from this smitten bunch could spell trouble for the shares. To take advantage of this unwinding of optimistic sentiment, traders should consider the equity's January 2009 22.50 put.

    Meanwhile sales remain strong at Activision Blizzard, home of the popular "Guitar Hero" and "World of Warcraft" series. Earlier this week, the company said total revenue rolled in at $717 million, up from its year-ago levels of $610 million and the Street forecast for revenue of $632.1 million. Activision also posted a profit of $92 million, or 7 cents a share, beating the Street estimate for a profit of 4 cents per share. In addition, the company reaffirmed its full-year forecasts for an operating profit of $1.2 billion on sales of $4.9 billion.

    In an interview with Dow Jones Newswire, Activision Chief Executive Robert Kotick warned, "There's not much visibility on what consumer spending will be." However, he continued to say that "we don't see any indication that the retail environment for these products is changing. Given all economic uncertainty that exists right now, the fact we can continue to have confidence in our product portfolio is saying a lot."

    Join Steve Forbes, Josh Wolfe, Gary Shilling and a blue chip panel of investment newsletter gurus on Nov. 19-20 for a Forbes.com Investor iConference, "Profiting in Volatile Markets." The event is held entirely online. Click here for free registration.

    Shares of ATVI rallied sharply on Thursday following the positive earnings news, while shrugging off a pair of price-target cuts from brokerage firms. The security has settled into a sideways channel along support in the 10.50-11 region.

    What's more, the stock is clinging to support in the 12.25 area, which marks a 50% retracement of its rally from its July 2006 low to the July 2008 high. This area could now serve as a point from which the shares could stage their rebound following the consolidation of the stock's losses. Furthermore, one other thing to keep in mind is that ATVI has held up better than its peers in this rough market, as the shares are down less than 25% since the start of 2008.

    However, one concern with ATVI is that sentiment toward the shares is relatively optimistic. Zacks reports that 15 of the 17 analysts following ATVI rate it a "buy" or better. If consumer spending comes in weaker than expected this holiday shopping season, ATVI shares could easily be hit with a round of downgrades.

    Options players are also optimistic when it comes to the videogame maker. Looking at the front-month open interest configuration for the stock, we find that peak November call open interest rests at the out-of-the-money 17.50 strike, with more than 11,300 contracts, while the November 15 calls has open interest of 11,200 contracts.

    Meanwhile, peak November put open interest sits at the 15 strike, with fewer than 10,900 contracts. This preference for calls over puts indicates that investors aren't expecting the shares to break through support in the 11 region.

    Overall, traders will want to keep a close watch on ATVI. A strong holiday shopping season could send these shares soaring, justifying the optimism on the shares. Investors may want to wait for a weekly close above resistance at the stock's declining 10-week trend line as a sign that the security's winning ways are here to stay.

    A cousin to the videogame maker, but no less important, is the videogame retailer. At the top of the heap is GameStop (nyse: GME - news - people ), the largest retailer of new and used games, hardware, entertainment software and accessories through more than 5,550 stores located in 16 countries. The company also operates e-commerce Web sites (GameStop.com, ebgames.com) and publishes Game Informer, a videogame magazine that reaches more than 2.9 million subscribers.

    The company is slated to report earnings before the market opens on Nov. 20, with the Street forecasting a profit of 37 cents per share. Historically, the company has surpassed the consensus estimate in each of the past four quarters.

    Heading into the earnings report, Wall Street is extremely optimistic when it comes to the retailer. Zacks reports that all 12 of the analysts following the firm rate it a "buy" or better, leaving ample room for downgrades should the company post less than stellar results.

    Another concern is the stock's technical performance. The shares have dropped more than 60% since the beginning of the year and have fallen under resistance at their 10-day and 20-day moving averages during the past couple of months. The security is now struggling to hold on to support at the 24 level. From a longer-term perspective, the stock has dropped below key support at its 10-month and 20-month trend lines, pulling them into a bearish cross.

    To take advantage of a potentially sharp move following the stock's earnings report later this month, traders may want to consider playing a December 25 straddle on the security.

    'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

    Don't waste Electricity with Consle Games  (0) 2008.11.21
    'Faith' Saves The Day (ONLINE GAME)  (0) 2008.11.11
    Lunia  (0) 2008.11.04
    Lunia lunia.ijji.com  (1) 2008.10.10
    Gunz Hacking System.mrs tutorial  (0) 2008.10.03
    Posted by CEOinIRVINE