'Online Game'에 해당되는 글 17건

  1. 2008.11.04 Lunia by CEOinIRVINE
  2. 2008.10.10 Lunia lunia.ijji.com by CEOinIRVINE 1
  3. 2008.10.03 Gunz Hacking System.mrs tutorial by CEOinIRVINE
  4. 2008.09.24 Gunz Online by CEOinIRVINE 1
  5. 2008.09.18 Gunz AWESOME AUTUMN event. (gunz.ijji.com) by CEOinIRVINE
  6. 2008.09.15 [Lunia] new ijji online game by CEOinIRVINE
  7. 2008.09.15 ijji.com promising online game (guz, drift city, soldier front, lunia and etc.) by CEOinIRVINE


Online Game 2008. 11. 4. 07:33
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x587 and weights 799KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 799x590 and weights 825KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1286x793 and weights 419KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1286x793 and weights 487KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 144KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 154KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 150KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 149KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 160KB.

And here's the characters you can play as in Lunia:

Sieg the Knight

Dainn the Wizard
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1158x889 and weights 192KB.

Eir the Healer
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 150KB.

Tia the Thief
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 468KB.

Dacy the Puppeteer/Summoner
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 450KB.

Lime the Combat Slime
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 806x626 and weights 179KB.

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

'Faith' Saves The Day (ONLINE GAME)  (0) 2008.11.11
Videogame Vexation  (0) 2008.11.11
Lunia lunia.ijji.com  (1) 2008.10.10
Gunz Hacking System.mrs tutorial  (0) 2008.10.03
Gunz Online  (1) 2008.09.24
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Lunia lunia.ijji.com

Online Game 2008. 10. 10. 02:13


'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Videogame Vexation  (0) 2008.11.11
Lunia  (0) 2008.11.04
Gunz Hacking System.mrs tutorial  (0) 2008.10.03
Gunz Online  (1) 2008.09.24
Gunz AWESOME AUTUMN event. (gunz.ijji.com)  (0) 2008.09.18
Posted by CEOinIRVINE
  1. Go to where you installed Gunz. (default is C:\ijji\Gunz\English\)
  2. Find the file system.mrs
  3. Download the mrs decompiler from here:
    1. Gunz MRS Decompiler
  4. Under Decompile/Unpack, type in system (without the .mrs)
  5. A folder called system should appear
  6. Open up the folder system and there should be abuse.txt and many .xml files.
  7. Follow Alexis Septimus's tutorial
    1. Original: Guide And Tutorial In Editing System.mrs
    2. But many people are lazy so:
      Merged: Here's Alexis Septimus' tutorial.

      Are you new in editing system.mrs ? Don't know how to edit it ? Here is a tutorial on how you can edit system.mrs without having any trouble at all.

      1) abuse.txt

      You must be wandering how the heck should you edit abuse.txt, did't you ?

      Well, abuse.txt is part of the system.mrs that are implement by ijji to prevent users from using vulgar language.

      You can remove the filter by using the example below.

  8. Before Edit 2,b@stard END After Edit END

    Once you set it out this way. Whenever you chat with a person at gunz, you can use the word which had been filter by ijji. From this example shown, you can't used the word b@stard. But, after you remove it from the abuse.txt. You can use it whenever you want.

    Do not remove the word END, if you remove it. You system.mrs might crash and not working.

    2) AnimationEvent.xml

    I recommend you not to touch this part cause this part had been done nicely by ijji.

    3) channelrule.xml

    You must be wondering what the heck is channelrule is all about.

    To make it simple for you, channelrule is to enable you to create certain map which are prohibited for certain channel.

    For example, channelrule enable you to create Stairway map while you are inside Expert Channel, Beginner Channel, Free Channel and etc etc channel that unable to create this map.

    How to enable it ? Here is a example shown below

    Prohibited Map (Before Enable) <!-- <MAP name="Stairway" /> --> Prohibited Map (After Enable) <MAP name="Stairway" />

    Once you do so, the stairway would be available for the channel. However, I can't guarantee this might work or not cause ijji might had patch this part and make it to server-sided instead of client-sided.

    4) chatcmds.xml

    I recommend you not to touch this part cause this part had been done nicely by ijji.

    5) cserror.xml

    You might be asking me what is this cserror.xml all about. Won't you ?

    At here, you can edit all those command that would appear at gunz whenever you did something such as selling/buying item or get disconnect from server and etc etc.

    Here is a example of how you can edit it.

    Before Edit <STR id="30003">You cannot enter at your current level.</STR> After Edit <STR id="30003">Are you stupid ? You cannot enter at your current level.</STR>
    6) droptable.xml

    Don't bother to edit this part cause ijji had already make [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]it [COLOR=orange! important]server[/color][/color]-sided.[/color]

    7) filelist.xml

    This is the most important part of all the entire system.mrs, it is also the part where you are require to edit it if you want to develop a auto-quest map or wall hack map such as Virus Zero System.

    You need to ensure the crc32 number of the auto-quest map are match with the crc32 number at your filelist.xml or else you would get Can't Create Game Error whenever you try to play Quest mode.

    Example are show below.

    Auto-Quest map CRC32 number is 2864d73a Before Edit <FILE NAME="quest/maps/Dungeon_cavern1/Dungeon_cavern1.RS" CRC32="a72808fc"/> After Edit <FILE NAME="quest/maps/Dungeon_cavern1/Dungeon_cavern1.RS" CRC32="2864d73a"/>
    Please do remember that all the crc32 number in this filelist.xml must match with the entire crc32 number of xml available inside the system or else your system would crash.

    8) gametypecfg.xml

    This is the section all system editor edit their system.mrs to enable megastage.

    However, due to ijji fix this section. I don't think it is necessary to explain about this section anymore.

    9) LenzFlare.xml

    I recommend you not to touch this part cause this part had been done nicely by ijji.

    10) locale.xml

    There is nothing to be edit in this section

    11) messages.xml

    This section similiar to cserror.xml, below are the example

    Before Edit Vote is rejected After Edit Your vote had been throw into dustbin
    12) notify.xml

    There is nothing to be edit in this section

    13) npc.xml

    Don't bother to edit this part cause ijji had already make it server-sided.

    14) questmap.xml

    Don't bother to edit this part cause it is server-sided.

    15) scenario.xml

    Don't bother to edit this part cause it is server-sided.

    16) strings.xml

    You must be asking me what is strings.xml is all about ? Won't you ? Well, all I can said is this section is for those item description and you can edit those weapon and armor description at here.

    There is 4 way to change the title and description. However, I would just mention 1 way cause this is simple and yet faster for me.

    Below are the example being shown

    Before Edit <STR id="ZITEM_NAME_1">Rusty Dagger</STR> <STR id="ZITEM_DESC_1">It has some rust here and there. Once used, it's sure to be difficult to sell.</STR> After Edit <STR id="ZITEM_NAME_1">Dark-Sun Martial Dagger</STR> <STR id="ZITEM_DESC_1">An obscure dagger handed down from the Moon dynasty.</STR>
    17) system.xml

    I recommend you not to touch this part cause this part had been done nicely by ijji.

    18) tips.xml

    You ask me what is tips ? Well, tips is something you give waiter after he serve you. Just kidding dude, well tips.xml is used to edit those message that appear in gunz loading screen whenever you start a game or join a game in a lobby.

    Below are example of how you should edit it.

    Before Edit <MSG>If you have any inquiries about GunZ, you may use the Helpdesk function on the GunZ Main Page.</MSG> After Edit <MSG>Auto-Quest Map by lalalakid</MSG>
    19) worlditem.xml

    You might be asking me, what is worlditem.xml is all about.
    Well, worlditem.xml is for you to set the time interval or should I said respawn rate of item that could recover your hp/ap/ammo and how effective it is when it comes to recovery.

    If you set the time shorter, it would respawn faster while if you set the time longer. The item would take longer time to respawn.

    If you set the amount higher, the more it would recover you while the lesser you set the amount, the less efficient it would be.

    Here is a example show below.

    Before Edit <WORLDITEM id="01" name="hp01"> <TYPE>hp</TYPE> <TIME>3000</TIME> <AMOUNT>10</AMOUNT> <MODELNAME>red</MODELNAME> After Edit <WORLDITEM id="01" name="hp01"> <TYPE>hp</TYPE> <TIME>500</TIME> <AMOUNT>50</AMOUNT> <MODELNAME>red</MODELNAME>
    Please be wary not to set it too high or too low cause it might cause your system.mrs to crash.

    20) zitem.xml

    Ok, this is the part where most of the work are and perhaps the part which is the most headache for those beginner who want to develop their own system.mrs with premium/quest/unreleased item


    mesh name is to edit some clothes or weapon to other type of look.

    For example, dagger01 is the code for Rusty Dagger while dagger02 is the code for Phantom Slaying Dagger



    Once you edit it to dagger02, Rusty Dagger no longer look like Rusty Dagger. But, it would look like Phantom Slaying Dagger.


    This is to enable whether a men character or women character able to use this equipment or not. I recommend you not to mess with it.


    No point in edit this part although you make the level requirement lower, the level requirement are still normal cause it is server-sided.


    Server-sided, no use in edit it


    Server-sided, no use in edit it


    When you reduce the delay, your weapon could attack faster while increase the delay would make it attack slower.

    It work perfectly while in quest mode when you are solo. While you are playing with other player, your attack speed are still normal to them although you attack them faster. Thus, there is no point in editing this section cause it would just waste ammo cause your firing speed is faster.

    However, there is some information that said it work perfectly well with melee weapon cause it enable them to slash/stab faster at gladiator mode while some claim it work well with range weapon if you did't reduce the delay too much. But, don't ask me, I not sure regarding about this matter.




    Ok, this is the part where a lot of system editor make error regarding about it.

    If you are making a auto-quest system.mrs, then it is good if you increase the weapon damage. But, it ain't good if your system.mrs is for other mode.

    You must be asking me, why should we reduce the damage instead of increasing it ? Won't it be much better ?

    Ok, here is my explaination. This is because system.mrs are client-sided and everybody had their own system.mrs. If you increase the damage of your system.mrs, you would eventually receive more damage shall your opponent hit you with weapon that you had edit the damage inside the current system.mrs you are using by increasing it.

    However, if you reduce the weapon damage. You would receive lesser damage depends on how much you edit in your system.mrs.

    You might ask me, if I reduce my weapon damage in my system.mrs. Won't I deal lesser damage to him ?

    No, you won't deal lesser damage to him. As I said before, this system.mrs are client-sided and everybody had their own system.mrs. Thus, they would receive the damage from your weapon according to their own system.mrs

    Another possible question you might ask me is why should I increase the weapon damage if I want to develop auto-quest system.

    This is because monster at quest mode are client-sided to your system.mrs, they ain't another player who had their own system.mrs. Thus, they would receive the edited damage from your system.mrs

    However, if you edit the weapon damage for NPC (Monster) to lesser. You would receive lesser damage from them while increase it would make their attack stronger. This is where most system editor edit to make it unnecessary for a player to switch on god mode using other type of hack whenever they auto-quest.


    What is range ? Ok, edit the range of the weapon would be fun. Ever wonder to see a dagger able to stab a enemy from extremely far distance ? Wow, this is far better compare to Houdini magic trick.

    But, be wary this only work for quest mode. If you increase the range of the weapon to be able to slash/stab or shoot further, it won't do you any good in any other mode other then quest mode.


    Control ability is to prevent your weapon from spraying. Set it to "O" to make the weapon had 100% accurancy. If you set it to "100", your weapon would completely spray out.


    magazine ? Book for you to read perhaps ? Nope, if you edit this section to had more ammo. You would had more ammunition, but those ammunition might not fully function at all except at quest mode when you are questing alone.


    Edit the reload time would enable you to reload faster, but it might not work.


    if you add number into it, let's said from "O" to "25", the item would add your life by 25. But, if you set it from "O" to "-25". It would deduct your life instead of increase your life. So, remember not to add a dash on it if you don't want this to happen.

    Please don't add to much such as 9999 cause ijji had set the limit. It would just make your system crash


    Same like hp


    Don't need to edit, server-sided.


    Same like magazine


    Setting the limitspeed to 100 would enable you to walk in normal speed while setting it to below 100 would cause your movement speed decrease.

    This is where VirusZero and me set the speed to 0 to develop anchor lock for our auto-quest system.

    If you ask me, if set to more then 100. I don't know, but probably would make your system.mrs crash.


    Set it to "1" would prevent the user of the system.mrs from making thing such as wall running while setting it to "0" would enable them to wall running.

    This is where all those system editor edit to make the user of their system capable to wall run with rocket launcher and machine gun.

    21) zquestitem.xml

    I recommend you not to touch this part cause this part had been done nicely by ijji.

    22) zskill.xml

    Ok, we are down to the final section of editing system.mrs

    Here is where you edit the system.mrs to prevent the monster from casting spell to you.

    However, I lazy want to explain all of it. Just give this small detail to you all.


    Set it to 0 to prevent the monster spell from damaging you while adding it would increase the damage.


    Set it as high as possible, so that the monster only able to cast the spell only once if they really do cast it.


    Sometimes when the monster cast a spell at you, you would bounce to somewhere else. Did't you ? Set it to 0 to prevent such a thing happen.

    That's all I had to said, there is actually more function available to be explain. But, I am too lazy to write more then that. In the meantime, enjoy editing system.mrs

    Remember to thanks me if this guide/tutorial help you in editing system.mrs
  9. If you want to add premium clothes, follow x1nixmzeng's guide.
    1. Original: Guide to Adding Premium Items
    2. Many are lazy....Zzz...
      Shared by donzqwijn

      Normally, you copy the clothes you want to add, and paste over the original item, leaving two of the same items with seperate ID's.

      Now, you have to swap them over.

      I'll warn you now, it takes twice as long (if not longer) to get the same sort of system as back in December.

      All these edits are done in zitem.xml, and remember to hash this file to 7B2C02BC.

      Example 1 - Replacing Ares Iron Gloves with PA Gloves (MALE)

      Ares Iron Gloves now using PA Gloves mesh

      <ITEM id="522020" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_522020" mesh_name="eq_hands_15" totalpoint="0" type="equip" res_sex="m" res_level="15" slot="hands" weight="3" bt_price="500000" ="1" ap="13" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" color="#FFFFFFFF" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_522020" />
      PA Gloves now using Ares Iron Gloves mesh

      <ITEM id="22003" name="STR:ZITEM_NAME_22003" mesh_name="eq_hands_34" totalpoint="0" type="equip" res_sex="m" res_level="20" slot="hands" weight="8" bt_price="1000" hp="0" ap="15" maxwt="0" sf="0" fr="0" cr="0" pr="0" lr="0" ="#FFFFFFFF" desc="STR:ZITEM_DESC_22003" />

      Quick Editing Tips
      1. <LI _Knee="1" xTdBw="0">Locate items in strings.xml. You can search for item id's you found here.
      2. Use Gunz Entropy (not clams system, the program). You can see which items have been edited and check if you've got something wrong without starting Gunz.
      3. Thank the mrs editors! This new technique takes a lot more effort!
      This is discussion - do not post your files here, be very specific with what you have problems with.

      This technique applies to weapon and clothing meshes. We are unable to edit some stats.
  10. Take note of the xml files which you have edited.
  11. After you have edited the xml files you want, open up filelist.xml.
  12. Download BruteCRC from here:
    1. [release][tool]BruteCRC
    2. Tutorial on how to use BruteCRC:
      1. Start BruteCRC tool and press Select.
      2. Pick 1 of the file(s) you edited.
      3. Look at the filelist.xml for the crc hash of the file you edited, paste it in the request crc32[hex] field and press Do it.
      4. Wait for a while. Depending on the file size, the amount of time needed differs.
      5. A popup will appear, with something like Append bytes to file? Press Yes.
      6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 for every file you edited.
    3. If you don't understand my instructions, you might want to take a look at x1nixmzeng's tutorial with screenshots.
      1. Post-MRS Editing Tutorial [PICS]
  13. Use the MRS Decompiler tool (link provided above) and compile the system back.
    1. Under Compile/Pack, key in the folder name where all the .xml files reside in (default is system).
    2. Click Compile.
    3. A system.mrs file has appeared.
  14. Congrats, you have created your own system, instead of leeching from other people!


  • Please read and follow instructions carefully and no errors will occur.
  • BruteCRC may look like it is crashing when you click Request. Just wait and it will not crash.

Editing Notes:

  • Editing weapon damages will get you kicked out of room immediately.
  • Editing weapon delays will get you kicked out of room immediately.
  • MAIET updated something so quest NPCs' melee will hit you even if you set mod.damage to 0. To overcome that:
    1. Open zitem.xml in Notepad.
    2. Press Ctrl - F to find a phrase.
    3. Type in NPC.
    4. Once you have found the phrase NPC, look below it.
    5. Delete everything within the arrows (the arrows are below the phrase NPC).
    6. Resistance to melee attacks are working now xD

Please, I made this tutorial because I don't like the Gunz Hacks/Bots Discussion section to be flooded with "Help" titles.

Sv3nt3k or lalalakid, if you find this useful, you might want to stick this?

  • Me
  • x1nixmzeng (one of my heroes other than Batman XD)
  • Alexis Septimus

Please do not leech this and post it on other forums. I made this strictly for GZP, my favourite game hacking site XP

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Lunia  (0) 2008.11.04
Lunia lunia.ijji.com  (1) 2008.10.10
Gunz Online  (1) 2008.09.24
Gunz AWESOME AUTUMN event. (gunz.ijji.com)  (0) 2008.09.18
[Lunia] new ijji online game  (0) 2008.09.15
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Gunz Online

Online Game 2008. 9. 24. 07:56

Guz Online

Setting up a GunZ Server - Complete Tutorial

What you are going to need:

(Downloads which have no link can easily be searched for to find the program)

Before you do anything, you are going to need to install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express and Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Step 1 - Setting up the Database and ODBC:

Creating/Connecting the Database

Open Server Management Studio Express* (SMSE). Within the Object Explorer Panel you will notice the ‘Database’ folder, right click it, click ‘New Database…’.

A ‘New Database’ form will open, and in the text input type ‘GunzDB’ and click OK, your database has been created.

The next thing you are going to want to do is restore the Database. Click File> Open> File… and locate your GunzDB.sql file and open it. You are going to have to connect to the database engine, the settings are alright so all you need to do is click ‘Connect’. Now right click on ‘File’ and allow the ‘SQL Editor’ tool bar to show.

In the toolbar there is a drop-down menu with the ‘master’ database selected, click on the arrow and select the ‘GunzDB’ database and click the button next to the drop-down menu, ‘Execute’. A message showing ‘Command(s) completed successfully.’ should notify you that you have done this all correctly.

Creating the ODBC

Click Start> Run> and in the windows input type ‘odbcad32′. You should already be in the ‘User DSN’ tab so click on ‘Add’. Another window should pop-up. You’ll have to scroll all the way down to the bottom and select ‘SQL Server’ then click ‘Finish’.

Another window/form will pop-up needing information for your new Data Source. For the name, type ‘GunzDB’, for the description you may type whatever you like, but for the SQL server you which to connect to, you must go back into SMSE*, look in the SQL Editor tool bar and click the 2nd icon which will disconnect you from data engine. Now click the 1st icon which will re-connect you, but make sure to copy the ‘Server name’ this time, then click ‘Connect’.

Now having that in hand, you can go back to creating your ODBC and in the ‘Server’ text input, paste in your server name. Click next since the settings are currently fine. Now in the next part, click on the tick box and select ‘GunzDB’ from the drop-down menu and click ‘Next’ and finally click ‘Finish’.

If you would like to check your data source, click ‘Test Data Source…’ in the window or you can just click ‘OK’ to finish. Now to completely finish it, click ‘OK’ again.

Step 2 - Patching GunZ:

Install your GunZ game to a directory of your choice. Now open the Legacy Gamers patch and find the directory where you installed your GunZ game into, and run the patch. After that is done, this step is complete.

Step 3 - Configuring the Server:

Place the server files in your C:\ drive and extract them into a folder with the name ‘GunzServer’. Once in the folder, go to the ‘Locator’ folder and then open the ‘Locator.ini’ file. Somewhere in the file you should see these lines of code:



You can either change the ‘′ to your actual IP or localhost which is ‘′. Besides that everything else is fine.

Make your way to the MatchServer folder and run ‘MatchServer.exe’, once loaded you may minimize it.

Step 4 - Creating an Account (Manually):

Bring up SMSE and expand the ‘Database’ folder if it hasn’t already been done. Expand ‘GunzDB’, expand ‘Tables’ and right click on ‘dbo.Accounts’ and ‘Open table’.

You do not need to worry about the AID field as that is an automatic generation of account number. In the UserID field, type your account ID, in the Password field, type your account password and in the UGradeID, type in your account grade.


Account Grades
Administrator - 255
Developer - 254
Banned - 253
Normal User - *Leave Blank*

After you have typed all of that in, press enter and on the SQL Editor toolbar click ‘Execute’ (The exclamation mark symbol).

Step 5 - Configuring ‘config.xml’ to connect to your server:

With that all done, go to the folder where you installed GunZ/Legacy Gamers Patch and find the file ‘config.xml’. Right click on it and open with notepad, or similar. You will see this portion of code:



You are going to need to change the ‘legacygamers.com’ section to the IP you wrote in the ‘Locator.ini’, if you wrote the localhost IP just change it to read:



Then save the file, File> Save and close it.

Step 6 - Unpacking ’system.mrs’:

Extract ‘mrs.rar’ into your GunZ directory. Create a folder called ‘MRS’ inside your GunZ directory and place the files ‘mrs.exe, zlib.dll and system.mrs’ into that folder.

Now, you will need to open WinRAR, direct yourself to the ‘MRS’ folder in your hard drive. Highlight ’system.mrs’ and click the ‘Add’ button. A window will pop-up, select RAR for the archive format and click ‘OK’. Now go back to your ‘MRS’ folder and create a new ‘Text File’ with any name you like, but in the file type:


mrs.exe d system.mrs

Now save it and change the file extension to ‘.bat’ from ‘.txt’. Now run that file and a folder named ’system’ should come up. Go into that folder and copy the file ‘zitem.xml’.

Go back to your ‘MatchServer’ folder and paste the ‘zitem.xml’ over the one that is in there. You might need to run your MatchServer.exe again for it to take changes.

Step 7 - Logging in

Run your GunZ client and type the account ID and account password that you used when you made your account in SMSE, you should login.

Congratulations, you have made your GunZ server, enjoy!

Posted by CEOinIRVINE

Visit a website: gunz.ijji.com

사용자 삽입 이미지

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Lunia lunia.ijji.com  (1) 2008.10.10
Gunz Hacking System.mrs tutorial  (0) 2008.10.03
Gunz Online  (1) 2008.09.24
[Lunia] new ijji online game  (0) 2008.09.15
ijji.com promising online game (guz, drift city, soldier front, lunia and etc.)  (0) 2008.09.15
Posted by CEOinIRVINE
Posted by CEOinIRVINE

www.ijji.com enjoy your free games

사용자 삽입 이미지

'Online Game' 카테고리의 다른 글

Lunia lunia.ijji.com  (1) 2008.10.10
Gunz Hacking System.mrs tutorial  (0) 2008.10.03
Gunz Online  (1) 2008.09.24
Gunz AWESOME AUTUMN event. (gunz.ijji.com)  (0) 2008.09.18
[Lunia] new ijji online game  (0) 2008.09.15
Posted by CEOinIRVINE